Wednesday, June 24, 2015

On Nichiren Shoshu's bogus face to face bestowal and the true inheritors of the Law

There was no face to face bestowal between Aryasimha and Nan-yueh, let alone between between Aryasimha and Tientai. There was no face to face bestowal between Tientai and Dengyo nor between Dengyo and Nichiren Daishonin. What characterizes and identifies these men as successors to the Buddha was their Enlightenment derived from the scrolls of the Lotus Sutra and not from a Shingon-like essence transferred from a living master in the seat of the Law to a disciple. The Transmission Through the Scrolls of the Sutra is another meaning of "follow the Law and not persons" and one of the pillars of Nichiren's teachings. At this time, only a handful of people faithfully practice this principle. Only those who  believe in the Succession Through the Scrolls of the Sutra and the writings of Nichiren Daishonin are inheritors of the Law.


  1. Those who believe in a living [or soon to be dead] mentor in the seat of the Law are as deluded as monkeys,

  2. Although, pygmy marmosets are a whole lot cuter than these rascals.

  3. And what is written on those Scrolls of the Sutra and the writings of Nichiren Daishonin is a different kettle of fish

    The Law that has been transmitted from the Scrolls of the Sutra and the writings of Nichiren Daishonin are open to interpretation

    It is evidently clear that the the sects have their doctrines so we as individuals have our varied interpretations of the Law of Nam/u Myoho Renge Kyo

    1. I think what the Daishonin meant when he said, "don't trust anyone unless they preach with Sutra in hand" that we follow the Lotus Sutra and his writings as written. Too bad there are so many evil men in Mappo who have written their own ideas and called them the ideas of Nichiren. Safest to believe that which is written in Nichiren's hand or known to have been written in Nichiren's hand like the Opening of the Eyes, the original, lost in a fire.

    2. I think what the Daishonin meant when he said, "don't trust anyone unless they preach with Sutra in hand" was that we follow the Lotus Sutra and his writings as written. Too bad there are so many evil men in Mappo who had written their own ideas and called them the ideas of Nichiren [forged Gosho]. Safest to believe that which is written in Nichiren's hand or known to have been written in Nichiren's hand, particularly the Five Major Works.

    3. I am going over again one of the 5 major works 'The Selection of the Time' published by NST copyright 1985 that is loaded with footnotes. As long as it is an authentic Gosho, it shouldn't matter what or where the source is that its coming from regardless of the footnotes...right!

  4. "follow the Law and not persons" It was humans that wrote what's in those scrolls of the Sutra, so indirectly the Law is being transmitted by persons via scrolls.

    It is debated whether the Lotus Sutra was even spoken by Shakyamuni in the first place and then we can say how can anyone really prove any of this.

    Others will say what does it matter as long as its a good story, it makes sense, makes people happy and improves their lives

  5. As long as one understands that Nichiren believed differently and that there are only two possibilities: It was preached from the Golden Mouth of Shakyamuni Buddha or it wasn't. Certainly, it didn't take eight years to preach the Lotus Sutra. However, Nichiren taught that the twenty-eight chapter Lotus Sutra is the abbreviated and essential text of all that he taught in the last eight years of his life.
