Wednesday, November 4, 2015

By shifting causaity SGI leaders maintain their power over members and the illusion of their infallibility

The insidious violence perpetrated by SGI members is psychological violence. For example, blaming the victim rather than the abuser. Who is it that is abused in the Soka Gakkai? Whomever is lower in the SGI hierarchy is invariably blamed for a complaint against someone higher, except in the most egregious circumstances [criminal prosecution bringing public shame to the SGI organization, for example]. It is akin to blaming a woman who is raped for no fault of her own or blaming an innocent country for some made up transgression as an excuse to invade that country. Shifting causality in such ways, the SGI leaders maintain their power over members and the illusion of their infallibility.


  1. SGI declares war on its own members without them realizing they are in a conflict. Their woes and tribulations shared with leaders are simply ammunition used to later subdue, silence, and discredit them. They raise their members up like livestock, acting as a parent insofar as to use them, but ultimately the organization is simply using them. And this is unfortunate, because they are many good, well meaning and kindhearted people in the SGI.
