Thursday, June 18, 2015

Eagle Peak blog South Carolina prediction of 7/25/14 with comments

"South Carolina will shortly experience a once in a millenium natural disaster thanks to the expansion of the heretical SGI. A pity. A shame!"


  1. What do you mean, what's about to happen? I live in the land down under where we have been having our share of record breaking disasters, pretty much like the rest of the world. Look at the nuclear disaster in japan. Don't you think it is ironic that while the Gakkai was focusing on the evils of Nuclear war over the last 40 years that the Trojan Horse of the so called friendly Nuclear power was raced through the halls of power via the Gakkai/Mitsubishi...Komeito...LDP,and at the same time the Geo Thermal Power plants were being mothballed. If we can't trust them with the teachings of Nichiren how can they be trusted with money.
    Toxic Buddhism = Toxic wasteland - the environment is a reflection of our life condition. Now I hear that Mitsubishi is the the Gakkai's main bank that invests in nuclear weapons, that the Gakkai is supposed to appose - this would have to be the height of their hypocrisy. So much for our glorious future - thankyou glorious mentor Ikeda and company - why didn't we listen to Nichiren- Because this is a Hell Planet where the lowest of the low have been sentenced for the crimes that they committed in in higher worlds.
  2. Nichiren teaches:

    "Outbreaks of the three calamities and seven disasters that occurred thereafter were for the most part due to confusion within Buddhism itself. But these would affect only one or two persons, or one or two provinces, one or two clans, or one or two areas. Such disasters occurred because of the curse of the gods, because Buddhism was slandered, or because of the people’s distress."

    I can not say exactly what will befall the province of South Carolina, only the assurance that some great calamity will certainly arise there. It will be specific punishment and limited [to this area] because of the confusion engendered by the SGI expansion there.

    What you are talking about is the general punishment befalling the world for refusing to embrace the Lotus Sutra and Supreme Votary, Nichiren Daishonin:

    "The three calamities and seven disasters of these past thirty years or more, however, are due solely to the fact that the entire country of Japan hates me, Nichiren. In province after province, district after district, and village after village, everyone from the ruler on down to the common people seethes in anger against me such as the world has never seen. This is the first time that the fundamental darkness has erupted in the lives of ordinary people caught in the illusions of thought and desire.13 Even if they pray to the gods, the Buddha, or the Lotus Sutra, these calamities will only be aggravated. But it is different when the votary of the Lotus Sutra offers prayers to the essential teaching of the Lotus Sutra. In the final analysis, unless we succeed in demonstrating that this teaching is supreme, these disasters will continue unabated."

    That and, of course, the nature of the times steeped in Anger, Avarice, and Stupidity.

    I couldn't agree with you more.


  1. Another example of the Buddha's "tough love," huh? Your prognostications are no less ridiculous than the California state lawmaker who said the drought is a result of an abortion epidemic.

  2. You don't need to shoot the messenger, the same is happening in our times as it was in Nichirens Day. When we read Nichiren's writings his warnings stand out and speak for themselves all throughout his Goshos

    We can understand why Buddhists that follow other teachings of Shakyamuni and other Buddhas want to stop the cycle of birth and death. It is because we are attracted to the idea of the cessation of suffering because there is so much suffering in this world

    But remember what Nichiren said !

    Happiness in This World

    THERE is no true happiness for human beings other than chanting Nam/u-myoho-renge-kyo. The sutra reads, “. . . where living beings enjoy themselves at ease.” How could this passage mean anything but the boundless joy of the Law? Surely you are included among the “living beings.” “Where” means Jambudvīpa, and Japan lies within Jambudvīpa.

    Could “enjoy themselves at ease” mean anything but that both our bodies and minds, lives and environments, are entities of three thousand realms in a single moment of life and Buddhas of limitless joy?

    There is no true happiness other than upholding faith in the Lotus Sutra. This is what is meant by “peace and security in their present existence and good circumstances in future existences.”

    Though worldly troubles may arise, never let them disturb you. No one can avoid problems, not even sages or worthies.

    Drink sake only at home with your wife, and chant Nam/u-myoho-renge-kyo.

    Suffer what there is to suffer, enjoy what there is to enjoy.

    Regard both suffering and joy as facts of life, and continue chanting Nam/u-myoho-renge-kyo, no matter what happens.

    How could this be anything other than the boundless joy of the Law? Strengthen your power of faith more than ever.

    With my deep respect,


    The twenty-seventh day of the sixth month in the second year of Kenji (1276), cyclical sign hinoe-ne

    Reply to Shijō Kingo

  3. The world would be better off if Nichiren never manifested. The world would still have the Lotus Sutra with a lot less religious divisiveness. I had no idea SGI, SC was surging in recruitment but apparently, white-supremacy and NRA fear-mongering are still not considered to be terroristic.

    "They do not think to renounce suffering
    Nor seek liberation
    therefore, they head east and west
    In the burning house of the three realms.
    though they meet with great suffering,
    they do not see it as a concern."


