Sunday, April 30, 2017

Lets play the SGI/Nichiren Shoshu game, "He said, she said, Nichiren said".

"Nichiren said Lotus Sutra but means DaiGohonzon."

"Nichiren said Lord Shakyamuni Buddha but means DaiGohonzon."

"Nichiren said Lord Shakyamuni Buddha but means Nichiren."

"Nichiren said all believers but means the SGI."

"Nichiren said Lotus Sutra but means Namu Myoho renge kyo."

"Nichiren said all believers but means the High Priest of Nichiren Shoshu."

"Nichiren said the DaiGohonzon..."(even though he never once mentions the DaiGohonzon)

"Nichiren said the High Priest of True Buddhism...."(even though he never once mentions a High Priest of True Buddhism).

"Nichiren said the Buddha of Kuon Kanjo..."(even though he never once mentioned Kuon Ganjo).

"Nichiren said Shakyamuni Buddha but means Buddha-nature."

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