Sunday, April 9, 2017

The evil of Daisaku Ikeda's "sustainable development"


  1. I quit sgi cult. Why would I join your ayn rand cult. Oceans so full of plastic, chemicals and garbage they are dying. One thing the world needs less of is Gross Consumption and the evil monkeys doing it. Too bad. Was beginning to like blog. UN has many problems. Dominated by pollution apes. Little countries voted to ban nuclear weapons recently. Only rational thing to do. will not go from fruity cult to bat crap crazy conspiracy cult of ayn randers. Life too short. Ayn randers do not give a crap about anyone but themselves. All small towns, in every society are interconnected. Psychopathic ayn rand gibberish is end of all. Someone needs to watch over the corporate psychopaths to keep their fruit of death from destroying us all sooner, than later. Soon water will not be safe to drink. Soon chemical plants and old beatup nuclear plants will start exploding. No more jive. Will be no place to run. Ego does not cut it anymore. Time to start scaling down and eliminating mass consumption. Mass machines of death. Ikeda has many things wrong. Sustainability is not one of them. Eliminating nuclear weapons in the world is one of them. Ikeda is hippocritical about sustainability, because Fukushima is a bleeding mass of radioactive death.

    1. Good for you Anonymous , you get that no one is inviting you into a "group"-- Very astute!! Here on Eagle Peak you can encounter many resources and engage with real people who follow Nichiren-- a good thing if you want to overcome your pessimistic view of "this Buddha land" we are fortunate to inhabit, thanks to Shakyamuni Buddha!!

      Yeah-- so good to know what you should NOT do-- even better to become acquainted with what you CAN do! with your "anger"!

      Namu-myoho-renge-kyo !!


  2. very famous infectious disease MD

    1. no one has to be brilliant to know which way the wind blows anonymous. half couscous and simi sane is enough. won't you, the sgi/nst, the shu and all their renegade followers feel foolish/stupid when they finally realize that the medicine for the ills that plague modern man/world has, since the preaching of the lotus sutra by the original/eternal buddha(namu myoho renge kyo), over three thousand years ago. won't you and they feel stupid and ashamed that instead of following the buddha's emissary for the latter age(nichiren), they instead chant the daimoku like it was some magic words or magic lantern. foolishly thinking like christians that someone is going to save them. they arrogantly frolic and play while thinking that things will somehow be just fine. example sgi and nst culties kling to their erroneous cults blind to the truth that instead of uphold the lotus sutra, they in fact degrade and slander it in the most ugly and mean way. not only will they fail to attain buddhahood, but they will fall into the deepest unremitting hell due to their own folly. you are an arrogant asshole and your fate is the same as theirs. what we see in the world/country today is not the lotus sutra being upheld, but the exact opposite...slander, slander, slander! according to nichiren , it is a lack of courage that prevents one from upholding the sutra and attaining its reward....buddhahood. when people discover this site(eagle peak), they either move toward enlightenment or heir slander becomes deeper. don't be nichiren and follow him to the letter. then you will understand. even if no one listens to you about buddhism, you cans still attain your buddhahood....says nichiren. indeed, things are getting much worse in the world/america.

      good to hear you left the sgi cult. so did i back in 1987.

    2. the medicine is here, but the stupid refuse to take it because they cannot recognize what is . very sad!

  3. Ayn Rand Loved the psychopath Dr Strangelove, William Teller. He was her John Galt. Rand wrote a book about how much she admired a serial killer. It was because of the psychopaths single mindedness , that she admired him. We stand at the edge of planet death from the nuclear weapons, and nuclear power plants. William Teller dreamed up. If people do not come together and tear down all the nuke weapans, and reactors, all life on this planet will be gone soon. There will be no future for anything. Even those clever greed-guts and ayn randers, who are so much smarter, and better than the rest of us.

    1. follow nichiren and study what he taught. things will become clear. generally, people like a nice fairly tail. unfortunately, fairy tales only lead to a deeper delusion.

    2. And unfortunately SGI/NST discarded Shakyamuni and the Lotus Sutra - so it is still quite rare for us to encounter the True teaching -

      The Buddha coughed, snapped his fingers and everything became the " Buddha Land" -- the enlightenment of Shakyamuni - an unimaginable long time ago is the reason we have the potential for perfect enlightenment ❤

      Take out Shakyamuni and the Lotus Sutra -- as SGI/NST did --and you get a marketable enterprise -- losing all hope as you can't help but notice the state of the world -- was in the small print --

      If you are happy enough with your material benefits maybe you won't care what is happening in the world outside of your delusion -/

      But ultimately the true teachings are still in the world and if you want to find out if Shakyamuni kept his vow to always remain in this world - you only have to practice as NICHIREN taught -

      For the very first time 😊


  4. Hi anonymous. My contention is that with a correct view and wisdom, we can sustain billions of more people. There is no reason to cull the herd, least of all the human herd when [and if] there were plenty to eat and drink. Taken to its logical conclusion, so called "sustainable development" or a culling of the herd will lead to war. This is the the fallacy of the Club of Rome crowd who is as bad as the Ayn Rand crowd. Following the Buddha and Nichiren is the only way to realize a true sustainable development.

  5. You are full of it rogroe. Sound like a christian fundamentalist fruitcake. Like some kind of bat shit crazy gay hater or prolife fool. our air is so full of crap our oceans dying. pure nonsense. Japan is moving people to mpst radioactive place on earth to die horrible deaths. there is such a thing as rational thinking. so tired of insane, religious psychopaths and isiological psychopaths. amazed you ever studied biology or any science. I have been to ukraine. Half the babies in belarus have birth defects . You sound like a bloody christian ahole. Everyone should suffer, suffer, suffer . After all Jeeesus did! Why not stop the insanity. Clean this shit up. I am sure their are sentient being and other beings that live in balance. We are on a death spiral . on criminally insane rampage so a few people can have what they think they want. Banal evil and insanity. Monsterous beyond description.

  6. The point , Anonymous, is quite simply that your perceptions are not pure, though they are clearly alarming, they do not reflect the ultimate reality of life.

    Practicing the teachings of Nichiren is the only means for purifying your senses-- so long as you do nothing more than degrade those who share the true teachings, it is doubtful you will get out of "chicken little" mode.

    There is work each of us need to accomplish here in this threefold world, but without a clear sense of "reality" and the courage to challenge our own weaknesses, there is little progress.

    Nichiren's teachings provide clarity and demonstrate the courage needed to develop correct views and correct action within our own circumstances/environment.

    Before you call anyone here a "phony", you need to determine for yourself if we are "full of it"--as in .practice as Nichiren taught and see for yourself
    Namu-myoho-renge-kyo !

    1. i second that emotion katie. seems as if someones head has split into seven pieces. one is free to make various choices, but they are never free from the consequence's of those choices. could it be the life condition of hell?

    2. greg romeroApril 15, 2017 at 9:52 AM
      the reason why the lotus sutra is difficult to uphold is because it censors avarice anger and stupidity which the modern world(latter day) is fraught with. as an example, both nst and sgi are extremely wealthy. many religions through out the world are. religion is big business/money. it can also be a political force and a way to manipulate the people. this is all censored by the pure lotus sutra. as nichiren the latter day the king devil of the sixth heaven runs the show. only strong, correct faith in the lotus sutra can correct this truth.

  7. It is indeed pitiful that anonymous can not perceive, let alone experience, the Buddha's Land.
