Sunday, May 1, 2016

They love to state "fact" when indeed no fact exists

'Since karma is an essential property of every sentient individual, there is no trace in the Buddha’s teaching of such a thing as “collective karma”. This fact has profound moral implications.' -- Richard Gombrich expert on the Pali Canon of Buddhism and contributor to the SGI Institute of Oriental Philosophy [ ]

Of course there is collective karma, as a teaching in the texts [especially the Lotus Sutra] and as observable reality. This brings us back to the teachings of  Nichiren:

"Question: If I have doubts, it is because I am an ignorant person. But if I doubt the words spoken to me by all persons of wisdom, then I will end up with nothing to believe in, and will merely live my life in vain, will I not?
Answer: In his dying instructions, the Buddha said, “Rely on the Law and not upon persons.” This means that if what a person says is not in agreement with what is expounded in the sutras, one should not believe it, no matter how fine the person may be...."

1 comment:

  1. Gombrich conflates "collective responsibility" with what he mistakenly claims is the false belief in "collective karma". One certainly can believe in collective karma yet disassociate collective responsibility from individual karmic responsibility. Furthermore and more importantly, Gombrich is unfamiliar with the Three Realms of Existence [component of Ichinen Sanzen or Three Thousand Realms in a Momentary Existence of Life], failing to acknowledge the realm of living beings [society] as also falling under the workings of the karmic Law.

    The key to stopping war and violence is to destroy the will to harm and kill. This can only be accomplished through the chanting of Namu Myoho renge kyo.
