Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Glen Beck believes in magic underwear but calls those who support Trump stupid

Nuff said!


  1. So when is Donald going to show his tax returns? And when is the media going to vet him for his mob connections? Hey, Ikeda would be a great running mate for the don. Two hypocrites and add you for SOS and there's 3 hypocrites.

  2. And you had the Trump "addresses the truth" right too. If ever there was a candidate that was perfect in the five chronic afflictions, greed, anger, ignorance, arrogance and doubt as well as the five acute afflictions, view of self, extreme views, deviant views, stubborn views and view of deviant precepts. Indeed, he perfectly mirrors what's on your mind, afflicted in both matters and principles.

  3. Maybe you should run ohgee since you are so pure and Enlightened, How's that gig with the Syrian refugees in Jordan shaping up? Do you think the Muslims will allow you to read the Eagle Peak Blog or invite friends over to chant the Sutra?

  4. Since in your illuminati conspiracy theories with your "Donald" wheel turning king wiping Islam off the map, I won't have to worry now, will I? Hey, continue keeping it real, Eagle Peak blogger.

  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bM8gKa4hSNw&list=TLqg118hBi81kyODA4MjAxNQ

    Trump has a reputation as telling it as it is, which can be uncomfortable depending on who you are and your stance on things

    1. Yes, emphasizing racial and ethnic divisions is uncomfortable, for everyone including Republicans, but not for Nichirenists who seem to be quite confortable emphasizing differences and their superiority.

    2. The differences make the difference and what is inferior as in dull ordinary and mundane compared to what is superiors as in the wonderful law of the lotus flower sutra are poles apart

  6. If you believed Nichiren you wouldn't have to worry, not now nor ever.

    1. " the ridgepole, beams, rafters and pillars
      Quake and splinter with explosive sounds
      Smashed and splintered, they collapsed,
      And the walls come tumbling down."

      I left the house without Nichiren's help, thank you. Don't immolate yourself.

  7. "If someone seeking the buddha wisdom
    for a period of eight hundred thousand million
    nayutas of kalpas
    should practice the five paramitas,
    during all those kalpas
    distributing alms to the buddhas
    and to the cause-awakened ones and disciples
    and the multitude of bodhisattvas,
    rare delicacies of food and drink,
    fine garments and articles of bedding,
    or building religious retreats of sandalwood
    adorned with gardens and groves;
    if he should distribute alms
    of many varieties, all refined and wonderful,
    and do this for the entire number of kalpas
    to express his devotion to the buddha way;
    and if moreover he should keep the precepts,
    in purity and without omission or outflow,
    seeking the unsurpassed way,
    praised by the buddhas;
    and if he should practice forbearance,
    remaining in a posture of submission and gentleness,
    even when various evils are visited on him,
    not allowing his mind to be roused or swayed;
    when others, convinced they have gained the Law,
    harbor thoughts of overbearing arrogance
    and he is treated with contempt and vexed by them,
    if he can still endure it with patience;
    and if he is diligent and assiduous,
    ever firm in intent and thought,
    for immeasurable millions of kalpas
    single-minded, never lax or neglectful,
    for countless kalpas
    dwelling in a deserted and quiet place;
    and if he practices sitting and walking exercises,
    banishing drowsiness, constantly regulating his mind,
    and as a result of such actions
    is able to produce states of meditation,
    for eighty million ten thousand kalpas
    remaining calm, his mind never deranged;
    and if he holds to the blessing of this single-mindedness
    and with it seeks the unsurpassed way,
    p.280saying, “I will gain comprehensive wisdom
    and exhaust all the states of meditation!”
    If this person for a hundred, a thousand,
    ten thousand, a million kalpas
    should carry out these meritorious practices
    as I have described above,
    still those good men and women
    who hear me describe my life span
    and believe it for even a moment
    win blessings that surpass those of such a person.
    If a person is completely free
    of all doubt and regret,
    if in the depths of his mind he believes for one instant,
    his blessings will be such as this.
    These bodhisattvas
    who have practiced the way for immeasurable kalpas
    when they hear me describe my life span
    are able to believe and accept what I say.
    These people will
    gratefully accept this sutra, saying,
    “Our wish is that in future ages
    we may use our long lives to save living beings.
    Just as today the world-honored one,
    king of the Shakyas,
    roars like a lion in the place of enlightenment,
    preaching the Law without fear,
    so may we too in ages to come,
    honored and revered by all,
    when we sit in the place of enlightenment
    describe our life spans in the same manner.”
    If there are those profound in mind,
    pure, honest, and upright,
    who, hearing much, can retain it all,
    who follow principle in understanding the Buddha’s words,
    then people such as this
    will have no doubts."

    Nichiren who will be remembered for ten thousand years and more for his efforts for the sake of the Law, dissed by the pipsqueak ohgee who will not be remembered for even 5 minutes. I am not surprised nor should ohgee be surprised when he falls into the great citadel of hell.

  8. The Lotus Sutra well describes those like ohgee:

    “Gainer of Great Authority, at that time the four kinds of believers, the monks, nuns, laymen, and laywomen, because anger arose in their minds and they treated me with disparagement and contempt, were for two hundred million kalpas never able to encounter a buddha, to hear the Law, or to see the community of monks. For a thousand kalpas they underwent great suffering in the Avichi hell. After they had finished paying for their offenses, they once more encountered the bodhisattva Never Disparaging, who instructed them in supreme perfect enlightenment."

    Nichiren is the Bodhisattva Never Disparaging in this dreaded age and ohgee is a man of overbearing arrogance. Convinced that he has gained the Law he is nothing but a dead leaf on the tree of the Great Assembly headed by Nichiren..

  9. I told you not to immolate yourself. As if believing in the life span and doing good deeds are exclusive and as if Nichrenists practice never-disparging methods and No wonder you take so much inspiration from a braggart as Trump.

    So, the sutra States,
    "This rotted old home belong to one man."

    This one man represents the Buddha, the guiding teacher of the three realms and "kind" father of the four kinds of beings.

  10. Nichiren is already honored and revered by millions as the Supreme Votary of the Lotus Sutra while you ohgee will be forgotten the moment you take your last breath.
