Thursday, July 23, 2015

Three card Monte [Jaffee] SGI leader and head of SGI-USA Educator's Divisio

"Nichiren said that but meant this"


  1. He doesn't look very trustworthy he could have a few tricks up his sleeve. I'm not sure if I could trust him to represent Nichiren's teachings in the same way that I could not be sure to trust in the Devil if he told me that he would make a deal with God to release all the sinners from Hell if he acknowledged the oneness of good and evil

  2. Monte Jaffee, unlike this fellow, is a sincere guy who cares about people. He is true believer in the Gakkai. Unfortunately, he is sincerely leading people to abandon the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren for Ikedaism and hell.

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    1. "The ohgee pot called the Mark kettle black" and retracted

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