Wednesday, February 1, 2017

SGI's credibility as a peace movement has been undermined by these developments


  1. The reason SGI is signing off on Abe's military expansion, is Fukushima . It is plain and simple. Fukushima is bankrupting Japan. 500 billion spent on it so far. no end in sight.

    Japan was dependent on Nuclear energy. All but, a few reactors have been closed in Japan due to Fukushima. The Chinese are backing out of nuclear reactor markets in favor of renewables. This is due to Fukushima Daiichi, the exorbitant risk, and costs of nuclear.
    They may have found part of a melted reactor core in the bottom of one of the 3 blownup reactors at Fukushima. In reactor 2 to be exact.
    Abe has to try to hide Fukushima to get the Olympics in Japan. HitachiGE and Toshiba Westinghouse, have had to withdraw from the worldwide nuclear industry because of its enormous cost. Now that business leaders know about the enormous risk of Fukushima , nuclear reactor demand is way Down.
    It takes years and billions of dollars to get licenses for, and to build nuclear reactors. They always go through mega cost overruns. That is bankrupting Toshiba in the us and UK, right now. Toshiba is having to withdraw from the nuclear reactor markets. The cost of a reactor is a thousand times or more expensive than a major solar project. To keep maintaining reactors on hold in japan, is further bankrupting them.
    Japan has to find new ways to prop the economy up. By militarizing, they can get investments from the United states. They can try to build nuclear weapons. They can turn troops into mercenary forces and get investment and help. The Japanese can setup a huge military-industrial complex, pozischeme, like the united states has. The banks can generate enough funny money to give the appearance that the economy is okee dokee . Meanwhile while Japanese society goes to heck. if Mitsubishi were smart it would get out of nuclear and go renewable.

  2. Thankyou Greg. I have been sending Fukushima information to an SGI leader here. It is bumbing him out. He is a good person. He has some ties to Japan. He just did not know. It is making him sad. He does not treat me like crap when I bring it up though like some SGI do.

    I know of an SGI member in Japan, who is very anti-nuclear. Catches a lot of flack.

    My ex hates my guts because, I tell her about fukushima. She was always a nut, and hardcore sgi zealot though. She will not speak to me anymore and tells my kid I am crazy.

    There are SGI's that accept the truth about Fukushima and do not go with the party line. The hardcores will say, about fukushima, that they dont want to talk about it. Its "So negative".
    I went to an SGI meeting a couple of years ago. A college student, studying nuclear engineering, wanted to go visit Japan and Fukushima. I started telling her the truth about fukushima at district meetings, gradually. She is american gal, young, and had no idea about the truth of Fukushima. An SGI newbie. Many Americans do not know, about fukuahima because, our gd press and its propaganda. There is also the nuclear propaganda everyone here and there are ingrained with.

    Do not get me wrong. Nuclear engineers will be needed to dismantle reactors here. I just wanted to discourage the nuclear safety student from going to Fukushima. I would imagine, that other members were flabbergasted by me talking about Fukushima to the young lady but, they said nothing. I had, had SGI people tell me they did not want to talk about Fukushima. They would say its so negative etc. I started talking in 2013. I have know since 2012. That is when I realized how f'ed up it is.

    The gal studying nuclear later approached me, and said "Thanks for telling me" and said she would probably not go to Japan or Fukushima.

    I worked in nuclear and the medical field. I am, by now, an expert on Nuclear Radionuclide toxicology and what happened, is happening at Fukushima.

    I saw members at community center meetings, who knew the truth about fukushima in 2014. Little old Japanese ladies. When we talked about it, there were tears in their eyes. Mine too.

  3. There are so many evacuees the government wants to force to move back to Fukushima. I am ashamed that many Japanese would send their own people, and children back there to die.

    I have convinced some SGI to help with a charity called Asuka house in Fukushima prefecture. Many Japanese people are sick. Many are scared senseless. Thankyou Greg. I have been sending Fukushima information to an SGI leader here. It is bumbing him out. He is a good person. He has some ties to Japan. He just did not know. It is making him sad. He does not treat me like crap when I bring it up though like some SGI do.

    I know of SGI members in Japan, who are very anti-nuclear. They catch a lot of flack.

    My ex hates my guts because, I tell her about fukushima. She was always a nut, and hardcore sgi zealot though.

    There are other SGI's that accept the truth about Fukushima and do not go with the party line. The hardcores will say aboy fukushima they dont want to talk about it. Its "So negative".

    I went to an SGI meeting. A college student, studying nuclear engineering, wanted to go visit Japan and Fukushima. I started telling her the truth about fukushima at district meetings, gradually. She is american gal, young, and had no idea about the truth of Fukushima. Many Americans do not know because, our gd press and its propaganda. There is also the nuclear propaganda everyone here and there are ingrained with.
    Do not get me wrong. Nuclear engineers will be needed to dismantle reactors here. I just wanted to discourage the nuclear safety student from going to Fukushima. I would imagine other members were flabbergasted by me talking about Fukushima to the young lady but, they said nothing. I had had SGI people tell me they did not want to talk about it. its so negative etc. Since 2012 when I realized how f'ed upit was.

    The gal studying nuclear later approached me, and said "Thanks for telling me" and said she would probably not go to Japan or Fukushima.

    I worked in nuclear and the medical field. I am, by now, an expert on Nuclear Radionuclide toxicology and what happened, is happening at Fukushima.

    I saw members at community center meetings, who knew the truth about fukushima in 2014 Little old Japanese ladies. When we talked about it, there were tears in their eyes. Mine too.

    There are so many evacuees the government wants to force to move back to Fukushima. I am ashamed that many Japanese would send there people and children back there to sie.

    I have convinced some SGI to help with a charity called Asuka house in Fukushima prefecture. Many Japanese people are sick. Many are scared senseless. Its is not just komeito keeping Abe in power. It breaks my heart so much. I have so many friends and some family in Japan.

    There is an SGI member, I know in taiwan in Taiwan, who is very anti-nuclear. He is anti-nuclear because of an old reactor there in trouble. It has almost melted down a few times, and had fires, in the past few years. He is also antinuclear because of Fukushima and the radioactive food the Japanese are trying to foust on Taiwan.
    It is not just komeito keeping Abe in power. It breaks my heart so much. I have so many friends and some family in Japan.

    There is an SGI member, I know in taiwan in Taiwan, who is very anti-nuclear. He is anti-nuclear because of an old reactor there in trouble. It has almost melted down a few times, and had fires, in the past few years. He is also antinuclear because of Fukushima and the radioactive food, the Japanese are trying to foist on Taiwan.

    1. hello anonymous, your shares here are very much appreciated. it seems that what you and we have in common is a desire for the truth which, in the latter day(today)is, sadly, not all that common. it is hard to get any real facts out of japan and we feel that this is true because the sgi wields so much power there. recently we got some confirmation on our suspicions of ikedas condition, and it sounds as if he is not in good shape. i doubt he is making any decisions and he may not even know where he is. nevertheless, his image is still a big sell.

      the original buddha teaches in his final teachings that to uphold truth in the latter age , one will curry jealousy and hatred. specifically, this means upholding the highest truth/correct dharma/lotus sutra, and in general it means any truth that is consistent from beginning to end without any perverse agendas. my point in saying this to you is is to point out that what you have experienced and share above is consistent with upholding the lotus sutra in the latter age. therefore, you are bound to draw forth resistance and a certain amount of uncomfortableness. there are many people who hate us. one for me is my ex wife, she finds it very easy to lie to me. but at the end of the day they all will have only regrets. it takes courage to stand up for truth. this truth is eternal.

      mark may reply. for me, please feel free to post any information you have.

      the world today is experiencing great punishment, or if you like, serious negative effects from horrible causes. no one meters out punishment, it simply is the result of wrong thought/action. japan is at the forefront ...two nuclear bombs and now they are living on one. the u s a is in total chaos and pretty much split down the middle. you may know all of this but i say it for
      others. one can tell that you truly care about people. we do too. lying to others is not a sign of respect even though many in japan and the u s a think otherwise. thanks again....cheers!

  4. Prime minister Abe in japan resigned three days ago. He has been eating fukushima food for 6 years to try to love it is safe. He has cancer and has to resign. Many SGI, komeito know the truth. People in japan need to help each other now. We all need to help. Fukushima is collapsing. America is so contaminated. We are one reactor explosion or fuel fire from oblivion. Japan cannot afford another reactor to go off

  5. Roy
    Sorry. Misinformation I got from forum. Abe did not resign. Would have been on NHK.
    He does have cancer from eating fukushima food for 5 years though.
