Sunday, April 24, 2016

Why Josei Toda resides in the Hell of Incessant Suffering

“What, then, does Nichiren Daishonin say about this? He says that if we take faith in the Gohonzon, he will give us the cause for becoming rich even if we didn’t do anything for it in our past existence. Once we have this cause, we can naturally become wealthy in this lifetime. And the Daishonin will give those of us who made causes for being sickly in our past lives the causes for being perfectly healthy. This is what he will do as soon as we start to believe in the Gohonzon." -- Josei Toda

Toda's hatred of Nichiren Daishonin, the Supreme Votary of the Lotus Sutra, was only surpassed by his hatred and jealousy of Shakyamuni Buddha, the eternal Three Bodied Tathagata of Original Enlightenment, Toda might as well have accused Nichiren Daishonin of having weak faith for being poor, hungry and ill and Shakyamuni Buddha of great arrogance for stating, "I likewise am the father of this world." 

By denying Shakyamuni Buddha's Lotus Sutra and Nichiren Daishonin's life and teachings, Toda resides in the Avici Hell.


  1. "Shakyamuni Buddha, the eternal Three Bodied Tathagata of Original Enlightenment"

    Now this is more like it, I can go with this. It's amazing what's in a name

    1. Attachments are rather amazing for their distinct peculiarity-- while also being based on the same error--- or rather, simply anything that accords with the minds of mortals.


    2. “All phenomena” corresponds to Many Treasures, and “the true aspect” corresponds to Shakyamuni. These are also the two elements of reality and wisdom. Many Treasures is reality; Shakyamuni is wisdom. It is the enlightenment that reality and wisdom are two, and yet they are not two.

      These are teachings of prime importance. These are also what is called “earthly desires are enlightenment,” and “the sufferings of birth and death are nirvana.” Chanting Namu-myoho-renge-kyo during the physical union of man and woman is indeed what is called “earthly desires are enlightenment,” and “the sufferings of birth and death are nirvana.”

      “The sufferings of birth and death are nirvana” exists only in realizing that the entity of life throughout its cycle of birth and death is neither born nor destroyed.(Nichiren)

      Earthly Desires that you erroneously relate to as attachments as something to be severed are Enlightenment if you base them on the Law of Myoho Renge Kyo that you obviously haven't by the tone of your unreasonable incoherent mind

    3. "Earthly Desires that you erroneously relate to as attachments as something to be severed are Enlightenment if you base them on the Law of Myoho Renge Kyo that you obviously haven't by the tone of your unreasonable incoherent mind."

      I was referring to being attached to an idea - I wouldn't call preference of this nature, an *earthly desire*- but I am not going to call it what I think it is either.

      I am not saying that earthly desires should be severed, because that would be a provisional teaching and slander of the Lotus Sutra.


    4. and impossible but please Katie, Noel, and everyone, lets reset and gently practice the Lotus Sutra among each other.

  2. Why would someone who claims to know where Josei Toda is residing, not also mention that, having heard and chanted the daimoku of the Lotus Sutra, Toda is destined to attain Buddhahood ? And, having made such a claim, wouldn't one who has pure faith in the Lotus Sutra, chant daimoku for Toda's repose; that he may born quickly, eradicate his sins of slander and lead others to the True teaching?

    I am beginning to understand why ohgee compares some of the activities here to Westboro Church members, who make eternal damnation claims for the deceased, picketing funerals so that those mourning the deceased are aware of "God's" wrath ---

    Ay yi yi !!!

    1. ohgee???? really? kind of mean.

    2. ohgee is a great slanderer. Complicity too.

    3. I maintain as Nichiren, "...Even if the votary of the Lotus Sutra were an ape rather than a man, they should address him as the votary of the Lotus Sutra and rush forward to fulfill the vow they made before the Buddha." ohgee, on the other hand, is no more than a devil, born to obstruct the True Teachings to be employed in the Latter Day. Attached to the theoretical teachings, particularly chapter 14 [Peaceful Practices] of the Lotus Sutra, he misunderstands Buddhism. He should then stop immediately associating with butchers, wrestlers, warriors, and all other breakers of the precepts [everyone in the Latter Day were he to actually follow the teachings on peaceful practices which is impossible today because these teachings were intended for a different age]. Rather, he comes here to hinder the votaries. His head will split into seven pieces

    4. Encountering the Mystic Law is fortune, beyond words, but it is even more fortunate to hear, chant and believe in the daimoku-before encountering the *difficult to believe and difficult to understand* teachings that Nichiren brought to light for the Latter Day. Arousing belief in the daimoku is essential, as the Lotus Sutra is a teaching that accords with the Buddha's own mind, not ours. So many disregard/slander the Lotus Sutra based on the *teaching* they heard... before developing faith through practice of chanting daimoku.

      Since so many people have not begun to chant daimoku, or have aroused neither belief or faith even though they chant daimoku, how much greater is the importance of *their behavior as human beings* of those who have faith in the Lotus Sutra?

      I can't think of a Buddhist parable that tells the story of sacrificing one's life to hear, record and propagate a single verse of the Lotus Sutra that contained the term Avici Hell.


    5. "I can't think of a Buddhist parable that tells the story of sacrificing one's life to hear, record and propagate a single verse of the Lotus Sutra that contained the term Avici Hell."

      Not sure what you mean. Nichiren often cited the teachings of the Avici Hell from The Parable of the Burning House Chapter and one entire very long writing, What it Means to Slander the Law, is devoted almost exclusively to the principles of the Buddhist Hells and who are destined to go there...

  3. Mark,

    Recently you posted this comment with regard to my challenging pronouncements you have made about the death of Ikeda's being "actual proof" of Ikeda's polluted faith for SGI members' who believe they *are protected by their sensei--:

    "We may use the Lotus Sutra as a guide. It tells us which of our problems are caused by slander and which of our problems are caused by the Three Obstacles and Four Devils. We should avoid slander and its repercussions (punishment) and we should welcome the Three Obstacles and Four Devils. It is imperative to see clearly if we are slandering so we can make corrections. It is necessary to know if our actions are those of votaries of the Lotus Sutra. Does our mind accord with the mind of the Buddha?"

    I think the operative phrasing here is "our own actions as votaries of the Lotus Sutra"-- Neither Shakyamuni or Nichiren taught or encouraged believers to make *their own* predictions or pronouncements about the faith and practice of others--.

    Citing and sharing the passages from Nichiren's writings that evoke self reflection via warnings and strong admonitions are the compassionate actions of a good friend, a bodhisattva--

    Believers should take heed, then decide for themselves how these passages of warning apply to them -- NOT depend on the arbitrary opinions of others...


  4. "Those who call themselves my disciples and practice the Lotus Sutra should all practice as I do." -- Nichiren

    There are more than 1000 references to "hell" in the Writings of Nichiren Daishonin. Toda certainly fits the criteria of one who has fallen into Hell.

    Are you another of the renegade disciples who says, “Though the priest Nichiren is our teacher, he is too forceful. We will spread the Lotus Sutra in a more peaceful way.” In so asserting, they are being as ridiculous as fireflies laughing at the sun and moon, an anthill belittling Mount Hua, wells and brooks despising the river and the ocean, or a magpie mocking a phoenix. Namu-myoho-renge-kyo?

    1. "Are you another of the renegade disciples who says, “Though the priest Nichiren is our teacher, he is too forceful. We will spread the Lotus Sutra in a more peaceful way.”

      I responded to your blog post, Mark- not to a Gosho quote.

      ""Those who call themselves my disciples and practice the Lotus Sutra should all practice as I do." -- Nichiren

      I recognize the compassionate spirit that fueled Nichiren's forceful practices and that his predictions and pronouncements were shared in the context of cultural familiarity with Buddhism. The language, terms and the purpose for sharing how someone died,and what lay in store for them for instance, was of particular interest to Nichiren's followers. Letters to followers who asked specific questions about their deceased loved ones reveal a lot about the general understanding of Buddhist concepts related to death and rebirth, or one's next lifetime,

      It was natural for buddhists to be worried about a deceased loved one's *whereabouts* and to expect a straight answer from a Buddhist priest. Nichiren's followers were keenly interested in the specific pronouncements that derived from the Lotus Sutra. For instance, a mother whose son had been a samurai, was worried about her recently deceased son's *status* - because he had killed human beings in service to his lord.

      Talking about the Avichi Hell as a clear potential destination after death to an audience who is steeped in the Judeo -Christian views of death-- even if predominately SGI or NST members , can create more doubt and confusion, rather than meet the goal of sharing crucial teachings. Nichiren stressed respect for all humanity-- sensitive to cultural influences, always acting and speaking with sensitivity and respect.

      I am not inclined to believe these pronouncements, or predictions of yours, Mark -- and I certainly would not repeat them, or share them as *factual* . I am not a Buddhist scholar but have had very strong personal motivation to study Nichiren's teachings about death, seeking very specific answers, but ultimately deepening my faith. I would argue that none of us is on solid ground going rogue with karma readings or death state revelations--.

      Nichiren did indeed apply forceful means to spread the Lotus Sutra-- forceful, not rude or insensitive means-- and never appearing to delight in these pronouncements, he stressed the reason he was talking abut the deceased, etc.


    2. Lets just throw out Nichiren's [> 900 passages] and the Lotus Sutra's teachings on Hell. That would turn Nichiren's teachings into Burger King Buddhism [have it my way].

      "The host said: Though I may be a person of little ability, I have reverently given myself to the study of the Mahayana. A blue fly, if it clings to the tail of a thoroughbred horse, can travel ten thousand miles, and the green ivy that twines around the tall pine can grow to a thousand feet. I was born as the son of the one Buddha, Shakyamuni, and I serve the king of scriptures, the Lotus Sutra. How could I observe the decline of the Buddhist Law and not be filled with emotions of pity and distress?" -- Nichiren's On Establishing the Correct Teaching for the Peace of the Land

      I will strive to preserve every aspect of the teachings regardless of who likes it.

    3. "How could I observe the decline of the Buddhist Law and not be filled with emotions of pity and distress?"

      Pity and distress are emotions all human beings have experienced- to some degree. But in this instance, Nichiren employed an exemplary shakubuku dialogue, demonstrating his faith in the Buddhist Law and the capacity to uphold and propagate it as a human being- for the sake of other human beings. Every time I read "On Establishing the Correct Teaching for the Peace of the Land", I am reminded that it is easier to believe in the Lotus Sutra than it is to live in accordance with the Lotus Sutra.

  5. Certainly Toda will become a fully enlightened Buddha, like those who persecuted Never Despise Bodhisattva, after a thousand kalpas residing in the Avici Hell.

    1. I wouldn't call this an example of forceful practice in the manner Nichiren practiced. I think what you are doing in this vein is kinda presumptuous-- bordering on pompous and has a creepy ring of delight thrown in--.


  6. I strive to abandon my attachments to love and hatred and be impartial toward everyone.

    “One would therefore expect to find more victims of the epidemic among Nichiren’s followers than among the believers of Nembutsu, or priests of the True Word, Zen, and Precepts schools. For some reason, however, there is less affliction and death among Nichiren’s followers. It is indeed mysterious. Is this because we are few in number, or because our faith is strong?” — The Treatment of Illness – 1278

    Why is it that SGI members and especially leaders fall pray to more affliction and death and their roads [in general] are paved with broken dreams? As far as citing the death and misfortune of SGI [or NST] leaders and members who I have known or those whose misfortunes have been documented, not one event can be proven false. It is either punishment or the Three Obstacles and Four Devils. Since only those who practice as the Lotus Sutra preaches encounter the Three Obstacles and Four Devils, their misfortune is due solely to punishment [since they practice(d) in opposition to the teachings of the Sutra].

    From the perspective of the Lotus Sutra, the top SGI leaders, in particular, suffer(ed) punishment as an effect of bad causes and misdeeds against the Law and its votaries. I am as dispassionate as the effect itself. I am neither sad nor gleeful regarding the misfortunes of the enemies of the Law. Regarding my friends who were innocent victims of the warped SGI and NST faith and practice, of course I am saddened.

    To those here who are innocent victims of SGI and NST, believing the lies and distortions of these evil leaders and priests, I encourage you to stop listening to them and begin listening to Shakyamuni Buddha and Nichiren Daishonin through the Lotus Sutra and Gosho. Believe with your whole heart that the Mystic Law, the Law of the one vehicle of Buddhahood, has been the only teaching that enables all people to become Buddhas.

    "There is one thing to be thankful for. Kagenobu, Enchi, and Jitsujō all died before Dōzen-bō did, and that was something of a help. These men all met an untimely death because of the chastisement of the ten demon daughters who protect the Lotus Sutra. After they died, Dōzen-bō began to have some faith in the Lotus Sutra. But it was rather like obtaining a stick after the fight is over, or lighting a lantern at midday—the proper time had already passed."

    1. "“One would therefore expect to find more victims of the epidemic among Nichiren’s followers than among the believers of Nembutsu, or priests of the True Word, Zen, and Precepts schools. For some reason, however, there is less affliction and death among Nichiren’s followers. It is indeed mysterious. Is this because we are few in number, or because our faith is strong?” — The Treatment of Illness – 1278

      Draw your own conclusions--- and bar in mind that the teachings we follow, are mostly letters Nichiren wrote to people he knew well, who were actively supporting him with gratitude for "their teacher".

    2. "I strive to abandon my attachments to love and hatred and be impartial toward everyone."

      The other side of this coin-- the deluded , defiled aspect, is viewing everyone as *everyone else*-- in a one-size fits all category-- meaning no one will achieve a *good fit*.


  7. One size does indeed fit all...Namu Myoho renge kyo

  8. "Why is it that SGI members and especially leaders fall pray to more affliction and death and their roads [in general] are paved with broken dreams? As far as citing the death and misfortune of SGI [or NST] leaders and members who I have known or those whose misfortunes have been documented, not one event can be proven false"

    Since I resigned and my wife were excommunicated from the SGI over a year ago we have been hearing of so many devastating stories about members in our local area.
    It seems like karmic retribution from being involved with the organisation is becoming more severe as time passes

    1. I wonder about this, too. Though I still believe there are far more ignorant, easily primed for indoctrination members than deluded leaders, I think that willful deceit is the design of the wealthy share holders in SGI. I also have noticed that cold indifference has bred more elaborate schemes to silence and expel dissenting members.

      The causes are much worse, but so is the possibility of members learning anything remotely connected to True Buddhism--.I think attention to remedying the latter is also important, and would impact more directly on the root cause.


  9. Disbanding is the only solution.

    1. Or perhaps exposing SGI as fraudulent *religious* organization- all claims are forgeries and fabrication-- loose tax free status-- .


  10. That would be a great first step.

    1. When Jean Rosenberg was Baltimore/Washington Jt Territory WD Leader 1994, I asked her a question about the Gosho: "The Actions of The Votary Of The Lotus Sutra"- the passage where Nichiren confirms that he had stated "...that the temples Kencho-ji, Jufuku-ji, Gokuraku-ji,Choraku-ji and Daibutsu-ji should be burned down and the honorable priests Doryu and Ryokan beheaded."-

      This Gosho passage had been cited to support SGI referring to Nikken and NST priests as *enemies*.

      I knew Jean pretty well. She was my Chapter Leader (Parkway chapter) when I first joined NSA. She was *eager* to support my return to SGI in '93. I kept the notes from that meeting with Jean.

      My question to her : How does Nichiren's assertion that these slanderous priests should be beheaded and these temples burned relate to the SGI , specifically Pres. Ikeda being excommunicated by Nikken?

      Jean said that like Nichiren, Ikeda was teaching and practicing amongst the people, which aroused jealously and hatred from the priesthood. Which seemed odd based on the good relationship NSA in /washington D.C. had with the temple. Jean changed the subject suddenly to the Gosho passage itself, saying that it was not "literal"--
      From my notes:

      >>*note*: destruction of the temples and beheading of the priests were not literal threats-- referring to : refraining from giving alms to these priests; not supporting the Temples. (Jean R.)<<--
      I also noted : >>? reference/translation error. ? <<

      I wound up getting a lecture about the importance of not financially supporting NST-- and how this was the main reason for the strongly worded negative references to the *evil* priests. IF we had given $ contributions to Myosenji Temple, we were sure to suffer financial loss, though practicing with SGI would lessen that offense-- Jean said that *sensei* was mainly worried about the members suffering financial hardship --.

      This was more confusing for me, which led to Jean arranging for me to *receive guidance* from reformed priest, Mr. Yamamoto.

      I was not able to get an actual reference for what Jean said regarding the Gosho passage -- . Did Nichiren actually warn against giving alms to these priests or did he, say they should be beheaded?

      Reviewing notes from the dark side recently, I realized that there is a way to greatly reduce the *alms giving* to SGI USA-- which is now greatly enhanced by tax free status, meaning that the U.S. technically has been *giving alms* to this slanderous org. for 56 years! And we have the economic fiasco to prove it.

      Additionally, exposing the fraudulent claims of a sham religion could be a wake up call for members, while provoking National leaders, who would no doubt become a lot less cheerful and a lot more intolerant.

  11. In his more important writing, Establishing the Correct Law for the Peace of the Land, he does indeed qualify this statement to mean, to not to give alms to these evil men.
