Sunday, February 14, 2016

Comparing the Catholic church, Soka Gakkai, Shakyamuni Buddha, and Nichiren Daishonin

Globally, the wealth of the Catholic Church is estimated in excess of $3,000 Billion. It is the largest land owner in Manhattan. It owns more gold than all of Europe combined. SGI is worth at least $300 Billion. Shakyamuni Buddha owned two robes and a bowl and Nichiren Daishonin not much more.


  1. What they both have in common is that they are spiritually bankrupted

  2. The catholic church with their many faults provide charity, health care and education for the poor. Maybe you could learn a thing or two from the bankrupted catholics.

    1. You should understand the differences of the metaphysical concepts between Nichiren Buddhism and Catholicism

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I care little for metaphysical concepts. All the Buddha Dharma exhorted followers to do good deeds and admonished them from committing evil.

    4. committing evil has its roots in having distorted metaphysical concepts about the nature of life that manifests through bad behaviour such as doing dirty deeds and committing random acts of evil. Buddhism is loaded with metaphysical concepts that relate to wellbeing of one self and others. This is why you shouldn't have such disregard for the metaphysical teachings of the Buddha Dharma

    5. I don't regard karma, the four noble truths and the interconnectedness of life, to name a few as metaphysical concepts but if you choose to do so, then fine.

    6. Try Webster's Dictionary or whatever source you prefer to define the meaning of metaphysical

    7. Pity you can't "see" suffering.

    8. Pity you can't "see" suffering.

    9. Fortunately you can see 481 results found for suffering if you are serious and not just a Troll looking for a fight

    10. This comment has been removed by the author.

    11. The Dharma is invisible, metaphysical since it can't be seen but when taken to heart can be seen in everything.

      The first turning of the Dharma-wheel of the Four Noble Truths:
      Suffering is oppressive.
      The causes of suffering are cumulative.
      The cessation of suffering is attainable.
      The Way to cessation of suffering is practicable.
      The second Turning of the Dharma-wheel of the Four Noble Truths:
      Recognize the truth of suffering.
      Eradicate the causes of suffering.
      Attain the cessation of suffering.
      Practice the Way to cessation of suffering.
      The Third Turning of the Dharma-wheel of the Four Noble Truths:
      I have recognized the truth of suffering.
      I have eradicate the causes of suffering.
      I have attained the cessation of suffering.
      I have practiced the Way to cessation of suffering.

      how many times do you have to listen before you recognize suffering? Nichiren and other categorizers following the Buddha such as Master Zhi Yi (Tientai) have made Buddhism more metaphysical than what was intended.
      But thanks for links to the Nichiren library of metaphysical principles.

    12. 4 noble truths

      Gautama, or Shakyamuni Buddha, the founder of Buddhism, appears to have lived in India sometime around the sixth or fifth century bce. Though it is difficult to describe his doctrines in detail, Buddhologists customarily accept several formulas as representative of his teachings. Most famous of these are the so-called four noble truths, which are referred to several times in the Lotus Sutra.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. The only giving you're good at is dishing out childish insults.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. My wife and i support many charities unlike the Soka Gakkai and i agree with Greg regarding the small good performed and great evil perpetrated by the Catholic Church.

    1. Do you or don't you agree that the church helps the poor?


  8. Shouldn't the Ikeda family be on this richest family list with $300 billion because the SGI is just the name of the family business

  9. THIS WAS MY ORIGINAL COMMENT; PERHAPS TRY ACTUALLY READING INSTEAD OF TWISTING IT: The catholic church with their many faults provide charity, health care and education for the poor. Maybe you could learn a thing or two from the bankrupted catholics.

  10. The Soka Gakkai with all its faults also provides charity. The Church and the Ikeda family corporation are one of a kind in this sense but the Church does it much better

    1. Soka Gakkai does Not "provide charity" and please don't cite a few isolated incidents of charity to curry favorable public relations. There might be another Nichiren sect that does provide but I'm not aware.


  12. The catholic church,aswell as the sgi are heretical religions that only serve to lead one away from the correct practice of the Lotus Sutra. To consider anything they do to be charity is an erroneous opinion and flowery rhetoric. What is the price for their charity? Adherence to evil teachings. The saying "give a man a fish..." comes to mind. Teach someone to chant the daimoku and they will manifest the true entity.

  13. thanks and good luck in your conversion endeavors

  14. posible so ohgee-wiz. the truth can be insulting. never a fool or a liar though.
