Saturday, September 3, 2016

Soka Spirit

Soka Spirit

May 20, 2016 - May 23, 2016

“Never seek the Gohonzon [Buddhahood] outside of yourself. The Gohonzon exists only within the mortal flesh of us ordinary people who embrace the Lotus Sutra and chant Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo” (WND-1,832).

May 20 - May 23

What is the focus of this conference?

Conference Theme: Opening the new era of Soka Spirit: Advancing Eternally with Sensei!

The focus of this conference is to empower participants to become the driving force for the advancement of Soka Spirit in the new era of worldwide Kosen Rufu. We will focus on the spirit of the oneness of mentor and disciple, the correct teachings of Nichiren Daishonin and how all people are equally endowed with the power of Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo. One of the reasons the SGI has grown throughout the world is that it we have absolute respect for the life of every human being. At this conference, we will focus on the importance of study, prayer, and shakubuku for a people-centered religion.

Who should apply to this conference?
Open to all SGI-USA members who wish to engage in propagating and defending Nichiren Daishonin’s correct teachings and the philosophy and great mentors of Soka.


  1. "One of the reasons the SGI has grown throughout the world is that it we have absolute respect for the life of every human being. At this conference, we will focus on the importance of study, prayer, and shakubuku for a people-centered religion."

    How do they have the bare faced cheek to tell porkies like this.

    The SGI has SHRUNK by 40% from 20 mil in 1988 to 12 mil now. SGI's own published figures.

    25 of those 28 years Daisaku Ikeda has been in sole charge of it's "spiritual" guidance.

    So the premise is completely wrong. SGI has not grown, it's gone the other way.

    So taking the rationale given, it must be true, using that logic, that one of the reasons SGI has almost halved in size throughout the world, is that it has little or no respect for the life of any human being (bar it's mentor - Daisaku Ikeda).

    This is consistent with it's behaviour as attested to by the experiences of many members and ex members, particulary other Nichiren Buddhists.

    The 20 million figure is quoted in Richard Causton's book on Nichiren Shoshu Buddhism. It's most probably been revised now but copies of the original are still available online.

    Also relevant is the fact the global population has risen by 45%. So even if it was still 20 million today, it would still be 9 million short of where it needed to be to stand still.

    If it had actually grown then we're talking anywhere over 29 mil. 12 mil is a long way short.

    And yet SGI knows this and will still put out these falsehoods. That's respect for the lives of it's own members, in action - to knowingly tell them lies...

  2. Lies = protecting the members. Lousy organization if you ask me.
