Thursday, August 11, 2016

Katie and Mudpie destroy Chas', Richard's, and John Tate's arguments on ARBN

So proud of them! 


  1. My grandchildren watched one episode of the *old* Superman TV series. They could not believe that NONE of Clark Kent's consorts; his boss, his co-workers, --even random extras could NOT figure out that Clark was Superman. Must be a generational thing because I just realized who Mudpie is on ARBN !!!

    BTW My grandchildren were suspicious of SGI Boston members from their first encounter at ages, 4years and 2 years!!--

    That's what I call *good fortune*-- the benefit of encountering *good Friend* :-)



    1. *Blush* but I don't wear my pants over my trousers - Honest! ;) (the joys of not being a superhero - no capes needed either! :) )

      Mark's got a keen perception, I think he figured it when I just used to drop in here occassionally Anon.

      I've said it before but why not again, thank you one and all, I continue to learn so much, remain grounded and be inspired. :D

    2. Hi Katie. In what way were the grandchildren suspicious?

    3. Me too Mudpie. Thank you and everyone who protects and upholds what the Buddha has entrusted to us.

    4. Hi Mark,

      I haven't yet found the Gosho where Nichiren expresses curiosity over why his followers aren't standing up and taking a few blows in his, Nichiren's stead. I'll keep looking for this passage that always effected me strongly. I *used* to feel regret that I had not been born in Nichiren's time, and so could not fulfill what I truly believe is a requirement of a true follower of Nichiren---- then I found Eagle Peak and soon after encountered the golden opportunity on ARBN to take some blows intended for Nichiren.

      The learning curve I experienced here is unique for the acquisition of inexpressible lessons--- jewels I was not seeking :-)

      I can best summarize the suspicion of my grandchildren with one story., though there are many instances when they behaved with an aloof sense of recognizing the disingenuous behavior of SGI leaders they met over a 2 year period., this one is my favorite.

      I hosted our district *study exam* in my home where my grand children were living with me, my daughter and my husband (former District leader). My daughter had gone out before the activity, which was her usual statement of disinterest, though she was very reserved inn not *disrespecting anyone's religion*., leaving my {then} 5 year old grandson and 3 year old grand daughter, who both actually helped me prepare for the activity, which included a light buffet that they called a *party*.

      Both grandchildren sat quietly through the study exam process--noted for its unusual format which was explained as "The important thing is making this cause" and "We don;t want anyone to get hung up on not knowing answers". So, the Chapter leaders read questions and discussed the choices of answers with the members so that it was pretty much like they gave *us* the answers, though the exam was embarrassing enough already for its *way too easy* set of questions.

      After the last *SGI guest* left-- taking an extra slice of cake for someone who couldn't make it to the meeting, my 5 year old grandson, whose experience with learning was limited to 2 years of preschool and kindergarten, asked me what the *meeting* was all about and why our *family friend* had not taken the exam since it was *so easy*.

      I attempted an explanation , saying that study was important in the practice of Buddhism, but that some people had trouble taking exams; that some people get anxious about being tested.
      The reason our friend refused to take the exam? Harder to answer because though she claimed to have *exam anxiety* due to a learning disability, she also resented this venue , and had said that made the whole idea of taking test, itself ,seem ridiculous. I was trying to figure out how to put this when my grandson just blurted out :

      "I think they all just came here to eat,"

      Then my 3 year old grand daughter who had been silent and somewhat hyper vigilant through out the evening, added;

      "And they're RUDE"

      I couldn't help laughing--- then much to my former District Leader husband's dismay, I said,

      "I think you're both right"... still laughing at the joke my husband still doesn't get...

      That was the last SGI activity I held in my home , BTW. And the end of my attempt to *get along* and demonstrate my Human Revolution as per my husband's challenge.

      I am laughing now thinking about it again...

      Out of the mouths of babes :-) My precious little *shoten zenjin*


  2. BTW after the ordeal we all bravely sat through "worst gosho lecture in the world" the other day, I got to flicking through some of the Buddhism In Action series.

    Do you think there's any value in sharing some of that rank hypocrisy to perhaps help wake some of those poor souls, the like of which seem to be blithly unaware that only yesterday their glorious leader was stanchly advocating something completely different?

    If so, I'll start pulling out some tasty treats? Might shake some from their slumber and maybe get them back in the path of the true teaching? What does everyone think?

  3. Great idea! I tossed out most of my Ikeda library - and now realize books like Buddhism in Action -another several volume collection would be useful for comparing what the NST. Lay organization propagated and what changes were incorporated into SGU-USA 's application for 501(3) (c) IRS Tax exemption status.

    It takes up to 60 days to get a copy of this application from IRS. Probably the only secret SGI cannot legally keep from its members and/or the public. Well worth the wait for sure, but would appreciate a timely refresher or rather a relevant history lesson 👍👍

  4. Great idea Mudpie. Have read little of the Buddhism in Action series. I'm sure there are tons of "that was then and this is now" SGI flip flops that might wake up one or several of the more astute Ikeda disciples or fence sitters.

  5. Wonderful story Katie. How precious are your little Shoten Zenjin. Here is a story of one of my last meetings in my home:

    SGI meeting heralds worst drought in Long Island history

    During the summer of 1995, hundreds of Japanese youth division senior leaders, hand picked by president Ikeda, came to America to "train" the american leaders and members. Activities were meticulously planned to make their stay as memorable as possible and to meet as many american members as possible. Our chapter planned a meeting and barbecue at my house. Approximately 100 members and guests were present and 2 top senior leaders, one a YWD joint territory chief. Many worked tirelessly for the success of the meeting. I believed at the time that this was the dawn of a great future for the members of the chapter and for all people of Long Island in general. The day was extremely hot and the sunset was marked by a sun the color of scarlet. I thought of the sun's beauty and I thought of the Japanese flag. The night too was oppresively hot. Later I realized that this day heralded the worst drought in Long Island's history.

    1. I moved to Boston in june, 1995. I attended the opening of the " Peace Research Center for the 21st Century"-- renamed "Ikeda center for dialogue--" The Japanese Youth division members that attended this auspicious occasion- may have been the same you hosted in Long Island. In any case, the transformation of the World's leading academic centers of Boston from academic to corporate in nature began after this time-- by 2013, the "medical Kidnapping of Justina Pelletier " by Harvard's children's hospital, the persecution of Aaron Swarz by MIT that culminated in his suicide at age 26years, and the Boston Marathon bombing- and murder of MIT security officer, by a brothers ages 19yrs and 26 years-- are among the unprecedented strange, evil occurrences in Boston--


  6. I think if we investigate matters of SGI carefully, not only can we correlate societal and environmental ills retrospectively but make future predictions such as the one I made about South Carolina.

  7. Sweating out an unprecedented heat wave right now ( nothing like it in the past 21 years I have been in the Boston area ) and readinf about floods in Louisianna - have to wonder what SGI- USA is up to -/ sort of a reflex

    I have a noted past correlations -/ they are chilling 😬

    Why not open some more 👀's ⁉️

  8. To gain my insights it [the predictions based on the Law] has to well up from within. Nothing right now. I'm all ears.



    Thanks for all the leads like this one that helps to identify the secular nature of Soka Gakkai/SGI.

    "For me, looking at life with a critical/ objective/ rational perspective was how I was raised; an essential part of my family upbringing, a major social influence, and what I learned in school.

    Try as I did to embrace a literalist, supernatural perspective of faith, I could not shake who I was. The characteristics I represented were not the genetic markers of DNA, but they were no less indelible.

    So, as my true self became more evident through my Buddhist practice, it finally dawned on me that what I had been doing was spending a lot of time and energy trying to adeptly rationalize that which was essentially irrational.

    I fully understand, however, that this is very difficult for those who embrace a traditional literal perspective of Buddhist supernaturalism to accept. After all, what I believe (or do not believe) may be essentially heresy to many of them.

    For example, like others of my kind, I have not seen reliable evidence to support the conclusion that the Lotus Sutra was ever taught by Shakyamuni, that either or both Shakyamuni and Nichiren live eternally, or that there is such a thing as rebirth.

    Also, I do not believe in a mystical fusion of the Buddha's life into an object of worship, but rather in an object of worship that can be endowed with the most significant of meanings and purposes.

    And, as to a person-to-person spiritual transfer of a sectarian lineage that automatically bestows on high an exclusively superior understanding of the faith, my preference is to consider such a transfer as merely an administrative matter in which best efforts are made to hopefully place the most qualified individual in control.

    Lastly, I believe Buddhas are humans, make mistakes, learn from their mistakes and, like most people with good intentions, would prefer that their teachings be improved and adjusted for relevance as the times change."

    1. Does it make sense to ascribe a *secular* nature to an organization that promotes itself as The ONE organization who correctly practices and propagates NICHIREN'S BUDDHISM?

      The slanderous nature, the heretical nature, the evil nature, YES, all three apply to the SGI. If they want a secular identity, then all they have to do is ADMIT they have no connection to Nichiren, Shakyamuni or the Lotus Sutra-- Then let's see how long before they go the way of Scientology-- pegged as a cult and losing tax exempt status in the U.S.


    2. Yeah right on Katie. Why dont they just drop Nichirens name and be done with it, if that's what they really want. It's all coming out in the wash
