Tuesday, June 30, 2015

SGI leader Jamie Lee Silver, an expert on Nichiren's teachings, answers a readers question

Question: 2. Do I Have to Change Religions to Chant?

Answer: No. You can keep practicing whatever religion brings you joy. Just remember that when you chant to the Gohonzon that it is NOT a GOD. The Gohonzon is your own life, so don't beg when you chant. When you chant to the Gohonzon you are declaring what you want.

Response: Follow Jamie or those like her and you will fall into the lower worlds of existence as sure as an arrow aimed at the earth could never miss the target.


  1. This is erroneous on two accounts. Nichiren wrote if you chant but go against it's intent then it will cause you suffering. Chanting is not some magic wand which you chant to get your wishes.This is the biggest misconception of the S.G.I and other so called Nichiren groups.We are chanting the title of the Lotus sutra declaring we revere it we devote ourselves to it's teachings .How on earth can we be doing another teaching at the same time.It would be like one step forward and one step back , which is exactly like it feels when you are in the S. G. I. We chant to be in rhythm with the law which eventually attracts benefits. I believe they encourage this because they know most people would not chant because all they think about is what they can get. I have come to realise this is in fact the most erroneous of the teachings.When you really read the gosho "desire leads to enlightenment" at no point it says chant for what you want. We have desires being human this is part of life. But if you chant and devote yourself to the Lotus sutra eventually what is for your happiness will slowly evolve in spite of your lower nature that is hunger state. I have watched members for years stuck in their own wants and wishes,busting their guts to devote their life to an organisation (a collection of people) not the Lotus sutra.
