Monday, July 4, 2016

The Buddha in your rear view mirror

Greg Martin's and Ted Morino's book, The Buddha In Your Mirror, should have been called, The Buddha In Your Rear-view Mirror, so far have they driven away from Shakyamuni Buddha! 


  1. So far as I know, since I never had a response from Pres. Ikeda regarding my concerns about this book, "The Buddha In Your Mirror", I think it is a safe assumption that Ikeda Sensei supported "abandoning Shakyamuni Buddha". My question is, can someone provide a current status report on Pres. Ikeda? Is he in good health? Is he even alive??

    More than ever, actual proof, that SGI is *the only body of believers advancing KR and upholding the teachings of Nichiren", is called for-- and nothing short of a bird's eye view of the life condition of the Mentor will do-- so far as I am concerned."

    [posting this comment at the request of an SGI member who is entertaining doubts... the content does not reflect my perspective. I did not write to Ikeda about this book, but I am also curious about Ikeda's present state of health and vigor] etc.]


  2. dirham.......why do you promote the gakkai? the gakkai is sick, maybe as sick as the shoshit. as far a the buddhist teachings, you seem to have nothing to say. the gakkai maybe your solution........not mine.

    1. He just did , Greg !

      Revealed his identity as a garden variety Gakkai troll -

      Protecting his Sensei - like a brass plaque in a deserted park ‼️


  3. Oh? So you are guarding the truth about your Sensei's demise ‼️

    The members have a right to know -- they do already know you undercover Gakkai dudes are pretty lame. Just a matter of time , dirham ��


  4. What's with this beg for forgiveness stuff.

  5. neither the sgi ikedabots nor the lambs of the shoshit can speak of the real teachings. they despise nichiren and therefore will fall into the unremitting hell. that is why dirham can only say irrelevant , meaningless, false words. might as well learn something dirham: "to seek enlightenment without repudiating slander is as futile as trying to bring water in the mist of fire or fire in the mist of water" nichiren.
    you should share this with your phony priests.

  6. Dominic Berry says:
    May 26, 2011 at 5:14 pm
    I’ve been studying this subject for three years. The process of ascertaining facts is very much hampered by the fact that on the long communication route from Japan to the world, no negative fact or argument about the SGI can travel far within the SGI and no external information about the SGI is available to members of the SGI than the SGI itself. This means that their internal PR is whatever they can get away with.

    katie, regarding your friends question about ikeda's health: a couple of years ago there was a video on youtube showing ikeda and his wife at some event in japan. normally kaneko is very smily and relaxed looking. the camera panned over to her and she had a very, very worried look on her face; looking rather upset. seconds later the camera went to ikeda and he had a strange look on his face, and one side of his face was drooping. not sure, but to me it looked as though ikeda had had some kind of stroke. soon that video disappeared off youtube. sometime later there was another video(not sure who posted it) that said a nurse had reported to some publication that the sgi had reserved one entire top floor in the hospital near the sgi headquarters for ikeda and he was not well. the report was rather pathetic. the nurse reported ikeda would have fits and tantrums . soon that video also disappeared . unfortunately , nothing can be confirmed. i would like to know , when was the last live video shot of ikeda? all the ones on youtube are older. not recent. ask you friend when was the latest live video. i am sure its been more than a few years.

    my thoughts, which i cannot prove. ikeda is not in good health, possible has already died. sgi is a corporation using his name and image. he is the money maker. it took scientology three years to announce L ron's death.

    sgi will use ikeda for as long as they can and then will announce he died a peaceful, wonderful death. later there will be little leaks but for some time, difficult to confirm. i think, right now, they are concerned about solidifying their foundation. soon something will come out. we know the gakkai lies about whatever they say will be a lie. cheers!

  7. Thanks Greg!! I am happy to report that my friend is leaving SGI- more than a little outraged that' the msgmificent mentor's life is shrouded in secrecy .
    Thank you sharing what you know. On ABRN I challenged an Ikedanot to do the same. In truth I will do whatever I can to help members leave SGI. And I think wanting to know what's up with senseless is a very reasonable question. Not like me warning members against Finsncial contributions and calling out leaders for their adherence to provisional teachings , this member has one simple question : Why isn't Ikeda's life open to the millions who are told they must follow him ? As you already know , leaders were aghast at such presumptive behavior on the part of a member !!

    BTW , no report yet from the Ikedabot on ABRN/ -- Eagle Peak is the place to be - to dispel doubts , and to get answers for the questions SGI will admonish you for asking !

    High five !!

  8. katie, just a word of open and honest caution; over the last 10 years, i have tried to help quite a few people leave the sgi/nst. many years ago myself and a friend had a group of 15 to 20 dissatisfied sgi members. my goal was to help them leave the sgi/nst and seek the real teachings of the lotus sutra and the leader for the latter age, nichiren.

    they could not hang for very long and they either quite altogether or returned/were seduced to the gak. over the years i have helped a few others but what i have learned is that the perversion of buddhism is not just because of bad leaders(ikeda), but is also due to the karma of the people themselves(the people of the latter day). every now and then someone comes along with eyes at least half way open. but it is rare. i could go on about some experiences i have had but i won't, however, my point is not to be discouraging , but to simply say that it is extremely difficult for people to get and stay on the right path. the obstacles are huge. good luck with your friend and whomever you may touch. your karma is probably better than mine. A A O! LOL.

    not sure if you know what A A O is.......for me its a joke.

    1. you don't know anything about nichirens buddhism do you deerbait? we feel sorry for you. maybe the story below will make you feel better. kiss kiss.

    2. Dirhamsteak says : " You are banned from Taisekji. No nichiren Shoshu temple will accept you"--

      Music to my ears Dirhamslice--- "There is not greater shame than being praised by fools"

      Dirhamsteak muses :"When you die in this lifetime, you should be reborn in a black hole. That sounds just about right>"

      Yeah dirhamstring, that's the ticket--- hmmm. ... and the secret means for creating the *add water and stir* Buddhism Taisekiji whipped up ??

      Pulled straight out of your arse !!!


  9. I can't top greg's story -- but I thought maybe letting dirham know that while he can't see that Independent - non sectarian affiliated is the ONLY. Way to practice as Nichiren taught/ he should give a few moments thought to Nichiren giving no thought to organizations/sects/herds of people marketing his teachings.

    You group think , follow the leaders and " don't think" chanters are the real odd balls

    And if slandering the Lotus Sutra hadn't messed up your head, you would see this as plain as a dead bird on a windshield .

    Some pity, yes -- but you have been around this site long enough to have no excuse for being stupid !


    1. nice katie, we would love to have a nice real buddhist conversation with deerpoop but it looks as though it is impossible for him to speak one word of the real teachings.

      pretty typical. keep studying deerpoop.

    2. It won't matter what you do if you have no faith in Nichiren's teachings. Encountering his writings and arousing faith in what he teaches is key. When people realize exactly what Nichiren's original followers knew, none of the sectarian organizations appear to be anything but schemes to acquire more treasures of the storehouse. And if that's all you're after, dirhamster, then you are where you belong.

      The SGI/NST conglomerate are corporate greed based organizations with absolutely no connection to Nichiren.

      If us Independent followers of Nichiren were no threat to your *marketing schemes* you wouldn't be here, running around, on your hamster wheel-- getting nowhere!


    3. and making horrible karma for yourself and seven generations forward and back. where is your faith dirshit?

      ikeda/high priest = all the same = slander = the avichi hell.

      sgi/nst = all the same = slander = the avichi hell.

      both keep their membership ignorant of the real buddhist teachings. bend over and take a deep breath dirshit.

  10. Dirhamhocks "precious advice".....??

    "Taunt them until they make a mistake!!" - straight out of Monty Python & the Holy Grail...

    Ahhhh-- and next he will "fart in our general direction"!

    Bull baiting only works if you are dealing with bulls, dirhammy--

    Even Shijo Kingo needed to be admonished for wanting to make short work of your ilk-- The Daishonin reminded him, that though he was sure to attain Buddhahood, those who looked up to him would be disheartened if he were to make a fatal error--

    There 's more at stake than egos here, and clear evidence of your intention. There is virtually no threat of being punished for making short work of you, according to Nichiren's teachings--- it just isn't worth the sacrifice in terms of those who are seeking the truth, none of whom have ever been a concern of yours.

    "Curses return to their originators"-- even when the curses themselves are not all that original.


  11. "wait... Soka Gakkai gives Em for $20.00!"

    The inferior Nichikan Gohonzon or the even lower Nichinyo Gohonzon? Which one do you chant to?
