Friday, January 29, 2016

Shinzo Abe is bringing about the destruction of the Japanese nation

"It also says: “Evil monks, hoping to gain fame and profit, will in many cases appear before the ruler, the crown prince, or the other princes, and take it upon themselves to preach doctrines that lead to the violation of the Buddhist Law and the destruction of the nation. The ruler, failing to perceive the truth of the situation, will listen to and put faith in such doctrines, and proceed to create regulations that are perverse in nature and that do not accord with the rules of Buddhist discipline. In this way he will bring about the destruction of Buddhism and of the nation.”

Shinzo Abe listens to and puts faith in the business suited priests of the Soka Gakkai and Komeito and created perverse regulations like the State's Secrets Law and revision of Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution which will bring about the destruction of Buddhism and Japan.

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