Sunday, August 7, 2016

Debate is like a cross to a vampire with most SGI leaders

"I can't even get a long time friend, a very dear friend in fact, to *debate* even the doctrines of the SGI--.

She has practiced about 35 years-- is a WD Region Leader, who sent me a copy of "The Wisdom of the Lotus Sutra"-- vol. 5-- wanting to study *together* the Never Disparaging Chapter of the Lotus sutra-- as per Ikeda's guidance in print in this SGI study manual.

When I challenged Ikeda's *wisdom* she had to *end discussion with me*-- had to remind me that *my negativity* would only cause me more suffering and that I was turning down a golden opportunity to study with her, because she is caring for *new members*-- letting me make a cause that I cannot make because SGI Boson gave me the boot.

Debate is like a cross to a vampire with most SGI leaders-- Odd, that somehow, they believe Ikeda *took care of all that for them*-- have you ever heard of a more non-Buddhist attitude? 

They don't need to engage in no stinking debate!! 

I am still reeling from the shock----" -- Katie

OH GAWD!!! Ikeda has already won the debate? He was debating the Nichiren Shu with the Nichiren Shoshu doctrine [Otaru debate]. The blind leading the blind.

"That is why we are willing to engage in debate with you, Nichiren Shoshu, or anyone who claims to know the truth. You have to admit it takes cheek, but...." -- SGI leader

You are mistaken about this too. Al Albergate wrote:

Dear Mark,
Sorry for the delay in responding to your request for a formal debate between members of SGI and the Kempon Hokke  [my former sect]. Thank you for the offer. We are well aware of the claims of the Kempon Hokke Sect and those claims have been thoroughly refuted in the past in Japan. We see no reason to repeat this exercise. If you have something new and would like to meet individually to discuss these matters, please let me know.


Al Albergate
SGI-USA Director of Community Relations
525 Wilshire Blvd.
Santa Monica, CA 90401
Tel: (310) 260-8958
Fax: (310) 260-8917

Greg Martin also turned down my offer for a formal debate.

I responded to them that the SGI will not debate because they do not have the ammunition to win the debate and this is the real reason for their refusal. Al, being a PR specialist, his reason for not debating is neither factual nor substantial. My contention is that a formal debate should be held face to face in an auditorium, with video camera documentation and neutral judges. 

Also, to what end should I debate you informally? Paul Wersant was defeated and he is still as arrogant as ever; never converted; apparently didn't learn anything from the debate; and worst of all, he slanders us more than he did before the debate.

It is Mappo and the debate was already won by Nichiren yet, many refused to believe. I have no illusion about my meager debating abilities compared to the master but I continue to correct erroneous views for my own edification, yours, and because I highly respect true Buddhism. The poison has penetrated deeply in the lives of most SGI and Nichiren Shoshu members. I have no false hope that I am capable of saving the vast majority of them. I just defend what the Buddha has entrusted to me and hope that one or two of them may be converted to the true teachings, if even for an hour or a day.

1 comment:

  1. Cheap uses for lack of accountability abound, but there is only one explanation that accords with Nichiren's teachings based on the Lotus Sutra. SGI is based on the arbitrary opinions of those who completely disregarded Nichiren and consequently, discarded both Shakyamuni and the Lotus Sutra. Their minds are so warped and twisted for having made these causes, that they cannot tell right from wrong, truth from lie, good from evil. SGI USA leaders have resorted to all out efforts to *protect* their material gain, their undeserved status. It is solely through these dispicible actions they *protect* the members from knowing the truth of their transgressions.

    Nichiren did successfully refute all to the schools upon which SGI now bases it's teachings. Nichiren did correctly predict the ruination of those who persecuted him and distorted the teachings of the Buddha for their own personal gain. Nichiren taught that it was due to the appearance of *the votary of the Lotus Sutra* that the Buddha's golden words were proven true beyond a single doubt.

    What great benefits are flowing into the lives of Ikedabots these days? Check out the Q&A segment near the end of the *live streaming of the Gosho Lecture on "Persecutions Befalling the Sage"-- posted just a few days ago. The senior MD leader claims "There was a mechanic right there at the gas station -ready and able (for his usual fee) to repair my leaking gas tank"-- and the YMD who flubbed his way through his part of the presentation of the Gosho talked about the *rags to troches* story of the SGI benefactor, the owner of the beautiful estate where the YMD enjoyed a wonderful camping experience, uniting with *their mentor*. Here are a few more I heard here in Boston:

    MD Chapter chief: "I donated my own money for the benefit of the YMD picnic-- chanting to *give freely* and not begrudge the contribution. Almost immediately after the event, I encountered an on-line *tip* for remortgaging my home."

    WD Region Leader :" Two more members of my family received Gohonzon , and though they are surrounded by *bad influences* I am personally making sure they attend meetings and get benefits"

    35 year member, former WD District leader :"I just competed the training and received my certificate to teach yoga. I know practicing yoga does not lead to enlightenment, but it is a means to earn money and help myself and others improve their health - *win/win*."

    WD Zone leader :"I gave my experience of past financial gain for my consistent financial contributions to the SGI. MY *dream* victorian home became available. I will *shakubuku* every one of my neighbors with this experience."

    MD Zone Leader: "I don't have obstacles, everything goes pretty smoothly in my life- benefits I receive for building the *SGI* organization in Boston."

    Tariq Hassan held a special meeting in Boston ~2010-- by popular request from *long time* members who were becoming discouraged because their benefits were now pale in comparison to those they received in the *early days of their practice*. Tariq's guidance :"You need to set specific goals. Write them down, put them on your altar. Take actions based on *your daimoku* everyday until you achieve them."

    So what does a National SGI Leader share with members who are seeking to understand the purpose of their practice? A secular formula for success-- Tony Robbins is superior to Nichiren, according to Tariq.

    SGI leaders will all come to ruin--- how many *unwitting members* can be spared from their fate??

