Sunday, September 4, 2016

David Hare phony baloney SGI "life coach" finished?

Thankfully no blog posts since May. How dare he call himself a life coach when we have the Gohonzon, Shakyamuni Buddha, Nichiren Daishonin, and Buddha nature as life coaches. Just like his mentor, he has an ego and is as narcissistic as the entire galaxy.


  1. A few questions for you Mark:
    1. What’s the relevance of the YouTube video to my blog?
    2. What’s the contradiction between being a coach and a Buddhist, considering that 95% of my clients don’t chant and therefore don’t have Gohonzon?
    3. When you refer to me having an ego (yes I do, like everyone...) which of my mentors are you referring to?
    4. In what respect do you consider the galaxy to be ‘narcissistic’?
    Many thanks

  2. 4. In what respect do you consider the galaxy to be ‘narcissistic’? Many thanks

    “The seed of the nyagrodha tree, though one-third the size of a mustard seed, can conceal five hundred carts within itself. Is this not a case of the small containing the large? The wish-granting jewel, while only one in number, is able to rain down ten thousand treasures without a single thing lacking. Is this not a case of the few encompassing the many? The popular p.131proverb says that ‘one is the mother of ten thousand.’ Do you not understand the principle behind these matters? The important thing to consider is whether or not a doctrine conforms with the principle of the true aspect of all things. Do not be blindly attached to the question of many or few!"

    My analogy. on the other hand, is a case of the large (entire) galaxy containing the equally large (your ego).

    Responses to 1-3 coming.

  3. 3. When you refer to me having an ego (yes I do, like everyone...) which of my mentors are you referring to -Dave

    Daisaku Ikeda

    1. What’s the relevance of the YouTube video to my blog?

    Very little Nichiren Lotus Sutra Buddhism and much Ikedaism

    2. What’s the contradiction between being a coach and a Buddhist, considering that 95% of my clients don’t chant and therefore don’t have Gohonzon?

    Then by all means you should convert them to Myoho renge kyo rather than self referencing them to you and charging them a fee.

  4. Thank you Mark. In response:
    1. Your answer is still not clear to me. I appreciate that you feel the YouTube video has little about the LS and too much re DI, but sorry, I still don’t see how this relates to my coaching or my blog?

    2. Your comment re ‘converting’ clients is one I have grappled with a lot to be fair, however many of my clients practise other faiths and my code of ethics as a coach / therapist is to respect this. You yourself are a doctor, am I right? Do you prescribe your Christian or Muslim or Jewish patients appropriate medicine or do you shakabuku them? And have you done any research into my coaching practice? Do you know how many of my former clients are now chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo? No, I didn't think so... It might help if you had found out some accurate info before you wrote your post, don’t you think? That way you would have more credibility with your readers, surely?

    3. Actually I have several mentors, NMRK is my eternal mentor, Nichiren is my faith mentor etc... And I also have some mentors in the world of personal development. So I feel you are making assumptions by saying that Daisaku Ikeda is my mentor, rather than reaching out in a spirit of dialogue and doing some research before writing your post.

    4. I love that beautiful quote, thank you :-), just what I needed to read today. But what is your evidence for saying I have a large ego?

    5. Re your headline, no I am not ‘finished’ and I want to express my sincere gratitude to you because your post is a great encouragement to carry on with my propagation efforts. FYI, I am no longer blogging because I am focusing on promoting my Buddhist book, which (mystically enough...) addresses the ego question all the way through and has so far brought around 40 people worldwide to Nichiren’s teachings... So in some ways, your post is a lovely obstacle and as you know - “The wise rejoice, the foolish retreat.” So, like I say, thank you :-). All best wishes, David

  5. 1). You claim "Buddhism" on your blog but certainly your "Buddhism" is not the Lotus Sutra Buddhism of Nichiren. More like Danny Nagashima's Buddhism in which he plagiarizes the Secret...

    I think you should be ashamed of yourself.

    2). Both depending on the severity of the illness. Those you convert can chant Nam Myoho renge kyo until they are blue in the face but as long as they practice Ikedaism, they will only bring ruin to themselves and society.

    3). Nichiren is your mentor? Then you should teach Nichiren Lotus Sutra Buddhism rather than the Secret and Ikedaism.

    4). Believing that you know more than Shakyamuni Buddha and Nichiren. Thinking that you rather than Shakyamuni Buddha can be anyone's life coach...

    "Since Sakyamuni Buddha is eternal and all other Buddhas in the universe are his manifestations, then those great bodhisattvas converted by manifested Buddhas are also disciples of Lord Sakyamuni Buddha. If the "Life Span of the Buddha" chapter had not been expounded, it would be like the sky without the sun and moon, a country without a king, mountains and rivers without gems, or a man without a soul. nevertheless, seemingly knowledgeable men of such provisional schools of Buddhism as Ch'eng-kuan of the Hua-yen, Chia-hsiang of the San-lun, Tz'u-en of the Fa-hsiang, and Kobo of the shingon tried to extoltheir own canons by stating: "The Lord of the Flower Garland Sutra represents the reward-body (hojin) of the Buddha wheras that of the Lotus Sutra the accomodative body (ojin);" or "the Buddha in the sixteenth chapter of the Lotus is an Illusion; it is the great Sun Buddha who is enlightened." clouds cover the moon and slanderers hide wise men. When people slander, ordinary yellow rocks appear to be of gold and slanderers seem to be wise. Scholars in this age of decay, blinded by slanderous words, do not see the value of a gold in the "Lifespan of the Buddha" chapter. Even among men of the Tendai school some are fooled into taking a yellow rock for gold. They should know that if Sakyamuni had not been the Eternal Buddha, there could not have been so many who received GUIDANCE from Him. " -- Kaimoku Sho p. 27 Translated by Kyotsu Hori, 1992

    "Now , when the Eternal Buddha was revealed in the essential section of the Lotus Sutra, this world of endurance (Saha-world) became the Eternal Pure Land, indestructible even by the three calamities of conflagration, flooding, and strong winds, which are said to destroy the world. It transcends the four periods of cosmic change: the kalpa of construction, continuance, destruction and emptiness. Sakyamuni Buddha, the Lord-preacher of this pure land, has never died in the past, nor will He be born in the future. He exists forever throughout the past present and future. All those who receive His GUIDANCE are one with this Eternal Buddha." -- Kanjin Honzon-Sho (NOPPA) page 94

    5). "Nichiren's teachings"? You are either kidding yourself, or more proof of your run away ego. i see very little of Nichiren and lots of Ikeda in your writings.

  6. Lets let the reader see for themselves whether your "teachings" are the Lotus Sutra Buddhism of Nichiren...

    "How much will you love your Life in 2014?" --Dave

    “One’s body is insignificant while the Law is supreme. One should give one’s life in order to propagate the Law.” -- Nirvana Sutra


    “We care nothing for our bodies or lives but are anxious only for the unsurpassed way.” -- Lotus Sutra

    Admit it Dave, what you teach is not Buddhism. It is Ikedaism sprinkled with the Secret.

  7. Hi again Mark and thank you for your comments. In reply:

    1) OK, so it looks like you agree that the Youtube video has nothing specific to do with my blog or book as you have avoided writing a direct answer to that point. As for Danny Nagashima, I cannot comment as I do not live in the USA. 'The Secret' - very mystic that you mention it! Funnily enough one of the main reasons I started blogging was that I was tired of people raving about the so-called ‘Secret’, when it is only a very partial view of the wonderful Mystic Law, ignoring (as I am sure you know…) crucial fundamentals such as karma, the 9 consciousnesses, esho funi and Kosen Rufu, as I point out in this blog post (and in greater depth in my book) – so again I’d respectfully ask that you do some research before passing judgement on my work.
    As for whether I 'should be ashamed' of myself, that's your opinion based on never having met me and you are entitled to it, of course.

    2) We are unlikely to ever agree on Ikeda or ‘Ikeda-ism’, so there's not much point discussing him here, IMO.
    As for teaching patients / clients to chant rather than offering professional treatment - a question for you: Do life coaches, counsellors and other mental health therapists who join your Buddhist school have to stop practising their profession and instead refer distressed clients to Nichiren and Shakyamuni for the help they seek?

    3) What you feel I 'should' (that word again...) practise is my decision, not yours, is it not?

    4.) I've never claimed to 'know more than Shakyamuni Buddha or Nichiren' - no idea why you would think I do? And I think perhaps we have different definitions of the word 'life coach', because as far as I know, neither Shakyamuni Buddha nor Nichiren claimed to be 'life coaches'. So it feels like you are trying to compare apples with pears when you mention me and our great teachers of Buddhism in the same sentence.

    5) There are plenty of quotes from Nichiren in my blog posts – you will most likely disagree with how I interpret them but it is a falsehood to say that there is “very little of Nichiren” in my writings:

    Like you say, your readers can decide… - best if they base any decision on the book not the blog though, as it is more up to date. It has 60 gosho quotes in it, totalling 2,590 words of a 75,000 word book. FYI there are also around 20 quotes from Daisaku Ikeda, totalling 1,400 words. So, based on the Math, I’m not sure why you “see very little of Nichiren and lots of Ikeda” in my writings.

    All best wishes

  8. 1).Not one mention of the Lotus Sutra nor Shakyamuni Buddha in the video and nary a mention in your blog. Ikedaism too deprecates the Master of Teachings. Compare SGI's and your writings with Nichiren's writings. A different religion. A different practice but you appropriate the Supreme Votary of the Lotus Sutra's name to give yourselves credibility. You have neither credibiluty nor honesty.

    1. Why do you continue to try and link that video to my blog, given that I have never attended an SGI meeting in the USA, much less have any influence on the contents of said meetings? #FakeNews. Re me making ‘nary a mention’ of the Lotus Sutra nor Shakyamuni Buddha, perhaps some research on your part would be useful? So that you can avoid disrespecting your readers with ‘#AlternativeFacts’? Hey, I’ll save you the trouble: my 288-page book has 52 mentions of the Lotus Sutra and 25 of Shakyamuni = 77 mentions altogether, or one every 3.74 pages. FACT. How does that equate to your ‘nary a mention’ claim? By the way, you would have more credibility if you could spell the word ‘credibility’ rather than writing ‘credibiluty’ ��.

    2. Would you prefer I posted an SGI UK video on Ikedaism? I will remove the video and still my observations regarding your understanding or lack of understanding of Nichiren Lotus Sutra Buddhism remains.

      You are very proud of your book and 52 mentions of the Lotus Sutra. Nichiren mention the Lotus Sutra ~ 750 times per 250 pages of Gosho and 200+ mentions of Shakyamuni per 250 pages and a whole bunch of "Buddhas". I'm not saying that numbers are the be all and end all of gratitude and reverence. BTW did you mention that Shakyamuni Buddha is the Eternal Original Buddha?

      Still, my observations regarding your blog and number of mention of Shakyamuni Buddha and Lotus Sutra (nary a mention) was false?

  9. We are unlikely to ever agree on Ikeda or ‘Ikeda-ism’, so there's not much point discussing him here,...

    "You can not win this argument (about Ikedaism), so "not much point discussing him here". I understand Dave, now go and sing several verses of Forever Sensei and get back to me.

    "IMO. As for teaching patients/clients to chant rather than offering professional treatment - a question for you: Do life coaches, counsellors and other mental health therapists who join your Buddhist school have to stop practising their profession and instead refer distressed clients to Nichiren and Shakyamuni for the help they seek."

    There are various causes of illness both physical and mental. The most serious illnesses not amenable to either Eastern nor Western medicine are illnesses cause by karma. Only Namu Myoho renge kyo can cure illnesses caused by karma. I never withhold the teachings when I'm sure it will cure karmic disease.It is not an either or proposition, It is both.

    “No worldly affairs of life or work are ever contrary to the true reality”

    1. More ‘Rogow #FakeNews’, - you misquote me as saying that I “can not (sic) win this argument (about Ikedaism)’ when what I actually said (FACT) is that we “are unlikely to ever agree on Ikeda or ‘Ikeda-ism’”. I’m not interested in winning an argument about Ikeda. And FYI, I have never sung “several verses of Forever Sensei”. FACT.
      Let me rephrase my question re therapists and life coaches who practice in your school of Buddhism: Are they allowed to help people, without teaching them to chant?

    2. We are all Life coaches Dave and we don't charge to teach the Dharma. Are you saying that you are not SGI? You certainly have adopted SGI teachings, for example Human Revolution.

  10. 3) What you feel I 'should' (that word again...) practice is my decision, not yours, is it not?

    Of course. However, you are a teacher so your practice has consequence in the world. When I see Nichiren Lotus Sutra Buddhism distorted or appropriated, thus leading to poor outcomes and evil karma, I must speak out. Don't let it swell your head that I single you out. You are a small fish in the ocean. The whales (SGI, NST, and NS) are whom I direct my criticism and rebuke.

    1. Mark, I don’t call myself a ‘teacher’ however I concede that some people might see me that way and that this may have some small ‘consequence in the world’. I do my best to be aware of this responsibility (as I am sure you do too, with your blog audience…), however your reminder is a useful one and something to chant about, thank you. I admire your ichinen to ‘speak out’ (as I do anyone who has the courage to ‘speak their truth’…), despite the fact that we have different opinions re the question of distortion of the teachings. Nothing you have said is ‘swelling my head’ by the way, why on earth would it? You are just as ‘small a fish in the ocean’ as me, are you not?

  11. ) I've never claimed to 'know more than Shakyamuni Buddha or Nichiren' - no idea why you would think I do?

    Not one citation "Shakyamuni Buddha" on your blog. Is that the Lotus Sutra Buddhism of Nichiren? I don't think so.

    "And I think perhaps we have different definitions of the word 'life coach', because as far as I know, neither Shakyamuni Buddha nor Nichiren claimed to be 'life coaches'.

    Fair enough. Great Physicians are they. They cure that which is incurable. They turn malignancies into benign illnesses and sadness to joy. They are indeed persons who counsels and encourages other on matters having to do with careers and personal challenges. They don't, unlike you and the high salaried SGI Senior Leaders, charge exhorbitant fees for their services.

    "So it feels like you are trying to compare apples with pears when you mention me and our great teachers of Buddhism in the same sentence."

    Indeed that is true!

    1. Please see my reply to your next point (5).


  12. 5) There are plenty of quotes from Nichiren in my blog posts – you will most likely disagree with how I interpret them but it is a falsehood to say that there is “very little of Nichiren” in my writings:

    Using Nichiren to sell your product is pretty low.

    Nichiren must be turning in his grave, used to sell Soka Gakkai. No gosho quotes here.

    Nothing that would requires reimbursement for a "life coach".

    55 word Gosho quote and 10,500 word commentary, If that is not intending to follow the person, not the Law, nothing is.

    Like you say, your readers can decide… - best if they base any decision on the book not the blog though, as it is more up to date. It has 60 gosho quotes in it, totalling 2,590 words of a 75,000 word book. FYI there are also around 20 quotes from Daisaku Ikeda, totalling 1,400 words. So, based on the Math, I’m not sure why you “see very little of Nichiren and lots of Ikeda” in my writings.

    One word of Ikeda is too much. Like an inchworm you are moving ahead. XXXXXXXXX

    I will get your book and critique it in the light of Nichiren Lotus Sutra Buddhism. However, no selling of your book here.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Apologies for deleted comments, my mistake.. I meant to write:

    Where do you get the idea that I ‘charge exhorbitant (sic) fees’ for my services? Have you done any research into my rates? And I’m curious, what would ‘exorbitant’ look like anyway in terms of an hourly rate for life coaching? On the subject of numbers, you may have more credibility if, for example, you could do the Math on the ‘Everyone’s a Buddha’ blog post, where you claim (#AlternativeFacts) that the post is ‘10,500’ words long. It is only 972 words long. FACT. Which kinda undermines your point about following the person not the Law.

    ‘Using Nichiren to sell your product is pretty low’. Yes, I 100% agree. That’s why I would never do it. My book is in fact an attempt at ‘shoju’ – i.e. an effort to explain the profundity of Nichiren’s teachings using the ‘expedient means’ of an accessible personal development style book. Why have I done this? So that people looking in bookshops / on Amazon for provisional teachings such as ‘The Secret’ will instead discover the full and wondrous teaching of Nam Myoho Renge Kyo. Albeit not the version of the teaching that you subscribe to.

    ‘One word of Ikeda is too much’ – your opinion, fine. But if you recall – before you ‘moved the goalposts’ – your original point was that you “see very little of Nichiren and lots of Ikeda” in my writings. I then pointed out that there are 1,190 more words (FACT) from Nichiren than from Ikeda in my book. I presume this is ‘an inconvenient truth’ for you, hence your diversionary tactics, which lack credibility. I have no desire to sell my book via your blog. FACT. For one thing it looks like none of your readers are following / commenting on this thread anyway. And for another, they are unlikely to be interested, given that we practise different forms of Nichiren Buddhism.

    Anyway, I look forward to reading your critique of the book. And if you ever pull together your numerous posts into your own book, I would love to read it.

    Because despite your ‘alternative facts’, lack of research, false assumptions, mathematical inaccuracies, avoidance of direct questions, ‘fake news’ and moving of goalposts, I do feel that you make some thought-provoking points, thereby throwing some logwood on the fire of my human revolution.
    Gratitude to you Mark. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
    All best wishes,

  14. Where do you get the idea that I ‘charge exhorbitant (sic) fees’ for my services? Have you done any research into my rates? And I’m curious, what would ‘exorbitant’ look like anyway in terms of an hourly rate for life coaching?

    Five dollars an hour is too much considering the Daimoku is free.

    On the subject of numbers, you may have more credibility if, for example, you could do the Math on the ‘Everyone’s a Buddha’ blog post, where you claim (#AlternativeFacts) that the post is ‘10,500’ words long. It is only 972 words long. FACT. Which kinda undermines your point about following the person not the Law.

    Mistake, I counted 1050 words. OK. 55 word Gosho quote and 1000 word commentary. How about 10,000 words Gosho quotes and 100 words of commentary average? The Opening of the Eyes Serialized with Commentary:

    ‘Using Nichiren to sell your product is pretty low’. Yes, I 100% agree. That’s why I would never do it. My book is in fact an attempt at ‘shoju’ – i.e. an effort to explain the profundity of Nichiren’s teachings using the ‘expedient means’ of an accessible personal development style book. Why have I done this? So that people looking in bookshops / on Amazon for provisional teachings such as ‘The Secret’ will instead discover the full and wondrous teaching of Nam Myoho Renge Kyo. Albeit not the version of the teaching that you subscribe to.


  15. Neither my version nor Nichiren's.

    ‘One word of Ikeda is too much’ – your opinion, fine. But if you recall – before you ‘moved the goalposts’ – your original point was that you “see very little of Nichiren and lots of Ikeda” in my writings. I then pointed out that there are 1,190 more words (FACT) from Nichiren than from Ikeda in my book. I presume this is ‘an inconvenient truth’ for you, hence your diversionary tactics, which lack credibility. I have no desire to sell my book via your blog. FACT. For one thing it looks like none of your readers are following / commenting on this thread anyway. And for another, they are unlikely to be interested, given that we practise different forms of Nichiren Buddhism.

    For excample, you can't help yourself mentioning Human Revolution as if that's Nichiren's teachings. Even without the appellation "Ikeda", your teachings smack of Ikedaism. In your post, what do Buddhists believe, No mention of the Three Great Secret Laws, No mention of Shakyamuni Buddha nor the Lotus Sutra. Likewise your post on a loving relationship points to Ikeda's guidance. What is the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren, chopped liver. I don't see much Buddhism in many of your posts, the Six Types of Love for example. You mention, "The Book of the Blog". I see little authentic Lotus Sutra teachings in the blog. I won't hold my breath for the book. Nichiren teaches:

    “By suffering an untimely death, rebuke, curses or humiliation, beatings with a whip or rod, imprisonment, starvation, adversity, or other minor hardships in this lifetime, one can avoid falling into hell.”

    I don't think that you nor Ikeda have the answers for those experiencing privations. However Shakyamuni Buddha and Nichiren certainly do.

    Many of your posts not mentioning Ikeda too smack of Ikedaism.

    Anyway, I look forward to reading your critique of the book. And if you ever pull together your numerous posts into your own book, I would love to read it.

    "Because despite your ‘alternative facts’,"

    What are they. Please list them.

    "Lack of research,"

    One taste of the ocean and you know the taste everywhere. Ikedaism is not the Lotus Sutra Buddhism of Nichiren Daishonin and neither is your Buddhism (if it differs from Ikedaism).

    "false assumptions,"

    That you don't sing forever Sensei in SGI UK? You mentioned SGI meetings... How about Sensei For You? SGI UK Pearl Chorus certainly sings this cult song..

    "mathematical inaccuracies,

    True, I mistakenly wrote 10,500 instead of 1050. Point still stands.

    "avoidance of direct questions,"

    Point this out please. I have answered every question directly.

    ‘fake news’ and moving of goalposts,

    You are not an SGI Buddhist?

    I do feel that you make some thought-provoking points, thereby throwing some logwood on the fire of my human revolution. Gratitude to you Mark. Enjoy the rest of your weekend. All best wishes,

    May you awaken to the Lotus Sutra Buddhism of Nichiren.

  16. You are the one who changed the goal posts, not me...From the blog to the book. You defended your darth of Nichiren by pointing to the book as I was familiar only with the blog. But even your changing of the goal post was not enough to prove to the reader that your book is replete with "Nichiren", "Shakyamuni Buddha", and "Lotus Sutra". I pointed out that even the numbers you supplied, 2950 words from the Gosho in your 75,000 word book is hardly an ample expression of Nichiren. How many words "Shakyamuni Buddha"? How many quotes from the Lotus Sutra? Many less than 1400 words of Ikeda, I bet.

  17. Who is this belligerent Mark Rogow? is he really a doctor? Sounds more like a maniac to me, obsessively picking at others. Perhaps he should start curing himself :-))

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Anonymous, on the other hand, is undoubtedly an SGI cult bull baiter. If you don't know who and what you are, i suggest you look up "cult and bull baiting". Care to discuss the teachings, Anonymous? Notice, i vanquished your SGI life coach. Would you fare better?
