Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Out of one side of their mouths.......

"One can not 
understand the Soka 
Gakkai, its expedient 
or its skillful means 
because only a Buddha                                                  "We are all Buddhas"
with a Buddha 
can understand"                           
                                   "Only Sensei, the greatest living 
                                     Buddhist philosopher, can guide 
                                          us to understanding."


  1. They have misunderstood the state of Buddhahood that manifests temporarily as in mutual possession of the ten worlds as being fully enlightened Buddha full stop, end of story. Forget about karma and past and future lives, all is now, now is all , that's all.

    There is no cultivated Buddha like Shakyamuni who's reward body attained enlightenment in the eternal past aspect of the 3 existences

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