Friday, September 2, 2016

Nichikan teaches:Nichiren teaches:

Nichikan teaches:

1. The twenty eight chapter book is the Lotus Sutra for Shoho [Former Day]
2. The Maka Shikan is the Lotus Sutra for Zoho [Middle Day]
3. The Dai Gohonzon is the Lotus Sutra for Mappo [Latter Day]

Nichiren teaches:

"To say that Great Concentration and Insight and the Lotus Sutra are identical in nature is to equate a commentary by a Buddhist teacher with the pronouncements of the Buddha himself, which is a very grave error. How much more fallacious is it, then, to assert that Great Concentration and Insight is superior to the Lotus Sutra! That such an assertion should appear at this time must be some plan of the Buddhas and gods whereby they mean the votary of the Lotus Sutra in the Latter Day of the Law to make clear to all the difference between the sutra teachings propagated by those who were taught and converted by the Buddha in his true identity and the teachings of those taught and converted by the Buddha in his transient status, between the Middle Day of the Law and the Latter Day of the Law, and between those entrusted with the theoretical teaching and those entrusted with the essential teaching. From this it is evident that among the followers of the present-day Tendai school those who put forth such a fallacious view are men who are unaware of the debt of gratitude they owe to T’ien-t’ai, the founder of their school, and that they cannot escape blame for this error."

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