Monday, May 4, 2015

Proof of Kempon Hokke complicity in slander

                   Myomanji head temple of the Kempon Hokke sect

"To avoid complicity (yodozai), do not give religious offerings to other sects or religions or receive the religious offerings from those who do not accept the above doctrine and do not attend the   services of other sects.


"If there are bhikshus, bhikshunis, upasikas, upasikas, who put forth coarse, evil words and blaspheme the True Dharma, and creating this grave karma, never repent and have no penitence in their minds.... in that True Dharma they never have the mind to guard, spare, erect or establish but disparage, attack, slight and belittle and have many errors and faults in their words.... these also one names, 'heading towards the way of the icchantikas.' Only excluding classes of icchantikas such as these, if one donates to the remaining ones, it is to be praised" (Great Parinirvana Sutra 10: T.12.425a-b).

"If they are blasphemers, one ought not to abide together with them and likewise not approach and be intimate with them; if one approaches and is intimate and abides together with them, at once one heads toward the Avici Hell" -- Jurinkyo Sutra (Sutra of Ten Wheels) "Chapter of the Multitude of Good Appearances" (T.13.704b, cited  at Nambu Rokuro dono gosho, STN, v. 1, 487; Chu Hokekyo, v. jo, 2-79).

"Although nourishing (yashinau) the monks of the various sects of the Tendai, Shingon, and others of the present age outwardly appears, indeed, to be good [karmic] roots, inwardly it is a great evil surpassing even the Ten Evils and Five Rebellious [Sins]" (Chie bokoku gosho, STN, v.2, 1130).

"Only one should exclude and put away the blasphemous offerings of those of the Shingon, Zen Sect, Nembutsu and so on. For example, they are like adhering to and reverencing the Emperor Shakra [King of the Devas or Gods] while exalting and esteeming the asuras [the enemies of the Gods]"(Jomyo shonin gohenji, STN, v. 2, 1300). -- Translations by Graham Lamont


  1. "Neither Buddhas nor gods would ever accept contributions from those who slander the correct teaching. Then how can we human beings accept them? The deity of Kasuga Shrine5 proclaimed through an oracle that he would accept nothing from those with impure hearts, though he should have to eat the flames of burning copper; that he would refuse to set foot in their homes, though he should have to sit on red-hot copper. He would rather come down to a miserable hut with weeds choking the passageway, or to a poor thatched house. He declared that he would never visit persons lacking in faith, even if they hung sacred festoons for a thousand days to welcome him, but that he would go to a house where the people have a mind of faith, even though they might be in mourning for a parent. Lamenting that slanderers have overrun this country, the benevolent gods have abandoned it and ascended to heaven. “Those with impure hearts” means those who refuse to embrace the Lotus Sutra, as is stated in the fifth volume of the sutra. If the gods themselves regard alms from slanderers as more abominable than the flames of burning copper, how could we human beings possibly accept them? If someone were to kill our parents and then try to offer us some gift, could we possibly accept it? Not even wise persons or sages can avoid the hell of incessant suffering if they accept offerings from slanderers. Nor should you associate with slanderers, for if you do, you will share the same guilt as they. This you should fear above all.

    Shakyamuni Buddha is the father, sovereign, and teacher of all the other Buddhas and all the gods, of the whole assembly of human and heavenly beings, and of all living beings. How could the heavenly gods and benevolent deities rejoice if the Buddha were killed? Today all the people of our country have proved to be enemies of Shakyamuni Buddha, but more than laymen or laywomen, it is the priests with perverse wisdom and hearts who are the Buddha’s worst enemies. There are two kinds of wisdom, correct and perverse. No matter how wise a person may appear, if his assertions are warped you should not listen to him. Nor should you follow priests merely because they are venerable or of high rank..." -- Letter to Niike

  2. rev. tsuchiya of the kempon is a slanderous coward.
