SGI-USA Millennium Fund and Legacy Society: Securing the Future of American Kosen-rufu
The SGI-USA recently established the Millennium Fund, a long-term investment fund designed to expand and protect our kosen-rufu movement for many generations to come. The Millennium Fund will be built over time through estate or legacy gifts and provide important resources for the future.
Individuals who have included the SGI-USA in their estate plans are invited to join the Millennium Legacy Society now and to allow the SGI-USA to express appreciation for this profound commitment. Millennium Legacy Society members will receive a special certificate, a pin and, most important, the knowledge that they are making causes to secure the future of our movement in the United States.
For More Information: To learn about how you can join the Millennium Legacy Society or to learn more about the Millennium Fund, please contact Mary Oberman; by phone at: 310-260-8921; or by mail at: SGI-USA Millennium Fund, 606 Wilshire Blvd., Santa Monica, CA 90401.
NEW. SGI member and former salaried CFO of SGI-USA , Aiden Strauss becomes General Director of SGI-USA in November 2015--
ReplyDeleteA year later , NEW politician and former real estate mogul / billionaire , Donald Trump becomes POTUS.
Just sayin' --- kind of cringe worthy coincidence -neh?
not a coincidence at all.the mirror says that the lying /perverting sgi/nst are the cause for, the new truth is a continuous lie !
Deletetruth to trump and his nasty nest, including his blind voters, is like sunshine to a vampire ! not a joke !