Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Did Nichiu the leper write the following before or after he forged the DaiGohonzon?

"Because the Buddhism of Taisekiji has been uniterruptedly transmitted in strict order since the time of the Daishonin up until the present, as regards both Buddhism and the affairs of the mundane world, it is certain that the elder who has received this transmission (the High Priest) has not diverged in the slightest since the time of the founding Master." -- Nichiu

Either way, he sure was a funny guy despite his serious illness. 


  1. "...as regards both Buddhism and the affairs of the mundane world, it is certain that the elder who has received this transmission (the High Priest) has not diverged in the slightest since the time of the founding Master." -- Nichiu.

    Well, except for the FACT that Nichiren totally railed against secret transmissions and teachings NOT based on the sutras!!


  2. Not to mention that the BS Nichiren Shoshu transmission was interrupted many times...

