Saturday, August 20, 2016

Thanks for sharing Katie


  1. My ex is SGI. She just took a bunch of money I gave to her for my son and went to Japan. Just baldfaced lied to me and stole from my son and I.

  2. "My ex is SGI. She just took a bunch of money I gave to her for my son and went to Japan. Just baldfaced lied to me and stole from my son and I."

    Ouch! That's not a follower of Nichiren but no doubt they'll rationalise it the SGI way, as you having the karma to get ripped off and probably that they were helping you expiate your bad karma whilst at the same time getting the great benefit of someone who displayed enough trust to fall for their lies and a son to facilitate their scam. What amazing good fortune! :((

    And no doubt they'll also feel smug about having helped you and your son lessen your karmic retribution.

    I'm sorry for your experience and your son's, unfortunately, from what I've seen and experienced recently of SGI member behaviour, it really doesn't surprise me but that's cold comfort to you and your boy :(

    I hope good comes to you and even to your ex - let's face it, you've got to be pretty screwed up to get your priorities so wrong and SGI won't be helping that at all, which is not a happy place to be. Not good for them or anyone else...

  3. Sad, sad. Cause and effect will bite her in the butt. May she wake up from her SGI nightmare and soon.

  4. Sad, sad. Cause and effect will bite her in the butt. May she wake up from her SGI nightmare and soon.
