Thursday, July 23, 2015

Diagram of The Gohonzon for the Transmission of the Dharma

1 comment:

  1. I notice that Devadatta, Asura Kings and Sharithotsu aren't missing in this Gohonzon for the transmission of the Dharma as it is in the SGI Gohonzon that was an incomplete transcription by the Nichiren Shoshu Priest Nichikan and now that they have rejected the Dai Gohonzon that would more than likely be a 10 world Gohonzon that their 7 world gohonzon was connected to

    I can't understand why the SGI would call it a 10 world Gohonzon when clearly it is not. Could it just be a misunderstanding or are they or an outright lie

    Does this mean that because the Dharma cant be transmitted the SGI will become more depressed, angry and arrogant until they have a 10 world Gohonzon

    If you don't believe me that the world of Hell, Anger and Learning (Devadatta, Asura Kings and Sharithotsu) are missing have a look at this SGI Gohonzon diagram link and see for your self
