Saturday, April 9, 2016

SGI's bizarre meaning of "extortion"

"FACT: When SGI's lawyers explained that legally, they don't have to give back anything to the aggrieved members, one of whom donated $40,000.00 for the Chicago Ikeda auditorium that was never built, the 6 members went to the media as they said they would." -- Former SGI member

"Oh, so in FACT they had tried extortion." -- SGI leader commenting on above


  1. Following an evil teacher causes one to lose his true mind-- and worse, the poison penetrates so deeply that one cannot hear his own errors in speech, nor listen to those who mercifully correct him.


  2. Caution

    Please ignore Mark Rogow, Jerry Marcheso, Steave Polito (Stephen Paine) and Fred Wolff who are former believers of Kempon Hokke. Jerry(Shinkei) Marcheso who hoped to become a priest was introduced to me by Mark Rogow who wanted to use the name of Kempon Hokke. However, I told him that it was impossible to become a priest because he had abandoned his training at the head temple immediately. Jerry Marcheso didn't pay back $2000 of his cost to me, but they started to insult and threaten me. They, who have been believers of SGI and Nichren Sho-shu, claim that you need chant only Daimoku, and that you must not do other practices. And they slander me as a Hobo (evil) priest who is not following Nichiren's teachings. However, please read Nichiren's Gosho rightly. Nichiren shonin insists on the importance of chanting Daimoku, saying that the practice of Namu Myoho Renge kyo is the spirit of the single moment of understanding by faith and the stage of rejoicing, but doesn't deny other practices.

    1. Thanks for illustrating my point, Anonymous...

      "Following an evil teacher causes one to lose his true mind-- and worse, the poison penetrates so deeply that one cannot hear his own errors in speech..."


    2. PLEASE READ THIS: "please ignore mark rogow,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,".
      so, can we assume this anonymous true identity is the lying/coward reverend tuschiya? and the author of the above quote. is it the one who claims to be a nichiren priest but does not truly follow nichiren and promotes preparatory teachings? the one who slanders people who try to follow nichiren and who uphold the lotus sutra in the latter day? the one that quotes the lotus sutra but does not read the lotus sutra in accord with nichiren?
      here is the story/history which prompted this absurd, slanderous rant.

      some years ago, myself, mark, the priest shinkei, and others had been affiliated with the modern day kempon hokke. if one does not know their early history, look into it. the beginnings of the kempon hokke was the cry by its founder(nichiju) for all of buddhism to return to the real teachings of nichiren. look into it.
      after supporting the modern kempon for sometime , especially mark, slowly but surely it began to dawn on many people that tuschiya had strayed from the real spirit and intentions of nichirens teachings. around this time, long story short, jerry(shinkei) went to japan to receive training and to take the vows to be a priest. it is possible that he was able to do this with some assistance by tsuchiya. i will leave that part for him to explain. after shinkei had been at the head temple for a short time, it became clear that the kempon and its priests were mixing the teachings and selling buddhism. all of it bullshit. seeing this, he left japan and returned home. at that time , on the kempon international Facebook page members were beginning to ask question regarding certain behaviors and some questionable statements by tsuchiya. shortly after shinkei had returned home, i was on the Facebook page and i noticed that tsuchiya had been erasing peoples questions and statements. mind you, these were not hostile or ugly posts. when i(romero) noticed these erasures, i posted and asked tsuchiya why he was erasing different questions and statements. i asked him, rev tsuchiya, can't we discuss the teachings openly? his reply to me was, yes we should discuss openly and honestly. my reply was, great, i think so too, thank you, i think that is how it should be. all is well.
      the next day when i went to the same Facebook page, i could read what was said but i could not post or ask questions. nothing. i had been blocked. then he started doing it to others. i believe he did this because he was afraid he would be confronted by what shinkei had observed in japan. then not long after that , this above paranoid post appeared on the site. it was not possible for i, or others to post a reply. so the membership just assumed that we were trying to start our own brand of buddhism. none of what tsuchiya said is true.

      anonomous, put my name it there too. greg romero. post it on your site.
      you are a cowardly/lying, fake priest who like the people you support have made a business for profit. you and ikeda have a room reserved in the avichi. shakyamuni and nichiren know all about you. be afraid. shame on you.

    3. lying is not a quality of a buddha. this leaves tsuchiya and his minions out. shame, shame, shame.

      "to be praised by a fool is disgraceful."

    4. I remember reading a gosho that says that it ok to practice other techniques but don't remember which gosho it was so could you help me find which one it is. Thanks Rev

    5. "Letter to Akimoto" contains specific reference to " adding other teachings /practices to practicing the Lotus Sutra" via an excellent analogy about the four faults and the perfect vessel.

      Mixing other practices is like " adding filth to rice " / contamination results .

    6. "To “set aside formal practices but maintain the principle” means that one should set aside the keeping of the precepts and the other formal practices [of the five pāramitās] and embrace the principle of the daimoku exclusively.

      When the commentary says that “the benefits will be many and far-reaching,” it implies that, if the beginner should attempt to carry out various other practices and the daimoku at the same time, then all benefit will be completely lost." On the Four Stages of Faith and the Five Stages of Practice

      "The people in the Latter Day, who are at the initial stages of practice, need not practice almsgiving, the keeping of precepts, or any other of the five pāramitās, but should devote themselves exclusively to chanting the daimoku.

      It may be noted here that the Daishonin is not rejecting the spirit implicit in such acts as almsgiving, but rather is denying their efficacy as actual practices.

      The merit of all these good deeds, he says, is already inherent in the daimoku. The practice of daimoku contains all practices within itself. The Daishonin asserts that even those who chant it without understanding its meaning are certain to attain Buddhahood

      Chanting Namu-myoho-renge-kyo with faith in the Mystic Law is the correct practice for the Latter Day of the Law and contains the merit of all other practices within it, leading directly to Buddhahood"

  3. Anonymous, I'm confused...

    "However, please read Nichiren's Gosho rightly. Nichiren shonin insists on the importance of chanting Daimoku, saying that the practice of Namu Myoho Renge kyo is the spirit of the single moment of understanding by faith and the stage of rejoicing, but doesn't deny other practices."

    When you say "but doesn't deny other practices."

    Do you mean doesn't deny other practices like Nichiren is saying this?

    "Likewise, even after the provisional teachings have been opened up and merged with the Lotus Sutra, one must not accept these evil doctrines, which have been rejected and cast aside as mere “rough teachings,” or intone their names or words or the principles that underlie them, mixing such doctrines with those of the Lotus Sutra."

    Or this?...

    "They mean that one should embrace the daimoku, or title, of the sutra exclusively and not mix it with other passages. Even recitation of the entire sutra is not permitted. How much less are the five pāramitās!

    "To “set aside formal practices but maintain the principle” means that one should set aside the keeping of the precepts and the other formal practices [of the five pāramitās] and embrace the principle of the daimoku exclusively. When the commentary says that “the benefits will be many and far-reaching,” it implies that, if the beginner should attempt to carry out various other practices and the daimoku at the same time, then all benefit will be completely lost."

    Or this?...

    "To mix other practices with this Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is a grave error. A lantern is useless when the sun rises. How can dewdrops be beneficial when the rain falls? Should one feed a newborn baby anything other than its mother’s milk? No addition of other medicines is needed with a good medicine. "

    Or perhaps you mean this?...

    "Question: Why do you not advocate the meditation on the three thousand realms in a single moment of life, but instead simply encourage the chanting of the daimoku?"

    Or this?...

    "But the present age is a defiled one. Because the minds of people are warped and twisted, and provisional teachings and slander alone abound, the correct teaching cannot prevail. In times like these, it is useless to practice the reading, reciting, and copying [of the Lotus Sutra] or to devote oneself to the methods and practices of meditation."

    Am I missing something. Can you cite the Gosho where Nichiren states other practices are OK and of so which ones or better still advocates them. I'm not coming up with much. Thanks.

    1. Well done, Mudpie!!!

      Content and style are perfectly in synch :)

  4. Also, isn't the accusation below best dealt with and settled in court? Otherwise it just comes across as an attempted smear. And there are many, especially the organisations who feel threatened by the existance and activities of this blog, who will use such tactics to attempt to discredit others.

    It seems irresponsible to include such statements, especially in an anonymous posting, where the accused has no come back for liable and where you are purporting to be "responsible" by issuing a supposed "caution". The responsible thing to do, is to file a motion in court and have the matter settled there. Then you can refer to the judgement? If true, that would truly help others and isn't that a position that someone who was living their faith and practice would take?

    "Jerry Marcheso didn't pay back $2000 of his cost to me."

    1. Sarah Palin is coming to network TV with a new version of Judge Judy--
      Made for TV court room drama is written all over this...

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Thanks Greg, Katie and Mudpie. Excellent Excellent
