Thursday, December 24, 2015

Why there is no need to practice breathing meditation, insight meditation, calming meditation, loving kindness, or one based on Tientai's Great Concentration and Insight

"Embracing the Lotus Sutra and chanting Namu-myoho-renge-kyo in itself encompasses the five practices." -- Nichiren


  1. I agree that they is no need of doing these practices for enlightenment but they can have beneficial effects for the body and mind because of psycho physiologic response from being calm

  2. Yes and so can exercise that has no religious connotations.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Kundulini yoga is a new ball game compared to the 5 passive practices of breathing meditation, insight meditation, calming meditation, loving kindness, or one based on Tientai's Great Concentration and Insight.

    Kundulini yoga is more like Ayahuasca., unless you have experienced it you can only imagine what its like by the descriptions from those who have experienced it. If we treasure NMRK it will look after us where ever we may travel through out the realms of this multidimensional universe. The NMRKmantra has helped me many times when being attacked by malevolent entities during sleep paralysis

  5. Nichiren teaches very clearly that Brahmins, regardless of the depth of their practice or supernatural powers can 1. merely control transmigration for a very limited amount of fture lifetimes and 2. Can not help their parents attain Buddhahood.

  6. It's not a competition. It's the way it is. We can't beat that
