Monday, February 8, 2016

How pitiful are SGI members, revering a multinational, religious, corporate, billionaire cult leader.

"Those who have a mentor in life are truly fortunate. The path of mentor and disciple is one that leads to personal development and growth. Those without a mentor may appear free and unbeholden to anyone, but without a solid standard or model on which to base themselves their lives will be aimless and wandering." --D.Ikeda on May 3rd, Mentor Disciple Day

Every day is Mentor Disciple day for the disciples and believers of Nichiren. There is not a day that goes by that we don't meet with our mentors, Shakyamuni Buddha and Nichiren Daishonin. We model ourselves on the Lotus Sutra and writings of nichiren. nothing could be more solid. How pitiful are SGI members, revering a multinational, religious, corporate, billionaire cult leader. How fortunate are we!

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