Thursday, June 16, 2016

SGI's strategy to deflect criticism

It’s the standard Soka Gakkai/Taisekiji tactic to muddle, confuse and unbalance any logical criticism of their “reading between the lines” approach to Nichiren’s orthodox religion. And if that tactic doesn't work, they resort to smearing the character of their critics. It amounts to “bullying” any and all opposition. It is ironic that the Nichiren Shoshu became the target of SGI bullying since 1990. 


  1. Question: How should one practice if one is to be faithful to the Buddha’s teachings?
    Answer: The Japanese people of this age are one in their opinion of what practice accords with the Buddha’s teachings. They believe that, since all vehicles are opened up and incorporated in the one vehicle of Buddhahood, p.393 no teaching is superior or inferior, shallow or profound, but all are equal to the Lotus Sutra. Hence the belief that chanting the Nembutsu, embracing the True Word teaching, practicing Zen meditation, or professing and reciting any sutra or the name of any Buddha or bodhisattva equals following the Lotus Sutra.
    But I insist that this is wrong. The most important thing in practicing the Buddhist teachings is to follow and uphold the Buddha’s golden words, not the opinions of others. Our teacher, the Thus Come One Shakyamuni, wished to reveal the Lotus Sutra from the moment he first attained the way. However, because the people were not yet mature enough to understand, he had to employ provisional teachings as expedient means for some forty years before he could expound the true teaching of the Lotus Sutra. (WND I: 42 On Practicing the Buddha’s Teachings)

    Within each and everyone of us exist the same truth, the bodhi. We are equal in all aspect to the Buddha-Carrying the 32 characteristics of the Dharma law and the three Great Secret Laws in our hearts and demeanor, we go about teaching this Law of true compassion and hope. It is the cloth to wipe away the tears of suffering, and solves the dilemma of evil in this environment and the world. People who posses a great deal of knowledge and those who don't should dedicated themselves to the practice of chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, as taught by the Budddha, and gain the wisdom and characteristics of the Buddha to cause the victory of happiness in your life and that of others. Like Abutsabo, put down the sword of arrogance and pick up the sword to the True Law; help pull the drowning masses to their feet and give them a chance to experience their own enlightenment. I have been bitten by humility more than once in this life and had to do a lot of self admonishment and correction. The Daishonin had the humility to admit he himself slandered the Law, and that was the ultimate reason why he faced persecution, he was paying the piper. Too much more to say here, I will refrain and stop, time runs out.

    1. "You'd be better off by looking in your own mirror. I polish my mirror by chanting the diamoku of the Lotus Sutra. I use my time chanting the daimoku in front of the Gohonzon to self reflect on my own negativities."

      No thanks, Anon, your advice is a load of crap--as is your claim to be practicing in accordance with Nichiren's teachings--

      Anonymous, are you claiming that this *way of praying* to Gohonzon is a teaching of Nichiren's ? Do you have any passages of the Gosho that support this *self absorbed* manner in which you pray to the Gohonzon? (I already know there are none :-)

      Putting aside, for the moment, the fact that *study* within SGI is deficient in both the actual teachings of Nichiren, but also the true significance of Shakyamuni and the Lotus Sutra, basic understanding of the *supreme doctrines* contained in the Lotus sutra would be sufficient to point out your grave error -- "chanting to reflect on your own negativities.", is NOT the practice taught by Nichiren for the Latter Day.


      Three thousand realms in a single life moment-- and the mutual possession of the 10 worlds, combine to illustrate that one ONLY has to practice with FAITH in the Lotus Sutra to transform one's negative karma. The True Entity, the Mystic Law you chant, permeates every function of your life (all life, in fact), -- meaning that the so called *human revolution*, that is a doctrine of SGI, is a moot point and an inferior teaching. Again, Believing in, practicing, upholding. propagating and protecting the Lotus Sutra is the correct practice-- . What do you know about the Lotus Sutra? Probably not enough to sustain 5 minutes of daimoku with correct focus.

      I know for a fact that the guidance of the SGI has always focused on this *self perfection* model that is rooted in error, like; "you are already Buddha", and from that seat you may chant to your hearts content for whatever you desire-- . Yes, you may desire to improve your human relationships-- and conceive of other noble quests, BUT, the method you employ is degrading the Lotus Sutra-- because a person, or *persons* giving advice have deterred your development of correct faith-- Therefore you cycle through the 6 lower worlds and never conceive the aspiration to attain the True benefit that was the Intent of the True Buddha-- You trade gold for rocks-- discarding the gold, is slander of the Law.

      IF your practice were correctly oriented-- True daimoku, Namu- myoho-renge kyo , Authentic NICHIREN Gohonzon and attitude based on the teachings of Nichiren, you would have absolutely no difficulty identifying the grave errors and overt slander committed by Ikeda and the SGI.

      Fundamentally, you demonstrate that you have no clue or no real connection to Nichiren's teachings, and since you peace with those who discourage anyone from directly applying the Gosho to SGI practice issues-- or any matter within the organization, you would do well to conduct your own investigation , rather than debate here using the fraudulent doctrines of your slanderous organization. I mean to say, at least try to KNOW what you obviously do not know.

      The difference between the teachings of Nichiren and the propaganda of the SGI-- read ALL of his writings until you have grasped the entirety of the message he dedicated and risked his life to teach us. Actually, until you have done this, you are foolish to engage in debate here.


    2. And now you wax pompous,
      THE cowardly *no-name* commenter!!

      You claim:

      "No one in history has repaid the gratitude they owe to Daisaku Ikeda more than I. By pointing out his errors regarding the teachings of the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren Daishonin. I have already repaid my gratitude to him and I am certain the Buddha and Bodhisattvas approve of what I have said and done. "

      Whatever do you mean by this?? There is nothing worse than distorting the True Buddha's teaching, misleading many others and basking in self aggrandized glory. This is Daisaku Ikeda-- and you say you have repaid your debt of gratitude by pointing out his errors?? Yet, you fail to notice what his errors are, much less their implications. !!

      Furthermore, if you addressed the third SGI President directly, as I have done via letter, you would have to include that the self righteous, tyrant of the SGI does NOT respond directly to criticism of his practice, attitudes, or the lack of conviction he shows for the hyperbole he spewed in guidance to the Leaders and , cough, cough, treasuring the members. Pleeez !!

      If the "great sensei" has responded to *your* criticism-- let's see evidence-- of WHAT you condemned and WHAT Ikeda said in response. What a puffed up zealot you are-- pontificating and strutting around--
      a Peacock in a mine field, you are!!


  2. no name aka anonymous, no doubt mark will reply. i will add a teaching that is supported by what the buddha and nichiren taught: nothing in your comment justifies sgi's , and your, slander of the teachings. the sgi with your support change the teachings for selfish gain, political power, and money. you glorify ikeda while you piss all over what nichiren really taught. you chant the daimoku(although truncated) while dismissing the real teachings. both nichiren and ten tai concur, if one goes against the teachings of the lotus sutra then the daimoku they chant is not the daimoku of the true dharma and, instead of leading to enlightenment it will only lead to a deeper delusion. this is why you and your ikedabots cannot understand the teachings even when you read them. why do you run away? the sgi, with your, help mixes the clean with the unclean. while nichiren teaches , don't mix this myoho renge kyo with anything else.

    what you have posted above does not support your point(slander).

    sgi teaches that the lotus sutra has no authority in the latter age. nichiren is the true buddha and his myoho renge kyo supersedes the lotus sutra, as if it is a completely different teaching. the seed of the sgi is the nichiren shoshit and even dummies know that their teachings are absurd. however, as far as poison , your sgi takes first prize. the only difference between the shoshit and the sgi is that the shoshit have had 650 year headstart. nice try but you gotta do better than this post.

  3. Now, by citing passages from a wide variety of scriptures,
    I have clearly demonstrated the rights and wrongs of the matter. Therefore, I have completely forsaken my earlier mistaken convictions, and my ears and eyes have been opened on point after point.

    There can be no doubt that all people, from the ruler on down to the general populace, rejoice in and desire the stability of the nation and the peace of the world. If we can quickly put an end to the alms that are given to these SGI icchantikas and insure that continuing support is instead given to the host of true priests and nuns, if we can still these “white waves” that trouble the ocean of the Buddha and cut down these “green groves” that overgrow the mountain of the Law, then the world may become as peaceful as it was in the golden ages of Fu Hsi and Shen Nung, and the nation may flourish as it did under the sage rulers Yao and Shun. After that, there will be time to dip into the waters of the Law and to decide which are shallow doctrines and which are deep, and to pay honor to the pillars and beams that support the house of the Buddha.

    The host exclaimed with delight: The dove has changed into a hawk, the sparrow into a clam. How gratifying! You have associated with a friend in the orchid room and have become as straight as mugwort growing among hemp. If you will truly give consideration to the troubles I have been describing and put entire faith in these words of mine, then the winds will blow gently, the waves will be calm, and in no time at all we will enjoy bountiful harvests."

  4. "Like Abutsabo, put down the sword of arrogance and pick up the sword to the True Law; help pull the drowning masses to their feet and give them a chance to experience their own enlightenment. I have been bitten by humility more than once in this life and had to do a lot of self admonishment and correction. The Daishonin had the humility to admit he himself slandered the Law, and that was the ultimate reason why he faced persecution, he was paying the piper. Too much more to say here, I will refrain and stop, time runs out." -- Anonymous

    And you with the devil for parent?

    "After everyone had gone, I began to put into shape a work in two volumes called The Opening of the Eyes, which I had been working on since the eleventh month of the previous year. I wanted to record the wonder of Nichiren, in case I should be beheaded. The essential message in this work is that the destiny of Japan depends solely upon Nichiren. A house without pillars collapses, and a person without a soul is dead. Nichiren is the soul of the people of this country. Hei no Saemon has already toppled the pillar of Japan, and the country grows turbulent as unfounded rumors and speculation rise up like phantoms to cause dissention in the ruling clan. Further, Japan is about to be attacked by a foreign country, as I described in my On Establishing the Correct Teaching. Having written to this effect, I entrusted the manuscript to Nakatsukasa Saburō Saemon-no-jō’s messenger. The disciples around me thought that what I had written was too provocative, but they could not stop me."

    Similarly, I rebuke the even more slanderous SGI Ikeda sect


  5. "Like Abutsabo, put down the sword of arrogance and pick up the sword to the True Law; help pull the drowning masses to their feet and give them a chance to experience their own enlightenment. I have been bitten by humility more than once in this life and had to do a lot of self admonishment and correction. The Daishonin had the humility to admit he himself slandered the Law, and that was the ultimate reason why he faced persecution, he was paying the piper. Too much more to say here, I will refrain and stop, time runs out." -- Anonymous

    And you with the devil for parent?

    "After everyone had gone, I began to put into shape a work in two volumes called The Opening of the Eyes, which I had been working on since the eleventh month of the previous year. I wanted to record the wonder of Nichiren, in case I should be beheaded. The essential message in this work is that the destiny of Japan depends solely upon Nichiren. A house without pillars collapses, and a person without a soul is dead. Nichiren is the soul of the people of this country. Hei no Saemon has already toppled the pillar of Japan, and the country grows turbulent as unfounded rumors and speculation rise up like phantoms to cause dissention in the ruling clan. Further, Japan is about to be attacked by a foreign country, as I described in my On Establishing the Correct Teaching. Having written to this effect, I entrusted the manuscript to Nakatsukasa Saburō Saemon-no-jō’s messenger. The disciples around me thought that what I had written was too provocative, but they could not stop me."

    Similarly, I rebuke the even more slanderous SGI Ikeda sect


  6. "If there are monks who for the sake of comprehensive wisdom seek the Law in every direction, pressing palms together , gratefully accepting, desiring only to accept and embrace the sutra of the Great vehicle and not accepting a single verse of the other sutras, to persons such as this it is permissible to preach it. If a person earnest in mind seeks this sutra as though he were seeking the Buddhas's relics and having gained and gratefully accepted it, that person shows no intention of seeking other sutras and has never once given thought to the wirings of the non Buddhist doctrines , to person such as this it is permissible to preach it.""I tell you Shariputra , if I described all the characteristics of those who seek the Buddha way , I could exhaust a kalpa and never be done . Person of this type are CAPABLE of believing and understanding. Therefore for them you should preach the LOTUS SUTRA OF THE WONDERFUL LAW!"

  7. makes no sense. i prefer nichiren or any of the 24 successors.
