Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Nichiren Shoshu member's head beginning to split into seven pieces....

"I say you and President Ikeda are the same level. Lying sacks of filth lower than the dust. Except I think you are beneath him. In fact I don't think you are even worthy to be called an SGI member. That's too much value already, especially for a violent insane man like you. Does that make sense to you moron? M-o-r-IKEDA-On."


  1. dirham, take faith in the lotus sutra. follow the buddha and nichiren.

    say goodby to the shoshit and ikeda's sgi.

    study here and chant namu myoho renge kyo!
    its never too late.

    1. Greg, you have a more caring mind than Dirham, I have never known of him to give you or anyone any positive encouragement from the Lotus Sutra or Nichiren but just vile emotional condemnations.

      He is the manifestation of the deluded states of the Lower worlds and an example of a deranged mind that stems from deranged teachings

    2. my later experience with the leadership and longtime members of the shoshit and sgi is that beyond the facade, they are mean, spiteful people. i have been called every ugly name and threatened online and in person with bodily harm more than once. some of the language used toward mark is not for me to repeat. it's for him. however, we don't care. cut my head off if you must. this is mild here compared to some things in the past........ . here's the good news, everyone we touch becomes ours. someday they will follow us or the true bodisattvas of the earth(truth). we are the glue. dirham and the likes are a great disappointment , however noel, they can only run so far. as a rule their behavior is outrageous.

      however, if it was any different, the buddha would be a great liar. for me , i need to polish my shijo kingo nature.
      how encouraging! cheers.

  2. "here's the good news, everyone we touch becomes ours. someday they will follow us or the true bodisattvas of the earth(truth). we are the glue. dirham and the likes are a great disappointment" because you are the "high priest"? Of what?

  3. study the teachings no name. after that we can talk.

  4. there is much that will explain my comment. a good place to start is a good translation of the "never disparaging" chapter. the sgi avoids the real message of this chapter. nichiren identified with this teaching.

    no high priest here. not necessary. the high priest for the latter age is nichiren.
