""Dr. Kawada [SGI Vice President] treated fourteen people with stage four cancer. Some were not even SGI members. Their doctors had given up on all of them. One even had to be brought in on a stretcher. All fourteen people joined the SGI. They all learned to chant following this guidance of using the right side of their brain to project an image of no cancer in their bodies. In the U.S., last-stage cancer patients are encouraged to draw a white cell eating a cancer cell. Though this has been shown to help, practicing Buddhism has an even bigger impact. In two months the person on the stretcher overcame their cancer. Then his doctor joined. Eventually all fourteen overcame their cancer."
Then why didn't top SGI leaders Shin Yatomi and Pascal Oliveira overcome their Stage IV cancers?
"Then why didn't top SGI leaders Shin Yatomi and Pascal Oliveira overcome their Stage IV cancers?"
ReplyDeleteTheir unfathomable immutable karma holds the only true answer.
Speculating that having heard and chanted the daimoku of the Lotus Sutra-- even these deceased top SGI leaders will eventually attain Buddhahood.
Perhaps their grieving loved ones' sufferings will be the cause for them to seek and develop correct faith--And, thus the merit of these good deeds would extend to the deceased- How wonderful !!
The keyword is "eventually", after migliaia of kalpas.