Saturday, July 23, 2016

Daisaku Ikeda talks "Creator" with a capital "C"

D.I. Such efforts of Ukrainian church truly deserve admiration and respect. Its dedication to humanist ideas makes positive impact on societal well-being in general. And I would like to bow low to Ukrainians for their wisdom and tolerance.

M.R. [me]: He should have told his Ukrainian counterpart that it is precisely because of Ukraine's false religions that their country is destined for destruction. He should have stated in no uncertain terms that unless every last person in Ukraine chants Namu myoho renge kyo, there will never be peace and security in Ukraine. 

D.I. SGI statutes proclaims that owing to Buddhism tolerant spirit SGI members will respect other religions and search for an open dialogue and cooperation with them in order to discuss and solve essential problems of humankind.

It goes without saying that each religion has its own system of beliefs. But when it concerns human life and its defense, there should be no misunderstanding between different religions. I hope such an approach will prevail in the minds of religious leaders.

Each world religion was born due to huge Creator's philanthropy. It appeared not in the name of religion but for a human. Creator didn't have intention to use a human being for religious purposes. We should always remember this. That's why I am confident that all religions can cooperate among them for human sake.


  1. All except other Nichiren Buddhists of other Nichiten sects, organisations or none:

    "SGI statutes proclaims that owing to Buddhism tolerant spirit SGI members will respect other religions and search for an open dialogue and cooperation with them in order to discuss and solve essential problems of humankind."

    In which case it's OK as an SGI member to smear, lie, disparage, attack, belittle, misrepresent or if you're NST, engage in a 25 year war filled with dirty tricks. No dialogue there for the sake of humanity or the widespread propogation across organisational boundaries.

    Why? Because they're your direct competition, they could "steal" your members, dent your profit margins or more likely, expose the shallowness of your understanding if Nicgiren's teachings. SGI faces a dilemma, if it opens itself up to dialogue with other sects or indies, it exposes its members to greater awareness of what Nichiren actually taught, rather than what the corporation wants it's members to think he taught.

    Out goes following the persin and the celebrity culure it has created centred on Daisaku Ikeda (with Messrs Toda and Mackaguki playing bit parts to create the 'lineage' and an unholy trinity) and in comes following the Law as Nichiren taught.

    Plus the other religions wouldn't stand for it, so it dents the market reach and credibility...

    SGI is fading fast as people wise up but not fast enough. The sooner that particular house of cards collapses the better.

    No prizes for guessing who's the joker in the pack (clue it's not Nichiren or the Buddha or the Law but he does brand himself as a self styled "buddhist philospher and peace builder" arf, arf).

    If you're good he'll tell you all about his miraculous achievements - well that's what monologue... sorry, I meant dialogue is all about, isn't it?... tolerance? backside!...

  2. well said mudpie.

    yes, the three high jackers.

    sgi members are loyal to their social club. especially, the long timers. because 99% of them never real study the lotus sutra or nichirens real teachings, they have no idea what the lotus sutra is really for or about.
