Wednesday, July 6, 2016

RB's experience

"Btw, regarding parades, when the one parade I was in was over and we were on the bus, our "cho" or whatever he was as a leader was pumping his arms and his voice was nearly gone from screaming in delight over our "victory". He reached toward me, grabbed my shoulders and shook me while looking wildly into my eyes. I wanted to give the right response and react way big beyond my usual introspective nature and gave him a great big "YEAH!" but he froze and looked in my eyes with horror and furrowed brow as I was devoid of a genuine response. The parade had zero effect on me (picture Woody Allen saying "I thought it was pretty decent"). I basically destroyed his buzz. I took reactions like that as a sign that the diehard members were really perceptive at picking up "high life condition" or the lack of it. It almost chills me thinking of it, like the programming is working on me again and right now. I hated those frog-faced slight looks of disapproval from those stooges." - RB


  1. the sgi does not care what their members believe in(jesus, buddha, ikeda, whatever). as long as they stick around and remain giddy about ikeda senseless and give donations there is no problem. they call it respect. meanwhile, the world degenerates.

    1. Hey dirham I submitted samples of your writing to Greg Martin - SGI is hiring "ghost" writers for Ikeda Sensei, and I thought you showed a fair amount of zeal for the Gakkai -- but Greg Martin said you aren't fluent in " the trschings" like the Gakkai trolls on ABRN- so no go on that - but, the prolific author , Mr Martin thinks you would be an asset collaborating on his current book , "The Buddha in the Tin Foil Hat"

      Congrats - on this clear reward for your loyalty !


    2. hip, hip hurray for deekskin! congrats.

    3. Aidan Straus is now General director of SGI USA-- so no worries with regards to your membership status-- Greg Martin knows the ways of tin foil hat wearers. Be convinced it is no small matter that you made the grade!

      look forward to seeing you at the book signing !!

      ~hi ho!

  2. Dirham decoded:

    The great benefit of marketing personal gain and calling it Nichiren Buddhism is that reading Nichiren's teachings is discouraged. Ignorant and blind, Gakkai trolls set out to expose those who follow Nichiren's teachings, never for one moment thinking it matters that they have no clue what they are!

    I appreciate dirhammy blasting his fire and brimstone here, from the cowardice that fuels his anonymity, especially when I have referred confused SGI/NST members to this site. He can say here what the leaders and priests must keep secret-- for fear of their exposure!

    Dirhambone exposes his ilk, when he proclaims The "SAPPY BALONEY Nichiren Teachings nobody cares to read"!! He represents the *strategy* of SGI/NST leaders who use fear mongering and intimidation to maintain their cult following.

    Expose imposters without establishing what is authentic? Sorry. Sherlock, nothing could be more absurd!



  3. You can take your invented beliefs and shove them up your filthy hole where Ikeda Butsu lives. SAPPY BALONEY Nichiren Teachings nobody cares to read. Hahahaha. - dirshit

    except for some shady , misleading translations in your own zenshu gosho's, its all there deerpoop. so you are saying you don't care about reading nichirens writings. no different than the sgi cult. worse, you claim "nichiren shoshu" which means the orthodox school of nichiren and yet like the sgi you turn your back on nichiren. how stupid can you be dirshit? what went wrong dirsmell?

    ikeda is a profound fool and a great slanderer, but he was still wise enough to know that the shoshit is bunk. so it was easy for him to walk away. come back after you study the teachings.

  4. we like it when you slander us dirpoop. why? because it is written in the lotus sutra and nichirens writings that those who uphold the teachings, will be treated with hatred and jealousy. you should know this, and the relationship we have established with you , will in the end, change your entire negative karma. correct your faith son.

  5. "Did you just falsely accuse me of being an SGI-USA member?"

    "I think you did, please clarify?"

    No that was me Dirham, I sniffed you out a few months back and the accusation wasn't false was it? After your hissy fit, to try and cover your tracks you had to admit that you "had" been an SGI member. The only falsity is your claim that you went across to the temple but of course that you didn't want anymore SGI members to follow you.

    That's the only Baloney in this forum, yours (cue for one of Durham's childish rants). How's your lovely shiny Mac Dirham? Enjoying the "mere baubles of your present existence" are you? Even NST would have had you study that Gosho. What have you been doing all this time at your temple? Slacker. Lool, like you've ever opened anything but SGI produced materials. Your problem is that it shows. At least try to be credible. I'd second Greg's suggestion that you go over to ARBN but I suspect your already there, a frequent flier. Have you met Chas?

  6. "Did you just falsely accuse me of being an SGI-USA member?"

    "I think you did, please clarify?"

    No that was me Dirham, I sniffed you out a few months back and the accusation wasn't false was it? After your hissy fit, to try and cover your tracks you had to admit that you "had" been an SGI member. The only falsity is your claim that you went across to the temple but of course that you didn't want anymore SGI members to follow you.

    That's the only Baloney in this forum, yours (cue for one of Durham's childish rants). How's your lovely shiny Mac Dirham? Enjoying the "mere baubles of your present existence" are you? Even NST would have had you study that Gosho. What have you been doing all this time at your temple? Slacker. Lool, like you've ever opened anything but SGI produced materials. Your problem is that it shows. At least try to be credible. I'd second Greg's suggestion that you go over to ARBN but I suspect your already there, a frequent flier. Have you met Chas?

    1. thanks mudpie.....i have no cred with dirbone. however, it is as it should be. "to be praised by a fool is a disgrace" - nichiren.

      maybe he will listen to you. cheers.


    2. "Everyone appears to believe sincerely when he first embraces the Lotus Sutra, but as time passes, he tends to become less devout; he no longer reveres nor serves the priest and arrogantly forms distorted views.

      This is most frightening. Be diligent in developing your faith until the last moment of your life. Otherwise you will have regrets."

      Letter to Niike

    3. and, or, "easy to begin, difficult to continue. however, buddhahood lies in continuation."

    4. "Wrong, wrong wrong. Greg Romero is right. I am a Temple member, not SGI. If I was truly an SGI member, you would hear it from my own declaration, asshole." - miss dirham

      finally, some truth from dirmeat. now, was that so hard dirham?

  7. "Suffer what there is to suffer, enjoy what there is to enjoy.

    Regard both suffering and joy as facts of life and continue chanting Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo, no matter what happens.

    Then you will experience boundless joy from the Law. Strengthen your faith more than ever."

    Happiness in this World

    "Although I and my disciples may encounter various difficulties, if we do not harbor doubt in our hearts, we will as a matter of course attain Buddhahood.

    Do not have doubts simply because Heaven does not lend you protection. Do not be discouraged because you do not enjoy an easy and secure existence in this life.

    This is what I have taught my disciples morning and evening, and yet they begin to harbor doubts and abandon their faith. Foolish men are likely to forget the promises they have made when the crucial moment comes." - “The Opening of the Eyes”

  8. dirpoop, i can smell you from here. apparently your orthodox school(not), who gave birth to the sgi, and now you have to live with it. dirshit, i am right about everything regarding you and your perverse cult. not to mention your future.

    don't mention asshole here. it brings back memories. it was fun, but not really that good. but thanks anyway. your squeeling, and whining wasn't working for me. you'll have to try harder.

    apologize to katie and the others and we will accept you back in one year. maybe!

    again, thanks for the memories. bye bye.

    1. deer bait, the shu is a joke, but it is a few steps up from the shoshit. truth!

      the shoshit is known by all the sects as being great liars.
