Tuesday, June 16, 2015

A burger is a burger?

"When I made my metamorphosis to Kempon Hokke Kai recently, I had a discussion (via fax) with Rev. Kubota. First, I told him that I wanted to care for my SGI Gohonzon because I had it for a very long time and had a lot of feelings towards it. Rev. Kubota told me that "many women still love their husband even after they are abused, and feelings are not a reason to hold on to it. The major thing is, will that honzon guide you to the Eternal Buddha Shakyamuni"

I asked Rev. Kubota to resolve the difference between the Kempon Hokke Gohonzon and the SGI Gohonzon, which I have since returned and have eliminated [from my mind].  Rev. Kubota said: "If I gave you a menu from Denny's restaurant, and you went to McDonald's you would still get a burger, but not the one that Denny's has on their menu."

A Burger is a burger, right? "No" says Rev. Kubota "that is like saying all religions lead to Buddhahood, or that each religion is correct. The SGI makes their Honzon look like a Gohonzon that installs the Eternal Buddha as their article of honor, but the SGI Honzon, institutes Nichiren as the Buddha on their Honzon. This is against the will of St. Nichiren. Our founder has said that we should singularly worship the Eternal Buddha of the Lotus Sutra. It is like saying that only a burger from Denny's will cure your hunger."

Rev. Kubota explained, "If you want a hamburger from Denny's the lone location you can get it from is Denny's. All the other hamburger restaurants will try and fool you saying that theirs is superior, or grand, or that yours isn't really that good. When you trust the words of our founder, St. Nichiren, you ache only for his Gohonzon, and not the honzon of other sects who say that they have a inclusive or improved Gohonzon. It would seem only a earthy wish, that if you worship the Eternal Shakyamuni and St. Nichiren as our founder you would not be fearful of receiving a Gohonzon penned by our founder, St. Nichiren. We can see by the total of, people in America that have SGI honzons, that it is easy to deceive someone saying, here is a Denny's hamburger' if they have never seen a Denny's hamburger. They then develop fear to even sample something you display to them and say you have been misled, you are not consuming a burger from Denny's but from McDonald's' they get furious and damn you."

"When SGI believers honor "Myoho Renge Kyo" they are revering the Buddha next door, but not the Eternal Buddha that Nichiren worshiped. And this is very dreadful, that people should be so easily deceived."

How many SGI members returned their Nikken Gohonzon, for an SGI Gohonzon? Yet they will not return their SGI Gohonzon for a Gohonzon autographed by Nichiren Daishonin. They are going to try and tell us that they are not brainwashed? Any burger is OK!

The despondent SGI people just shifted over to Nichiren Shoshu Taisekiji for one cause or another. They went from McDonald's to Wendy's? A plain burger without the condiments.

As a seeker of Buddha, I want the teaching of Nichiren and Shakyamuni, and I can only find that in the Kempon Hokke Kai."

[In no way am I endorsing the Kempon Hokke Kai but rather, the Nichiren Gohonzon]

author unknown

1 comment:

  1. Talking about burgers, few would argue that the McDonalds burger is better than the In and Out burger but many more millions of people buy and consume the McDonalds burger. In like manner, the SGI Gohonzon may indeed be likened to the McDonald's burger and the Nichiren Gohonzon to the In and Out burger.
