Sunday, April 9, 2017

Top ten reasons SGI clings to the Nichiren as True Buddha doctrine by Robin Beck

Originally Posted by robinbeck at August 15, 2005 03:53 AM

Updated and Reposted by rbeck at November 4, 2009 06:53 PM

On Controversial Taisekiji Doctrine

Origins of Nichiren as True Buddha
What evidence is there to support the Soka Gakkai, Taisekiji Nichiren Shoshu, or Honmon Shoshu positions that Nichiren is the True Buddha of the Latter Day of the Law or Original Buddha who eclipses Shakyamuni? There is none. However, there are objections within SGI to changing the official stance. So what are the objections to viewing Shakyamuni of the Juryo Chapter as the True Buddha, and Nichiren as Bodhisattva Superior Practices; the Buddha’s Messenger for Mappo?

Top 10 reasons why SGI clings to Nichiren as True Buddha:

#10. Giving it up would be an admission that Nichiren Shu Minobu Sect is right on this.
#9. Many people associate the historical Buddha with Hotei (the fat guy). Plus, we want to distance ourselves from burning monks, ascetic practices, and patriarchal Buddhism. Not to mention Tantra. Easier to just dismiss all that mess as provisional.
#8. It is egalitarian, and egalitarian is trendy. Gautama was a Prince, Nichiren was a Fisherman’s son.
#7. Look, it is hard enough to rewrite the history of the Temple Issue already.
#6. Having a Japanese Buddha makes the Japanese happy.
#5. Shakyamuni did not even really write the Lotus Sutra either. So there!
#4. It took me ten years to be convinced, now you tell me I was right all along????
#3. It would mean I got sold on a defenseless concept, that lacks any rational basis, and that is clearly quite impossible.
#2. It would mean Bruce Maltz was right.
Aaaaaand, the # 1 reason why SGI clings to Nichiren as True Buddha: Next thing you know, you will be telling me it is really Na Mu Myo Ho Ren Ge Kyo?


  1. SGI left Nichiren as they stated. They no longer follow Nichiren.

    1. anonymous...can you leave a quote or paragraph were the sgi states this? i would like to know what they have said. thanks.

  2. But using Nichiren's name gives SGI the legitimacy to be a tax exempt multi level marketing - multi-billion dollar cult!

    SGI 's actual resemblance to Scientology should be cause for a movement to have their tax exempt status revoked-- . This is a practical approach in keeping with Nichiren's insisting that almsgiving to slanderous Buddhist schools should be outlawed!

    Shakubuku in the 21st century 101.


  3. sgi/nsa/ the late sixties at least made an appearance of following nichiren. by the late 70's it it was more about ikeda. truthfully, the history of nichiren buddhism from early on , 100 years after nichirens death, people began to discard what nichiren really taught. therefore, lotus sutra buddhism which nichiren was, has never really been spread. thats why in the world today....we are not seeing the lotus sutra(myoho renge kyo) upheld but instead it is slandered. we see the effects of this slander(bad karma) in our world.

    1. the reason why the lotus sutra is difficult to uphold is because it censors avarice anger and stupidity which the modern world(latter day) is fraught with. as an example, both nst and sgi are extremely wealthy. many religions through out the world are. religion is big business/money. it can also be a political force and a way to manipulate the people. this is all censored by the pure lotus sutra. as nichiren the latter day the king devil of the sixth heaven runs the show. only strong, correct faith in the lotus sutra can correct this truth.
