Monday, August 15, 2016

The reason for disasters befalling Japan in ever growing magnitude

"The Nirvana Sutra declares, “If troubles are inflicted upon a sage, then the country where he dwells will be attacked by other countries.” And the Benevolent Kings Sutra states essentially the same thing. If I, Nichiren, am attacked, then from heaven and earth and the four directions, great calamities will pour down like rain, jet up like fountains, or come surging forward like waves. If the many priests, those hordes of locusts who afflict the nation, and the ministers in power in the government persist in their ever-increasing slanders and accusations against me, then great disasters will occur in growing magnitude.

When an asura demon tried to shoot at the god Shakra, his arrow rebounded and pierced him in the eye. And when the garuda birds attempted to attack the dragon king Anavatapta, flames erupted from their own bodies and consumed them. Is the votary who upholds the Lotus Sutra inferior to Shakra or the dragon king Anavatapta?" -- On Rebuking Slander and Eradicating Sins

From this it follows that the disasters befalling Japan are solely because Nichiren Daishonin is held in contempt by the Soka Gakkai, the Nichiren Shu, the Nichiren Shoshu, the modern day Kempon Hokke, the Pure Land sect, and the Japanese government.


  1. Where is the votary of the Lotus sutra in Japan? Why is there no strong opposition to Daisaku Ikeda and the High Priest of Nichiren shoshu in the land where Nichiren was born?


  2. What makes you sure that there alredy isn't ???

    1. The opposition to Ikeda in Japan is political and secular in nature.
      Refuting the SGI's heretical "made up religion" in the context of slander of the Lotus Sutra is not publicized, if, indeed it is happening at all in Japan.

      IF there were a True votary of the Lotus Sutra in Japan, there would also be evidence of the punishment of the "Soka Gakkai, Nichiren Shu, Nichiren Shoshu....etc." rather than just the evidence of the effects of their slander on the land and the Japanese people---

      In my humble opinion,

  3. There is but more and worse to come.

  4. Now that we know the likes of their kind, let them brng it on
