Thursday, July 7, 2016

Bye bye Dirham.

You will be welcomed back when you can discuss the teachings.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Matthew 4:5-6 -- Then the devil took Him up into the holy city, set Him on the pinnacle of the temple, and said to Him, "If You are the Son of God, throw Yourself down. For it is written: 'He shall give His angels charge over you,' and, 'In their hands they shall bear you up, Lest you dash your foot against a stone.' "

    The Devil was quoting Scriptures from Psalm 91:11-12.

    You should be wary of ANYONE telling you "what the Bible says."

    1 Thessalonians 5:21 -- Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.

    A famous quote:
    "Don't believe me, believe your Bible." -- Herbert W. Armstrong

    "The proverb alludes to the temptation of Christ by the Devil (Matthew iv) when the latter quotes a passage from Psalm xci.

    The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose. An evil soul producing holy witness Is like a villain with a smiling cheek.
    [1596 Shakespeare Merchant of Venice i. iii. 93]

    Thus Candour's maxims flow from Rancour's throat, As devils, to serve their purpose, Scripture quote.
    [1761 C. Churchill Apology 15]

    Is any one surprised at Mr. Jonas making such a reference to such a book for such a purpose? Does any one doubt the old saw that the Devil (being a layman) quotes Scripture for his own ends.
    [1843 Dickens Martin Chuzzlewit xi.]

    The versatile personage in our popular proverbs, who‥quotes Scripture for his own ends.
    [1937 ‘C. Dickson’ Ten Teacups xiii.]

    The devil can quote Scripture, as we all know, so why not a politician?
    [1997 Washington Times 25 July A4]

    1. The “Encouraging Devotion” chapter states: “We beg you not to worry. After the Buddha has passed into extinction, in an age of fear and evil we will preach far and wide. There will be

      many ignorant people who will curse and speak ill of us and will attack us with swords and staves, but we will endure all these things.

      In that evil age there will be monks with perverse wisdom and hearts that are fawning and crooked who will suppose they have attained what they have not attained, being proud and boastful in heart.

      Or there will be forest-dwelling monks wearing clothing of patched rags and living in retirement, who will claim they are practicing the true way, despising and looking down on all humankind. Greedy for profit and support, they will preach the Law to white-robed laymen and will be respected and revered by the world as though they were arhats who possess the six transcendental powers.

      These men with evil in their hearts, constantly thinking of worldly affairs, will borrow the name of forest-dwelling monks and take delight in proclaiming our faults . . . Because in the midst of the great assembly they constantly try to defame us, they will address the rulers, high ministers, Brahmans, and householders, as well as the other monks, slandering and speaking evil of us, saying, ‘These are men of perverted views who preach non-Buddhist doctrines!’ . . . In a muddied kalpa, in an evil age there will be many things to fear.

      Evil demons will take possession of others and through them curse, revile, and heap shame on us. . . . The evil monks of that muddied age, failing to understand the Buddha’s expedient means, how he preaches the Law in accordance with what is appropriate, will confront us with foul language and angry frowns; again and again we will be banished.”

      The eighth volume of The Annotations on “The Words and Phrases of the Lotus Sutra” comments as follows: “In this passage, three types of arrogance are cited. First, there is a section that exposes people of mistaken views. This represents [the arrogance and presumption of] lay people.


    2. Next, there is a section that exposes the arrogance and presumption of members of the Buddhist clergy.

      Third is a section that exposes the arrogance and presumption of those who pretend to be sages. Of these three, the first can be endured.

      The second exceeds the first, and the third is the most formidable of all. This is because the second and third ones are increasingly harder to recognize for what they really are.”

      The Dharma Teacher Chih-tu writes in Tung-ch’un: “First, regarding the verse section that begins with ‘There will be many ignorant people’: The first part tells how the votaries of the Lotus Sutra must endure evils inflicted by the body, mouth, and mind of their opponents. This refers to non-Buddhists and evil lay Buddhists.

      The next part that begins with ‘In that evil age’ deals with arrogant members of the Buddhist clergy. The third part that begins, ‘Or there will be forest-dwelling monks,’ deals with members of the clergy who [pretend to be sages and use their positions so that they can] act as leaders of all the other evil people.” And the same text goes on to say: “The section that begins, ‘Because in the midst of the great assembly,’ describes how these men will appeal to the government authorities, slandering the Law and its practitioners.”

      In the ninth volume of the Nirvana Sutra we read: “Good man, there are icchantikas, or persons of incorrigible disbelief. They pretend to be arhats, living in deserted places and speaking slanderously of the correct and equal sutras of the great vehicle. When ordinary people see them, they all suppose that they are true arhats and speak of them as great bodhisattvas.”

      It also says: “At that time, this sutra will be widely propagated throughout Jambudvīpa. In that age there will be evil monks who will steal this sutra and divide it into many parts, losing the color, scent, and flavor of the correct teaching that it contains. These evil men will read and recite this sutra, but they will ignore and put aside the profound and vital principles that the Thus Come One has expounded in it and replace them with ornate rhetoric and meaningless talk.

      They will tear off the first part of the sutra and stick it on at the end, tear off the end and put it at the beginning, put the end and the beginning in the middle and the middle at the beginning or the end. You must understand that these evil monks are the companions of the devil.”

      The Opening of the Eyes (I)


    3. Re: Biblical quotes and references to malicious intent to distort their meaning. [Noel's comment above]

      Unlike Nichiren's writings and the Lotus Sutra, the Bible itself is full of contradictions, inconsistencies & falsehoods and therefore quite easy to manipulate by those with spurious agendas. On the other hand, Nichiren's authentic writings, the main body of his teachings, are consistent, and the consistency extends to the basis for Nichiren's writings, The Lotus Sutra. I have yet to see a Gosho quote or sutra passage successfully employed to distort the teachings of Nichiren, though there are many such statements made that are referenced in the fake ogni kudon and the disputed Gosho "The True entity of All Phenomena"--

      We can study Nichiren's writings, practicing as he taught, and readily appreciate the difference between clear, concise, factual scripture, and fiction. Those who study Nichiren's writings and learn his method for determining forgeries and fabrications can dispel all claims made by those who attempt to confuse the teachings by quoting passages from the Gosho. This is due to the greatness of the highest teaching, the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren's devotion to the Lotus Sutra.

      I can't speculate on a specific intention for citing Biblical passages and references to misrepresentation of them by *the devil*, but since I attended on inter-faith activity when *on probation* in 2003 here in SGI Boston, and only permitted to attend activities at the community center, I did witness some rather deplorable behavior on the part of SGI Boston leaders who were enthusiastically citing what *they* saw as similarities between Nichiren's teachings as those of *other* faiths. I call this deplorable because there are no similarities between the truth and falsehoods. Nichiren's teachings are based on the ultimate reality, the Truth-- all others contain errors, and some could even be called fatasial. The practice of Shakubuku is purposeful, in that it is strictly focused on establishing the truth and breaking one's attachment to falsehood.

      From dialogues I have had with SGI members re: interfaith, I have concluded that the only similarities of merit are those that exist amongst people seeking a spiritual path and clarity on existential questions of our human condition, or rather, a seeking mind. Respecting others of different faiths is a separate issue from seeking common ground regarding very disparate teachings.

      People can only get away with distorting Nichiren's teachings, when their audience is vastly ignorant of them. And this is the theme of the story of NST & SGI.

      The time has arrived when true votaries of the Lotus Sutra can refute these traitorous, heretical sects. THIS is the "hope for all human kind" . Truly the greatest actual proof I have witnessed in my 28 years of practicing as a follower of Nichiren!


    4. "Respecting others of different faiths is a separate issue from seeking common ground regarding very disparate teachings."

      It is the differences that make the difference.

      This is why we choose a particular path from another.

      WE all have our own unique individual capacity

      These differences need to be highlighted so that we know what we are dealing and acknowledged them for what they are.

      Much of the hatred and intolerance in the Religious and spiritual world stems from not listening and trying to understand others belief systems and insisting it its all the Same

      There are some similarities and differences that when combined create uniquely different faith

      EG the different schools of Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam etc

      When the New world order religions say its all the Same and are now taking over all the Major World Religions, I say to them "yes it is all the same in that its not the same, let that be our common ground and still respect one another's rights to believe what ever they want even though we may not agree with it"

      To only focus on the common ground while excluding the differences and not facing up to the way things are (common ground and the Twilight Zone/Outer Limits) will only create a bias intolerant fanatical authoritarian view towards others who see and experience things differently

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. In the case of the SGI in the name of tolerance they have compromised the fundamental core beliefs of Nichiren Buddhism through their association with interfaith conferences

      In fact that they have recently announced that religion should be changed to suit the times otherwise religion is no good

      Because of their compromising attitude with other religions chiefly Upanishads in Hinduism , Sufism in Islam, Hinayana that targets Nirvana, Shingon and Zen in Mayahana Buddhism that only targets Dharma body,they are becoming this mixture philosophy of the above but have not yet announced their official definition of the Gohonzon

      Their philosophy doesn't match up with any Gohonzon but they still want to have it for membership and for keeping a religion under Nichiren's name for the purpose of Tax exemption

      Their Nam Myoho Renege Kyo is the non dual aspect only of Nirvana, Brahmin, God, Non duality that is isolated from duality, emptiness, Dharma Body etc.

    7. "To only focus on the common ground while excluding the differences and not facing up to the way things are (common ground and the Twilight Zone/Outer Limits) will only create a bias intolerant fanatical authoritarian view towards others who see and experience things differently."

      I think I need to clarify my point about *common ground*-- I am referring to being living beings in the saha world during mappo== trying to live a purposeful, meaningful life.

      No matter what karmic differences there are between us living beings, or how capable any of us is interns of grasping Buddhist teachings, the ONE vehicle is the ONLY means for achieving our highest potential as human beings. I focus on that whenever I am engaged in discussion about religions and spirituality.

      And I don;t fins any *points of commonality* between Nichiren Lotus Sutra Buddhism and any other religious teaching or practice, so I avoid engaging in *collaborative* spiritual speculations.

      I don;t discount or disrespect individual différences, but I remain steadfast in contributing ONLY that which is true and based on the Lotus Sutra when I refer to my own practice. Nichiren's style, exemplified in is writings, is my guide.

      Does it matter how and why others have it wrong? Or is it more important to learn how to share and clarify EXACTLY what is right?

      That, BTW, is a question- :-)


    8. "Does it matter how and why others have it wrong? Or is it more important to learn how to share and clarify EXACTLY what is right?"

      Shakyamuni and Nichiren both studied and practiced the teachings of their day so they had first hand knowledge of what it is that they have moved on from.

      They have both seemed to clarify what is right by a process of elimination of expedient teachings in expounding the one great vehicle

      If they didn't know what was wrong how could they find what is right

      Many Nichiren sects and independents have their own interpretations of the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren's writings and the best we can do is make sense of it all as you have stated by having the authentic Lotus Sutra and Gosho teachings from NOPPA. But this can be like the fox in charge of the hen house, so I cant even be sure of this as they are the SHU sect with their own leanings

    9. Agree with you Noel. All we can do is do our best to try and make sense of the teachings. Certainly the independents who study the teachings thoroughly are less prone to error than those who embrace SGI, NST, or Nichiren Shu uncritically.

    10. Agree with you Noel. All we can do is do our best to try and make sense of the teachings. Certainly the independents who study the teachings thoroughly are less prone to error than those who embrace SGI, NST, or Nichiren Shu uncritically.

    11. "I Nichiren was born in the province of Awa, the twelfth of the fifteen provinces of Tokaido, the son of a fisherman in Kataumi in the village of Tojo, the district of Nagasa. At the age of twelve I was sent to the mountain temple called Seicho-ji in the same village where I tool up residence. But though it was called a temple, since it was located in such a distant and outlying province, there was no one there who was capable of giving me proper instruction. I thereupon took it upon myself to go about various other provinces, studying as I went along. Being a person of limited abilities, however, and having no one to teach me, I found it difficult to determine the exact origin of the ten schools of Buddhism and their relative worth.
      As it happened, I prayed to the Buddhas and bodhisattvas that I would gain in understanding of these matters and made a thorough study of all the sutras and treatises, and on that basis examined the doctrines of the ten schools."
      " Questions and Answers on the Object of Devotion" WND vol 2 p. 794)

      This passage precedes Nichiren's detailed recounting of his research that culminated in his writing, "On Establishing the Correct Teaching for The Peace of the Land"

      I think that it is reasonable to believe that Nichiren *got it right*, but also noteworthy is that in sharing his self disclosed limitations and difficulties, he makes a point of saying "I prayed to the Buddhas and bodhisattvas that I would gain in understanding of these matters."

      I would not call Nichiren's method of study "a process of elimination of expedient teachings in expounding the one great vehicle." It seems to me that he was focused on a task of great importance, and that he aroused faith as a means to overcome the obstacles he identified. Is this not a method we, too can employ to dispel our own confusion regarding his teachings and Shakyamuni's as well ?

      "Many Nichiren sects and independents have their own interpretations of the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren's writings and the best we can do is make sense of it all as you have stated by having the authentic Lotus Sutra and Gosho teachings from NOPPA. But this can be like the fox in charge of the hen house, so I cant even be sure of this as they are the SHU sect with their own leanings"

      I think that independent practitioners are more likely engaged in applying the teachings to their own lives and circumstances, and therefore are not analyzing or interpreting Nichiren's writings in a formalized manner. There is a huge difference between using Nichiren's writings to establish the teachings that define a particular sect, and seeking a clear understanding of Nichiren's teachings to establish peace and security in one's own life. In the case of the latter, which is the basis for my independent practice, I have no reason and no desire to convince or convert anyone to my own understanding., but I am interested in the task of refuting errors and denouncing the slander that is perpetuated by the most influential of the largest sects SGI/NST.
      I think I am on safe ground following Nichiren's example for overcoming my own limitations and the difficulties inherent in the practice of shakubuku.


    12. This comment has been removed by the author.

    13. "I have no reason and no desire to convince or convert anyone to my own understanding., but I am interested in the task of refuting errors and denouncing the slander that is perpetuated by the most influential of the largest sects SGI/NST."

      Do the words, opinions, commentaries conform to the sutra and Nichiren's authentic writings?

      That is, as Nichiren taught, the purpose of debate.

      Seeking to clarify our own understanding and learning from others, based on the teachings of Nichiren, is the purpose of Eagle Peak.

      This is exactly what is lacking in the major Nichiren sects today, which is why the matter is of a crucial nature, and should not be avoided based on fear, in my humble opinion."


      "For some time now I have known that this nation is destined for destruction. I knew that, if I reported this to the ruler, and if it were still possible that the nation might be preserved in peace and safety, then he would surely ask me to clarify the meaning of my words; but if the nation were indeed doomed, then the ruler would refuse to heed my advice.

      And if he refused to heed my advice, I knew that I would most likely be condemned to exile or execution. Yet the Buddha has warned us, “If, while understanding this matter, you still hesitate to risk your life and therefore do not declare it to the people, then you are not only my enemy but the deadly enemy of all living beings and are bound to fall into the great citadel of the Avīchi hell.”

      At this point I became troubled as to how to proceed. If I spoke out with regard to this matter, there was no telling what might become of me. My own safety was of little concern, but suppose that my parents, siblings, and perhaps even one other person out of a thousand or ten thousand should follow me. They, too, would surely be hated by both the ruler and the common people.

      And if they were so hated, then, not having a full understanding of the Buddhist teachings, they would find it difficult to endure the attacks of others.

      Though they had supposed that, by practicing the Buddha’s teachings, they would gain peace and security, in fact they would find that, because they had embraced this teaching, they were beset by great hardships.

      In that case they would then slander this teaching as a distorted one and therefore fall into the evil paths. How pitiful that would be!

      But if, on the other hand, I failed to speak out on this matter, then I would not only be going against the vow I made to the Buddha, but I would become the deadly enemy of all living beings and be condemned without fail to the great Avīchi hell. Thus, though I had pondered which course of action to take, I made up my mind to speak out.

      I felt that, once I had begun to speak out, it would not do to falter or desist along the way, and so I spoke out with ever increasing vigor.

      Then, just as the Buddha’s words in the sutra predict, the ruler grew hostile and the common people began to attack me. And because they treated me with enmity, heaven grew enraged, the sun and moon displayed great changes in their behavior, and huge comets appeared. The earth shook as though it would turn over, internecine strife broke out, and they were attacked by a foreign country.

      All happened just as the Buddha had predicted, and there is no doubt that I, Nichiren, am the votary of the Lotus Sutra."

      Reply to the Lay Priest Takahashi

    14. "I would not call Nichiren's method of study "a process of elimination of expedient teachings in expounding the one great vehicle."

      It seems to me that he was focused on a task of great importance, and that he aroused faith as a means to overcome the obstacles he identified.

      Is this not a method we, too can employ to dispel our own confusion regarding his teachings and Shakyamuni's as well"

      Doesn't Shakabuku mean to refute provisional beliefs? How can we refute them if we don't understand them or know what they mean ?

      As you know Nichiren was a scriptural Buddhist that could wrap all the Buddhist and non Buddhist teachings around his little finger.

      If we can have faith in Nichiren's teachings who has already done the hard yards we can have wisdom to discern the abnormalities professed from the other faiths without having to exhaustively study every detail of them

      If we are established in this faith before we believe something else it will be easier to perceive these other schools of thought for what they are through the Buddha Eye

    15. Right. So we don't have to re-invent the wheel !!

      All we need to do it arouse faith and pray, as Nichiren himself did, and thus, our chanting daimoku with clarity of purpose is certain to produce deeper understanding !!


  3. So, Dirham which passage of "The Opening of The Eyes" do you find to be in error ?

    Who decides what our past and future lives will be like ?

    Do tell ....

  4. Mark, why don't you writ down a guide line for ethics?

  5. The highest ethic is chanting Namu Myoho renge kyo with faith in the Lotus Sutra. Sitting upright in front of the Gohonzon and chanting Namu Myoho renge kyo all sins evaporate like dew in the noon day sun.

  6. Ay yi yi--

    dear, greg, I wonder if your karmic connection to dirham arises from his view of your departure from SGI as an act of betrayal against him?

    I do know a very well liked and highly respected senior leader who *booked* in 1995--and was privy to some very harsh responses from other leaders and members-- all of whom, I now think, expected HIM to make the changes they ALL were hoping for.

    I don't share your predicament because I was "booted out"-- again and again-- Though some leaders and members still seek me out, they do so in clandestine ways-- some come out of curiosity and others who actually seek *guidance* from me -- crazy huh?

    All this to say-- that for those who depended on the SGI to sustain their faith and practice, you represent a tremendous personal loss.

    I well know the difficulty of arousing compassion -- we all get our own personalized tests in this regard on a regular basis-- so not criticizing in the least-- just wanted to share-- my humble opinion.


  7. hello katie, thanks for sharing your thoughts. i have been dealing with people like dirhamhock, lol, lol, lol, for many years. even though he follows bad leaders, he is ignorant of the teachings and posses the same demon seed they do. because he seeks something other than truth(myoho renge kyo), he becomes furious when confronted by the real teachings and those who at least make an effort to uphold. he chants the daimoku that nichiren brought while at the same time disparages everything that nichiren and the buddha really taught and lived. there is no other form of hatred more profound than dirpoops.
    his behavior and the priests he follows is the true definition of insanity, so to expect anything else except meaningless chatter would be delusional.

    is it not ever so easy to see dirhamsandwich's true aspect? he is a disgrace to his cult. i am sure they are ashamed of him.

    i hope your clandestine friends will heed your advice and listen to nichiren.

    for lack of a better word, gassho.

  8. the best news of all is that the more we are slandered the more our negative karma changes, and the closer we move toward buddhahood. why is it that the sgi/nst cannot see this? rhetorical.
