Saturday, May 9, 2015

Why return or burn the Nichikan Gohonzon

The Nichikan Gohonzon is the “banner of propagation of the Soka Gakkai.” Why would anyone who disassociates from the Soka Gakkai embrace the Soka Gakkai banner of propagation? It is as if the US founding fathers would have continued to hold high the flag of England.


  1. only worse with the sgii nicikan honzon because the english flag won't guarantee one a ticket to the relentless hell, where as a corrupted object of worship , will

  2. My advice fo Soka Gakkai members who feel that they've been had

    Tell them you have paid for a Ten World Gohonzon because that's what they told you it was.

    But you latter found out that it wasn't what you paid for and feel ripped off because it has only has 7 worlds

    The worlds that are represented by Devadatta/ Hell, Asura/Anger and Sharihotsu/ learning are missing

    Isn't it Mystic how the number of this 101 gosho( the real aspect of the Gohonzon) that describes a Real Gohonzon is the same as the number of the 101 Denpo Gohonzon that you can download that is a complete Nichiren inscribed authentic 10 world Gohonzon

    Nichiren explains the 10 world Gohonzon in this Gosho. This letter contains a description of the Gohonzon that details the figures represented therein and their significance. The Daishonin also underscores the importance of faith in the Gohonzon.

    Think of the Gohonzon as a mirror. “Never seek this Gohonzon outside yourself,” adding that the Gohonzon is also found only in faith

    In order to have proper faith we need to know what it is that we are looking at, other wise it would be like looking into a mirror where parts of our body are missing. This is a metaphor for the structure of ichinen sanzen that the 10 worlds are an integral part of that which is missing in the Nichikan Gohonzon
