Wednesday, June 7, 2017

DNC/Mass media investigation into presidentTrump's so-called "collusion with Russia"is...

nothing but a witch hunt, Not only is there no smoking gun but there is no smoke and no gun. 


  1. As you can see, we unlike SGI members, demonstrate a wide diversity of political points of view.

  2. Laundering money for Russian oligarchs is beyond a "smoking gun" 🙀

    I don't recognize politics in the behavior of our president -/ the threat Trump poses puts him in a new , and as yet , unnamed category ‼️


  3. Your proof Katie? So far, not one molecule of smoke for proof, let alone a fire.

  4. "Appear", "may have", "do they?" "using unverified", "what if there is nothing to see" "nothing burger"

    Great debate with several thousand posts..

  5. Hmmmm / I've been watching Rachel Maddow consistently for months - the tax story is small potatoes .

    Criminal indictments will make the case that Trump's presidency is illegitimate/ remains to be seen how this unprecedented situation is handled 🙀


  6. There may be criminal indictments against officials in the Obama administration for "unmanking". During any presidential administration there are officials who are indicted criminally. As far as the Trump administration, criminal indictments against whom? Flynn? Maybe but he was fired. Manafort? He too was fired and not in the administration. Roger Stone? He operated with Trump, at most, tangentially Carter Page? Low level player. Kushner is a Business man doing business in Russia. More nothing burger.

    With Korea, Syria, and instability all over the world, Trumps ties to Russia [as a business man] is merely a dangerous distraction. I think peace and cooperation with Russia should be a priority. How come no one talks about Clinton's uranium deal with Russia?

  7. Peace and cooperation with Russia is a Trump agenda item ? Business partners usually aren't leaders of their separate countries -- there is s very legitimate concern regarding whose interests Trump and Putin serve - and who is harmed by their alliance. -

    . I am clear regarding my dedication to protecting vulnerable people -- I see red flags -- hear bells, whistles and sirens going off all around Trump 's love affair with Putin --

    I am shocked you see nothing amiss --


    1. how can anyone not see trump for who he is? america is being punished. trump is the punishment. proof? your eyes !

    2. america has suffered a big money coup. who does trump endorse? russia, china, saudi arabia.....all big money players. none democratic. somebody needs to wake up !

  8. i see plenty amiss but no more than what was amiss during obama's tenure. no politician can help us attain buddhahood, least of all Hillary

  9. ok mark...have you seen plenty amiss for the last 50 years? if one has even one eye open there is plenty that has been amiss. from borders or pretty much any subject. who benefits from cheap labor and long hours, minus benefits? is it the average american worker? no it is not is the very wealthy. thats how the wealthy get more wealthy. thats why immigration has been lacks for at least 50 years.

    all politicians lie and the american voter has tolerated it for personality and shiny objects. the christians in this country are two steps behind isis. what would you do if for no good reason iraq started bombing america and expected us to collude with them and be all friendly. trump is riding on the backs of the insane christian, and many people know it and don't care. a billionaire will not, and can not relate to average folks. the republican't party is right behind isis in the evil department. i respect you and call u my friend, but regarding trump and his evil nest you are dead wrong and a disgrace. evil is evil and all over the world america has perpetrated ugly. buddhism is nonsense if it only speaks out or recognizes a certain brand of evil yeah, i know all bad comes from obama and hillary. why is it that the angry white christian wants to blame obama or hillary for shit for the last 75 years ? this is just a blind stupidity. bottom line, the republican't party started the majority of the mess the world has endured for 15 years. obama did not start it, nor did hillary. they inherited it from the repubs. now these assholes put forth a man with zero integrity, no character, can't say two words with at least one being a lie. pisses all over the constitution and is trying to make more money off the office of the president. democracy is the last thing on his mind. yet the stupids in this country still what to pretend that all was wonderful before obama and hillary. you must be kidding!

    just like the buddhists( like doris ), don't know how to stand up for what is right.....the american people don't know how to stand up for what is right. imelda and trump and the sick replican't party are the product of this truth.

    here is the real stupidity ....for the sake of a change, to take something 50% bad, that needs to be improved, and make it 150% worse is not smart. next, what has been going on in this country for many years is the product of negative karma...there is no jesus. trump and his nasty nest are not the white saviors and has already and will continue to make things much worse. not only for america, but the whole world...compared to this idiot, obama and hillary look like saints.

    i absolutely agree that america needed lots of fixing but and it should have started long ago....but trump is a disaster and it will only get worse. i don't mean a little worse either. compared to many parts of the world, lazy, blind americans don't know what bad is! however, they will find out. trump is one man but the people who cannot see him for who he is are many!

    1. I especially liked Obama's surveillance program and his creation of ISIS!

  10. The election is over 😳

    We absolutely have the conditions for attaining Buddhahood with " great evil" in the White House -- a matter of great importance .
    I am working harder than ever to help the kids I work with maintain hope that came directly from Obama's 8 year legacy . The progress was too much for some Americans?

    Working harder - strengthening my faith - refuse to be swayed or baited into political debates . Rolling up my sleeves and sharing the Buddha's teachings ❤️

    ~ Katie

  11. But, if I were to engage in political discourse , I'd have to agree with Greg on the main points he raises -/ and would add that most Trump supporters rallied around his hate and fear mongering rhetoric aimed at Muslims -
    The early results of Trumps Hitler-esque scapegoating a religion. , are truly frightening -- Followers of Nichiren should recall that the widespread propagation of evil doctrines that distort and confuse the Buddha's teachings are the most fearsome of all ideologies --

    I am against giving any more publicity to terroists ---- they want their cold blooded brutality displayed ; to generate fear and hatred.

    Recall , Nichiren was nearly beheaded and
    The Atsuhara martyrs were beheaded-- In both cases I focus on the actions of them ALL -- upholding the Lotus Sutra --

    Politically speaking , Trump is on par with " his designated enemy"--- fear and hate mongering are his means for wielding power - and he is no more committed to serving and protecting America's people than Isis is committed to a religion --- and because Trump was elected to the highest office in the most powerful country in the " free world " he is much more dangerous than Isis.

    We can't afford to discriminate when denouncing evil - . At least Hillary denounced Putin , which according to all 17 intelligence agencies who have agreed in citing Russia's attack on our election process, Putins hatred for Hillary is reason to assume that is why Trump is our president.


    1. this might be the only blog on the net where one can speak honestly. even on further.... , if one get to gets monitored. thanks !

    2. Hillary won't even say, "radical Islamic terrorist". I don't see Putin strapping explosives on children or mental defectives and sending them into the pet marketplace, or sending dozens of degenerates into the Czechen school and massacring hundreds of children.

    3. You have a strange ( to me ) litmus test for evil -- since all that matters is this moment, I am constantly praying and making efforts to support kids and the many community support groups in the Boston area . I routinely meet people who met Obama and Hillary - I know first hand what " we" are doing NOW to mitigate early damage of Trumt presidency --and WHO supports our work .

      Guess you could say that my politics are @ this moment , where I am -- from my prospective I readily perceive the evil of Trump and Putin -- but rather than "attack" them - I merely note and denounce their current policies and actions and also do my best to support community building that protects kids - the elderly and animals -- I am working with another parent this summer with groups of kids who are interested in environmental pteservation and renewable energy - These kids are friends of my grandkids - already expressing curiosity about the Lotus Sutra and the Buddha --

      Side bar - not a single Trump supporter in any of the activist - "for the people " groups I affiliated with - and needless to say not a single SGI member -/

