Sunday, May 10, 2015

SGI schism in Singapore deepens

"The editorial team of Hosshaku Kempon extends our appreciation to this reader, Concerned Youth for his valuable contribution. We greatly believe that the content of his sharing, will deeply inspire those whom find resonance to his unfavorable, yet eventful encounter. 

We strongly encourage any members or leaders who undergo similar experiences to step forward to share your valuable encounters to further revealing the truth so that more and more leaders and members will be awaken to the hard truth. The awakening process will ultimately lead us to build an organisation in tandem to the Buddha's will and the expectations of our mentor. 

Basing on this important mission, we hope to fulfill the objective of this website. 

Our Objective:This website is dedicated to a group of true practitioners in Singapore Soka Association (SSA), who are being falsely maligned and persecuted, based on groundless accusation by certain members of the top leadership. It is also dedicated towards the advancement of kosen-rufu based on the spirit of the three founding presidents and the SGI. 

In this site, readers will find evidential instances of the existing top leadership in SSA who have departed from the spirit of our 3 founding presidents. This site will endeavor to be objective in providing observations and revelations to its readers, away from the manipulative propaganda of the top leadership. It is the vision of the administrators of this site to educate and strengthen our readers through the sharing of truth so that each and everyone of them may have the courage to speak up and stop further erosion of the spirit by the top leadership. 

It is our fervent wish that true disciples of Sensei will eventually stand up to restore our mentor’s spirit through the Hosshaku Kempon of SSA! 

As such, we wish to clarify that the faults and issues raised herein do not lie in its entirety with the organization, its leadership and members but specifically on certain individuals of the top leadership."

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