Thursday, May 4, 2017

Katie responds

<<"Chris: Note he is referring to Shakyamuni Buddha, the Lord of Teachings. This is not the same as his "transient status". You could say that this "Lord of Teachings" is the Well of Wisdom from which each of us draws our water. Nichiren calls him Shakyamuni, but the members of the Fuji School were not totally remiss to call the "Buddha of this well" Nichiren. Where they were remis was in calling each other names over the nomenclature rather than seeking to understand the point of the teaching -- which is that the Buddha Wisdom is available to all.<<"

Katie responds: And you could say that the concept of the "well of wisdom" is the product of lazy corrupt priests - maybe influenced by widely accepted christian view of the "eternal God whose only begotten son will save you IF you welcome him into your heart and profess your faith in him"??

At the root of the Gakkai's errors is an undeniable similarity to Tendai, which can be criticized as NON- Buddhist because it's orally and secret transmissions divert from the basic tenet of "cause and effect"-- The "woo" the Gakkai preaches is no different than the made up tend teachings that would have completely corrupted Buddhism if it had not been for Nichiren-.

Why? One wonders --- are there so many disingenuous, arrogant Gakkai leaders? Why?--one wonders is there such hypocrisy amongst the Gakkai leadership who feign virtue and behave in such unsavory ways?

Well, one explanation could be that taking the True Buddha out of their teachings opened the way for their licentious natures to run rampant. They appear to have no "moral compass" and no interest in studying the true teachings that would demote "them" in an instant!!

Shakyamuni Buddha attained perfect enlightenment -- the "effect" of causes he made over many kalpas- Shakyamuni's affinity for this saha world and his deep compassion for the living beings "trapped here" is the reason we living beings in this latter age have the "potential" to attain perfect enlightenment.FAITH in, and DEVOTION to the Lotus Sutra, and reverence for Shakyamuni is what Nichiren taught and practiced-- so, NO, one does not have to perform Shakyamuni's practice-- but if one has no clue as to the debt of gratitude we owe this One Buddha-- one will go the way of the Gakkai-- boasting of benefits and basking in the spoils of materialism as they propagate "Buddheo-Christian" teachings --


  1. there you go again chris......confusing the general with the specific. what does nichiren say about this issue? could it be the cause for a deeper delusion?

  2. It is well documented by Nichiren himself, that his wisdom , perfect enlightenment and attainment of Buddhahood was the benefit of his life long practice of FAITH in the Buddha's golden words, and never forgetting the debt of gratitude he owed Shakyamuni Buddha.

    Neglecting the priest, Nichiren, who taught the practice for attaining Buddhahood, is SGI's grave error. Assigning Nichiren the status of a "sage" who was "trying to live a life of joy and meaning" is as grave an error as calling Nichiren the "original Buddha"--both misperceptions are common mistakes made by those who follow "persons" and NEGLECT the priest Nichiren's own words.


  3. Correct Jules. No one is more rapacious than the Soka Gakkai. Thanks Katie for your thoughts.

  4. joyful and meaningful does not exists at the expense of truth. nor is it another name for comfort. at least not in the latter age.

    another word for truth is ..."what is right". this in fact is the middle way in essence. it does not mean ..stay in the middle.

    nichiren , in his day, admonished that because to a man(the
    majority)people turn their backs on what is right, the spirits run rampant(crazy thinking) and society becomes disordered. how strange it is that none of the sects pay much attention to how nichiren lived and what he lived through without complaint?

    even though nichirens experience is documented in black and white and very clear to anyone with eyes. the sects...sgi, shoshoe and the shoe barely refer to it and hardly uphold even a sentence. instead they teach a prosperity kind of buddhism(especially sgi)or at best a forgiveness buddhism that seeks comfort and gain at the expense of truth and what is right, and claim they are giving their lives to the lotus sutra if they get a flat tire on the way to the temple or meeting.

    religion has no purpose if it cannot shine a light on the reality of the peoples lives, and society at large. this is why christianity, Judaism , islam , even though they say some nice things, now, they are useless and in fact poisonous. we see this worldwide and what concerns me most is that the poison has penetrated deeply in the land of the free, and home of the brave.

    the shakyamuni who teaches the lotus sutra as his conclusion for the latter day, sends his emissary when the time is right. since people turn their backs on nichiren, they cannot have their prayer answered. nor do they know how to stand up for what is right. our constitution means nothing in the hands of a madman. japan , like most of the world, does not know which way to turn and america has suffered a big money coup. america is for sale and so is our military. this worldwide punishment was completely avoidable if people had not turned their backs on nichiren and his teachers lotus sutra. the good news is that one who places their faith in the lotus sutra /nichiren will receive protection. this does not mean that they will not suffer but that their suffering will turn to joy. gratitude to the original buddha and the leader of the B O E, nichiren.
