Friday, November 27, 2015

Islamic State


  1. Only the wheel-rolling King, The Donald can save us from what Obama created. Or was it because SGI gained a foothold in Iraq and Syria?

  2. Hopefully, Putin and Hollande will take care of Bush and Obama's major errors. Certainly the Donald couldn't do any worse than Obama. In a sense, all calamities are caused by the people turning away from the Buddha, Nichiren, and the Sutra. SGI is indeed the worst offender.

  3. "...turning away from the Buddha, Nichiren, and the Sutra. SGI is indeed the worst offender."
    hopefully, there's still enough time for you to turn to the Buddha and the sutra.

  4. Trying to reason with you is as Nichiren says, harder than painting a picture on flowing water.

    1. Lecturing me on reason is funny; considering you recently contradicted Nichiren's gosho passage supporting the Tathagata's consideration on when to teach the Great Vehicle and when to teach the provisional for forceful-practices ala Tien Tai. But on the other hand "forceful practices" is a perfect tool for one who holds anyone who doesn't share their biased views with contempt and loathing. The Buddha never preached "forceful practices"

      “ if born as humans,
      Their capacities are dull and sluggish"

  5. You only see what you want to see and believe what you want to believe. Tell those who persecuted Never Despise and who spent 1000 kalpas in the Avici Hell that the Buddha never preached the forceful practices. He not only preached the forceful practices, he lived them.

  6. "Great Power Obtained! At that time four groups, bhikshus, bhikshunis, upasakas, and upasikas, with angry minds slighted and condemned me, therefore for two hundred kotis of kalpas underwent great suffering in the Avici hell."

    You ohgee are following in their footsteps. Meanwhile, you yourself employ the forceful practices but are so blind that you don't even realize it:

    "But on the other hand "forceful practices" is a perfect tool for one who holds anyone who doesn't share their biased views with contempt and loathing."

  7. "World honored ones of the future
    Who are limitless in number
    all of these Tathagatas
    Will also teach skillful means"

  8. Not sugarcoating retributions isn't forceful practices.

    "World honored ones of the future
    Who are limitless in number
    all of these Tathagatas
    Will also teach skillful means"

  9. "You ohgee are following in their footsteps. Meanwhile, you yourself employ the forceful practices but are so blind that you don't even realize it:"

    Thanks for the heads up. You are correct. I was employing forceful practices because I have not yet ridden myself of afflictions. My ability to "discern" as one of the seven methods of wisdom is lacking. Forceful Practices only creates "bad affinities." The Buddha attained enlightenment by continuously forming good affinities, but even he had bad affinities with some people, most notably, Devadatta.

  10. Retributions, cause ad effect itself IS forceful practice.

  11. except that the Buddha isn't singing like Sinatra ...
    Like a bear walks right in a trap, baby, you'll get yours
    Like a spider spins a web, and waits for a fly

    So, the Buddha said to Sariputra, “stop, stop there is no need to speak further.”

    Three times He said, “Stop” because if this Dharma is expounded and people do not believe in it, it will actually lead them to create karma. For this reason, he said “stop” 3 times.

    At the same time, he also analyzed for us why this Sutra must be taught to those who are willing to believe in it. If they cannot believe in it, we must not share it with them.

    If you want to go along with TienTai who seemed to think the passage was only intended for Sariputra, teach the Great Vehicle indicriminately, make up some fantasy about a poison drum, thereby lead people into a trap, to say nothing of ourselves ...

    “Again, Sariputra,
    For those who are arrogant and indolent
    And for those who cling to the view of self,
    Do not teach this Sutra.
    Unenlightened people have shallow intelligence
    They are deeply attached to the five desires and
    As they listen, they cannot understand
    so, do not teach it to them either.”

    Those who are arrogant and indolent do not have the reverence and the genuine desire to accept this sutra. They are not focused. If there are people like this, we should not teach this Sutra to them. Because they cannot understand it, hearing it will cause afflictions to arise in them. Not only would they be unable to accept it, they would feel afflicted and slander it. People like this are “unenlightened people with shallow intelligence.” basic knowledge for their own personal gain. They do not seem to comprehend the principles for the sake of the truth itself. They do not have this aspiration, so all they acquire is knowledge, not wisdom; “they are deeply attached to the five desires.” Thus, after listening, they still cannot understand. Their causes and conditions are not yet mature.

  12. Attached to the theoretical teachings, you fail to understand the teachings according to the times. Bodhisattva Never Despise taught the 24 Character Lotus Sutra during the time of Ionno Buddha to all men regardless of their capacity, arrogance, and indolence. The Former and Middle Days of the Law was the time for the peaceful practices propounded in Chapter 14 and by such men as Tientai and Dengyo. Our time is not unlike the time of Never Despise Bodhisattva. Since you don't have a good grasp of the eternity of life and the Dharmas, how could I expect you to understand?
