Thursday, April 14, 2016

The Truth About 9/11: The Aftermath


  1. umm. i am not sure i agree with every finger point. however, there is no doubt that the time is mappo and the world is on fire. all wars tend to be religious. i agree that we did not need to attack anyone. big mistake! we know that islam is a real danger, christian/judaism holds it own dangers. america needs to take a hard look at itself, and what it creates. at the end of the day the people get what they have earned. namu myoho renge kyo!

    i very much agree with his assertion of the the senseless , mindless distractions. the media needs to change.

  2. USA/Russia, Obama/Putin, two sides of the same coin. We can throw in India, China, Israel, Japan, Iran, Saudi Arabia, France, England, South Africa, India, Pakistan, ISIS and a host of other warlike countries.

  3. Closer to home for me is the unsettling similarity between my experiences with SGI Boston and my agonizing decision to become a whistleblower at Boston Children's Hospital, Oct. '09. Speaking out to protect the Law in SGI Boston and advocating for adolescents whose human rights were violated , after failing to protect them on the adolescent psychiatry unit where I worked as a nurse for 5 years, I encountered the same dynamics of power's response to internal challenge; witnessed the same darker aspects of human nature; suffered betrayal from trusted colleagues and lost both battles, or rather fell way short of my goals to "transform cultures of coercion and force".

    My last go 'round with the leadership of SGI Boston revealed a darker aspect of this group, and finality o their terms. I was judged and deemed a threat to "kosen-rufu"in Boston. At the end of a year long struggle at Children's Hosp., I was forced to resign and two of my nursing colleagues who had stood up with me, were harassed and both left BCH within a few months of the end of my ordeal-- Widespread damage to my career and my the boot from SGI in tandem-- I determined after chanting 3 million daimoku in the year following these agonizing ordeals, that SGI was a far worse threat-- but much less accessible in terms of remonstrating against their slander. So, I am working almost exclusively on speaking out about the exact kinds of horrible truths and forgotten history that the narrator of this "dark message" spoke about.

    If anyone is interested, here is a brief op-ed I wrote a little over a year ago that describes best how I practice and why I care so much about practicing Nichiren Buddhism correctly.

    BTW, until a few months ago, I actually believed I could accomplish my goals by "doing my human revolution", and I supported my WD Region leader- friend in Baltimore, with ideas for teaching new members about Buddhist concepts and basic doctrines, Gosho lectures, etc. And considered Daisaku Ikeda "my mentor"-- .

    I recycled the last box of Ikeda's writings a few days ago-- glancing over underlined passages of the things he wrote that bothered me, fully awake now and realizing I was a fool to let any of those things slide, I feel grounded, centered and grateful...

    Now, I am ready to fully devote myself to Nichiren's teachings and the Lotus Sutra, and express my deep gratitude for Shakyamuni Buddha-- or do what has always felt the most natural to me.

    Sharing this with deep appreciation for everyone I meet on Eagle Peak!


    Better link for above

  5. I think we can make an analogy between the roots of modern psychiatry [Willowbrook Psychiatric Hospital as an example] and its current branches and the roots of SGI [Nichiren Shoshu] and its modern branch [the SGI]. Nichiren teaches that if the source is muddy so will be the stream.

  6. Yes, I agree!

    "Two Kinds of Ilness"
    "The second category is illness of the mind.These are the three poisons and the eighty-four thousand illnesses. Only a Buddha can cure them ...
    The Lotus Sutra says, "If they pursue the way of medicine and treat illness according to prescription, they will only produce further complications, or perhaps cause death. Their illness will grow more acute."

    Modern psychiatry is bio-medical model psychiatry. In 2010 , an investigative journalist, Robert Whitaker, wrote , "Anatomy of an Epidemic- Magic Bullets, Psychiatric Drugs, and the Astonishing Rise of Mental Illness in America". In this book, the neuro transmitter /chemical imbalance in the brain- explanation for "mental illness" was exposed as not supported by scientific evidence, actually disproven by scientific studies - there is no scientific evidence to support near chemical imbalances cause mental illness. On the other hand, the perturbance of neurotransmitter function in the brain, caused by these drugs, that are prescribed for these unproven"medical" brain disorders/ diseases, is linked to chronicity, serious physiological side effects that decrease the lifespan of a long term user of these drugs by 25 years, and even death.

    I shared this ground breaking information with a WD leader in Baltimore Md., with whom I had discussed my concerns about administering toxic brain altering drugs to children back in 1993, when I worked at Johns Hopkins, as a nurse, clinical specialist in Child psychiatry. I had shared passages from "The Two Kinds of Illness" with her back. This leader, a psychologist with a prominent position in mental health, responded with almost no interest in the Gosho I was sharing, much less the Lotus Sutra passages." She said. " The Buddha could not have known what medical science has discovered. The real cause for mental illness is biological- chemical imbalances in the brain and genetic predisposition..." Fast forward to 2011 when I called this leader from Boston and referenced Whitaker's book, and bibliography, after actually meeting the author, wanting to initiate a dialogue that I believed would be both faith based and encouraging, I was shocked (again). Her response was short, and she did not make much effort to conceal her irritability. " Until some better alternative is available, the bio medical psychiatry model is best treatment we have." She also said that my anti-psychiatry enthusiasm was potentially dangerous-- as it may prevent someone who needed psychiatric help from seeking it. Click.

    No interest amongst leaders I contacted in Boston, even the Ikeda Dialogue Center director saw no relevance in this issue to the members or the SGI.

    Still, I am not discouraged ...

  7. Psychologists and psychiatrists, for the most part are cold and unfeeling. I have met a couple of psychiatrists who care deeply for their patients. Like in One Flew over the Cookoo nest, they take their patients to the zoo, out to eat, and to the movies n their own dime. Unfortunately, they didn't know of the Lotus Sutra or I'm sure they would have taught the patients the Daimoku.

  8. I think there are compassionate, sincere professionals - even in the field of psychiatry. The problem is psychiatry claims its superior status as a medical specialty. Though there are physical conditions that can cause severe mental states and all forms of mental and emotional suffering. (Endocrine disorders, neurological disorders, for instance). The fact remains that the suffering exhibited through observable behavior is not itself a medical condition, nor is there a drug that will cure or correct the source of this suffering.

    Biomedical psychiatry is based on erroneous teachings and has proliferated solely due to its support from pharmaceutical companies-- the wealthiest industry on the planet.

    Many people who have not yet heard the Daimoku, are developing humanistic alternatives to psychiatry-- I am acquainted with many in this group -- supporting their efforts through my Daimoku and sharing the humanistic principles of Nichiren's Buddhism. These people of good will, who have developed the capacity to alleviate the sufferings of others in emotional distress, have already been damaged by the same cult of *psychiatry*-- And more than a few I have met here in Boston have had their own experience with SGI that negatively influenced their views of this practice-- triggering their "cult alarm" big time.

    But I have taught the Daimoku and chanted with many of my "patients" and a few of my colleagues, over the past 20 years.

  9. You certainly are an Excellent Physician.

  10. You certainly are an Excellent Physician.

  11. One of the owners of my clinic is a psychiatric nurse for more than 40 years. A very sharp and caring person. My question for you is, do you feel there is no place for pharmaceuticals in the care of mentally ill patients?

  12. For the first 14 years of my nursing career I worked in pediatrics, medical ICU & Criticsl Care Coronary units. I did not choose psychiatric nursing. In February 1988, 2 months after my mother passed away, I accepted a job as a "school nurse" in a residential treatment center for adolescent boys who were struggling with emotional and behavioral issues either in their homes , school or communities. I had been my mom's 24/7 private duty nurse from the moment she was diagnosed with astrocytoma, until she passed away at home where I cared for her got the last two of the three months she lived after this horrible diagnosis. She had so much more confidence in my nursing skills than I did under the circumstances, and actually it was compassionate care that she needed most as there was little available medically speaking 27 years ago. I discovered that the more I applied myself to making each day special for her, thinking only of what I new had meaning for her and brought her joy, the more creative and energetic I became . She was not recovering, or miraculously cured of her terminal brain cancer, but she was happy. I lost all interest in nursing after she died. I was selected for the job I saw as least nursing skill intensive because of my extensive background in pediatrics . Ha! Six months into this job , the realization that it was becoming s psychiatric care facility hit me and that is when a co- worker introduced me to this practice and j joined NSA.

    1. My convictions regarding the harmful effects of pharmaceuticals and my disbelief in psychiatric labels for human suffering are informed mostly by my practice of faith in Nichiren's teachings. Specifically the relationships I forged with "patients" from my child psych nursing internship at Johns Hopkins - to every impatient , locked ward I worked on- over 25 years, in three states and with every age group . I am not alone or unique in my anti / psychiatry stance . The hours I have spent studying and the people I have met over the past 6 years more than substantiate every point I learned from Nichiren's " Two Kinds of Illness " . Way too much to go into here / anyone interested in the counter narrative to biomedical psychiatry can learn the basics @ . It is a webzine / blogs and articles by mental health professionals , personal stories and very eye opening discussions.

  13. Hi Katie! I have anecdotal evidence, at least regarding my outpatient general practice population, that many people who suffer from mental illnesses such as major depression, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia, subjectively [and objectively] experience improved feelings of well being and increased functioning when placed on appropriate meds. For example, a bipolar patient of mine, recently placed on lithium, has become tranquil [not tranquilized], more upbeat, and hopeful. And another, a schizophrenic patient, a recently released state prisoner, when placed on Invega, no longer hears voices nor has homicidal thoughts. Of course, all those who are refractory to traditional medical interventions, will benefit from the Daimoku [and those responsive to medical treatment too!].


  14. Hi Dr. Mark,

    I know well how compelling short term effects of some psych drugs can appear-caution : It is tempting to mistake changes in behavior that correlate with ingesting toxic drugs-- (all are technically poison, you know,) for *treatment*.

    My medical background correlates with the Buddha's teaching, that one must know the cause of an illness, if one is to treat or hopefully cure it.

    Here's the rub-- The *symptoms* of depression, mania, altered & severe mental states have multiple causes--. I always recommend ruling out physiological causes (endocrine imbalance, neurological pathology-- and diet, exposure to toxic chemicals, substance related...) these causes are treatable by *way of prescription*--or treatment by a professional, (nutritionists, GPs, Acupuncturists, Alternative/complimentary interventions practitioners...or rather all of the knowledge and skill a psychiatrist does not have).

    There are no distinct *mental illnesses*- all psych drugs are prescribed for the *effects* they may or may not produce, NOT treatments developed to treat specific diseases. The side effects of Invega, fr example, - or trade off for what is usually a *temporary* relief of symptoms of psychosis, include diabetes, tar dive dyskenisia-( yep! the hype that atypic anti-psychotics have fewer and less severe side effects than neuroleptics is a Myth-) and cognitive impairment- reduced blood flow to cerebral cortex-- over time causes cerebral atrophy as well.

    It is not always possible or prudent to share or teach the daimloku to people in severe mental, emotional distress. I have found that my daimoku on their behalf produces many positive effects, including the wisdom to discover and communicate valuable alternatives to psychiatric care/drugs- In the process it never ceases to astound me how human connection, compassion, empathetic support, thoughtful exploration of factors that influence and worsen these symptoms -- true respect and really listening to a person suffering these maladies, is the best medicine--.

    Symptoms of depression, mania and psychosis are messages, signals - not diseases. Biomedical psychiatry sends the message that these human conditions indicate something wrong or disordered about us-- when in fact, they are opportunities for us to discover something crucial to our happiness; the healing power of other human beings and our own.

    I am purest on this-- no exceptions, and only positive outcomes-- 6 years worth of journals with anecdotal evidence.

    Long term use of psych drugs is strongly discouraged - lots of info from clinical studies on also suggest for the best and most accurate information on medication side effects.. and cautions.


  15. Hi Mark, totally appreciate the *appearance* of improvement of *symptoms* in the short term with psych drugs. Considering all drugs are poison, it is quite difficult to determine if benefit will outweigh risk, and important to remember that these drugs are not *medications* for *diseases*, but rather, they are brain altering toxic chemicals; that perturb neurotransmitter regulation; many have withdrawal syndromes, and ALL can produce the same *symptoms* that they are supposed to alleviate.

    Thus, you have a very complicated puzzle to solve, and once drugs are used, cognitive function is usually affected, or even impaired, so that there is less opportunity for a person to discover the meaning of their symptoms and experience spiritual growth and true healing.

    Lithium is very toxic to the kidneys-- unpredictable who will experience kidney failure, a potentially fatal effect of Lithium. I have seen many middle aged dialysis patients who were victims of Lithium toxicity and others who nearly died from undiagnosed diabetes insipides--So sad that once a person has a psych label, it is very likely that their somatic complaints will not be taken seriously.

    Invega in the *me too* version of Zyprexa-- coming on the market when Zyprexa was off patent. Metabolic disorders are frequently seen in people who take Zyprexa, Risperdal-- and other atypical anti-psychotics. Diabetes in this group is usually quite brittle, and self-care, so important in the management of diabetes is compromised --

    Encounters with a non-medical approach to care for people who suffer from severe mental states and emotional disturbances are key to developing the perspective that I felt in my gut was correct-- even before I started chanting, and well before psychiatric survivors began to speak out and *real* science validated the sham science that psychiatry is based on.

    I advocate for *fully* informed consent before psych drugs are administered, and respect for people who refuse these drugs--. I have seen such egregious violations of these basic civil rights--ALL in the name of "best treatment for people with no insight into their "mental illness"-- truth be told, there is no evidence base for claiming these drugs ARE treatment-in the first place.

    -- so far, the Buddha's teaching regarding the 84,000 illnesses of the mind; that they arise from spiritual causes, is what I believe . There is plenty of evidence from psychiatric survivors that this is the case.--But.

    I am hardly a religious fanatic- NOT prescribing religion over medical care. I am merely pointing out that our potential as human beings to heal ourselves and assist others is just being recognized.

    But from a strict Nichiren Buddhism -based perspective, it is important, I think, to realize the "disordered minds and spirits" of the people, becoming more severe and more widespread IS an effect of slander of the True Law/Teaching within the affected society--.

