Sunday, July 10, 2016

Dirham is stupid

'Do not place a statue of Nichiren Daishonin or Shakyamuni Buddha on the altar. They are already on the Gohonzon." -- Dirham

That didn't stop Nichiren from enshrining HIS statue of Shakyamuni Buddha nor from praising Shijo Kingo, Toki Jonen, Lady Nichinyo, and Dozenbo for fashioning statues of Shakyamuni Buddha. 


  1. I wonder if Dirham knows that at the Nichiren Shoshu head temple there are several altars with statues of Nichiren, including on the altar in the Hoando?

  2. dirhambone is like all the shoshit and sgi members......ignorant of the teachings etc.

    i hope he can read this.
