Saturday, June 17, 2017

Lying Pedro Ramos states I'm taking a vacation on other people's dime

For the record, in the 9 years since I've been blogging and preaching the Lotus Sutra Buddhism of Nichiren, I've received one donation for twenty dollars from Phillip Brett [despite my protestations]. I have distributed several thousand Sutra books and almost a hundred Tradition of Nichiren Doctrine books for free, and bought 41 beautiful acres in the Adirondacks for the future Renge Kyo temple.


  1. BTW the last vacation I took was 4 years ago.

  2. doris told me pedro has lost its mind ! oh well, i guess thats what slandering the law gets you. too bad, you can run but you can't hide !

    1. Greg-Romero-Bodhisattva-Never-Disparaging-Religious-Right-Wing-Nut-Job-Edition.

    2. You don't seem to grasp the simple reality that I am not a Buddhist, 3-1/2 years chant free, no looking back.

      The conclusion from researching the teaching of your fascist-monk-master (Remember, Honmon-no-kaidan – The establishment of the ordination platform of the Lotus Sutra [national Kaidan] by imperial edict and Shogunal decree - AKA - A State Sponsored Religion ) would have to be - Atheism.

      All the swearing suits you just fine faceless man.

    3. ps: you bite, it's hilarious!!

  3. I will not stand for flotsam like you to lie about me and slander the teachings of Nichiren.

    1. It was a mere hypothetical and you know it, c'mon man, grow a pair...

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Rationality demanded that I wouldn’t stop short of investigating SGI and continue in the effort of understanding the bigger picture, after all, how could a vile org. arise from an enlightened teaching. The simple answer? - can’t.

      Here’s a short list for you:

      - Chanting the August title of the Lotus Sutra by Jacqueline L. Stone

      - Criticism and Appropriation by Lucia Dolce

      - Nichiren Rissho ankoku ron and Canon Formation by William E. Deal

      - Rebuking the Enemies of the Lotus. Nichirenist Exclusivism in - Historical Perspective by Jacqueline L. Stone

      - 'Not Mere Written Words' - Perspectives on the Language of the Lotus Sutra in Medieval Japan by Jacqueline L. Stone

      - Placing Nichiren in the Big Picture. Some Ongoing Issues in Scholarship by Jacqueline L. Stone

      - Dealing with Nichiren´s Problematic Works by Sueki Fimihiko

      - Some Disputed Writings in the Nichiren Corpus by Jacqueline L. Stone

      - Nichirens View of Nation and Religion by Sato Hiroo

      - Nichiren Shonin's View of Humanity by Asai Endo

      - Nichiren’s View of Women by Mori Ichiu

      - By Imperial Edict and Shogunal Decree by Jacqueline L. Stone

      - Nichiren, Imperialism, and the Peace Movement by Chistina Naylor

      - Buddhism and Japanese Nationalism by Nicholas F. Gier

      - Nichirenism as Modernism Imperialism, Fascism, and Buddhism by Gerald Scott Iguchi

      - Japanese Lotus Millenialism - From Militant Nationalism to Contemporary Peace Movement by Jacqueline L. Stone

      . . .

      Do you want more?, here it goes:

      - English Translation of Mo-ho chih-kuan 1st draft by Paul L. Swanson

      - T’ien-t’ai Chih-i’s View of “Zen” and the Practice of the Lotus Sutra by Paul L. Swanson

      - Understanding Chih-I: Through a glass, darkly? by Paul L. Swanson

      - The Imperial Law and the Buddhist Law by Kuroda Toshio

      - Contemplation: Practice, Doctrine and Wisdom in the Teaching of Zhiyi (538-597) by Hans-Rudolf Kantor.

      . . .

      A slanderous asshole?, maybe, maybe not, but at least an informed one.

    4. Greg, you could've just said "understanding without faith is worthless", that's enough to understand your hole persona. I go for "understanding that challenges faith is priceless", hence, no shame whatsoever!
      Plus, I can't complain about my current and past circumstances on many important levels, so, yeah, so much for "bad karma" and "stupid common mortal in the imaginary days of the law"! (it's all in your head Greg, no one else cares).

      We have an expression for your role on this blog in the UK: Brown-nosing Mark.

  4. If you are so " well informed ", Pedro - why would you assume circumstances are a reflection of one's faith and practice of the correct teaching ? Did you skip reading the Gosho ? I ask because your confidence related to demeaning Mark and Greg is cringe worthy--- in the context of Nichiren's teachings.


    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Looks like this blog post has my name on it, so Kevin, if my demeaning of Mark and Greg is cringe worthy, Greg's bellow the belt attacks and constant swearing are praise worthy I would suppose? (insert votary of the LS nonsense here).

      Which Gosho should I be reading, can I suggest 'Two Nichiren Texts' from the English Tripitaka collection? .These are not only the closest one can get to a non-sectarian reading of Nichiren, but also the only two texts worth preserving by the Library's own standard, a representation of Nichiren's highly politicized writings where he put's forward a vision of elevating his own religious brand to a national Kaidan level in detriment of the Tendai school (of which he was an ordained priest), Shingon and his direct rivals that should be 'cut off' from any government privilege. These are Nichiren's official correspondence, his plea with the Kamakura/Kyoto authorities and all the rest (the voluminous writings on Nichiren) are nothing but an effort of self promotion/preservation.

      No wonder SGI/NST will include just about anything that has Nichiren's name slapped on it, all they want is a pretty book to profit from and keep the masses busy with fluff.

      Religious Nationalism, it is what it is, no wonder he was cut short by the authorities thanks to his grandiose delusion.

  5. Much to your chagrin, 35,000,000 people chant the Daimoku despite his having been "cut short" by the authorities. You, Pedro, on the other hand, will not even be a footnote in history.

    1. Dear Blog readers, it looks like Mark, who runs an Anti-SGI publication online, just incorporated Ikeda's static 12M (1979) figure into his own headcount.
      If we are to guessimate an actual figure, we can by discounting 12M Gakkai followers, take away 5-10M who tried Nam(u)-myoho-renge-kyo and gave it up, and we're left in the region of 15-20M people give or take. That is not a lot by any reasonable standard.

      I can also infer from Mark Rogow's comment, that he clings to this juvenile idea of fame and fortune, thinking that by becoming an online proponent for the teaching of this 13th century intolerant Tendai Monk, he will leave a permanent mark in this world.

      You're all being taken for a ride here.

      - Stick to the day job Mark!

  6. You are a particularly ignorant ichhantika. According to, in Japan alone, there are 31,427,3102 Nichiren adherents. Bye silly icchantika.

    1. I am so hurt by your cursing, you have no idea! bhuuu... 0.4% of the current world population, what an achievement!

    2. You are the poster child of a firefly laughing at the sun

    3. old news, terrible metaphor.

  7. Oh, please. By his own account, Nichiren was an ordained NEMBUTSU priest - that's why he reserved his most vehement vitriol for that sect. So typical. Read "Letter from Sado" once - in it, Nichiren totally cops to having been a Nembutsu priest. And he stole their chassis AND their magic chant (the Nembutsu folks chant nam-myoho-renge-kyo along with nam-Amida-Butsu, you know), so naturally he'd then say they were The Worst. Nothing worse for a copy than having the original sitting right there - SOMEbody's bound to notice!

    "The Kamakura reformers were above all concerned with questions of personal salvation, ...and they sought simpler, surer religious ways that were accessible to everyone, whether priest or peasant. In Pure Land and Nichiren teachings, for example, this meant an emphasis on faith and simplified ritual: faith in Amida and chanting the nembutsu in the case of Pure Land, faith in the Lotus Sutra and chanting the title of that sutra in Nichiren." - Robert S. Ellwood and Richard Pilgrim, "Japanese Religion", 1985, p. 77.

    See? Same same.

    1. what is seen in the world today is not the lotus sutra being upheld, rather what is seen is the opposite. slandered..hatred and jealousy will abound. the world has gotten much worse in the last 50 years and will continue to do so. or is pretor and doorknob gonna save us all ? don't blame your slanderous karma on us. ugly came here! sleep away. not our problem.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Doris, since Mark and Minion lack objectivity to answer my questions, how many people do you think chant or ever chanted the Daimoku of the LS on board of the ISS?, or how many Mandalas do you think they have enshrined at CERN, Switzerland?, L.I.G.O.?, NASA?, ESA?

    4. Ignorant icchantika Pedro Ramos asking ignorant icchantika Doris Fromage for help. Good luck Pedro.

  8. Pedro is amazingly confident in making pronouncements over matters he is obviously not capable of comprehending.

    >>"I can also infer from Mark Rogow's comment, that he clings to this juvenile idea of fame and fortune, thinking that by becoming an online proponent for the teaching of this 13th century intolerant Tendai Monk, he will leave a permanent mark in this world.

    You're all being taken for a ride here."<<

    Pedro's personal opinions are irrelevant. Period. He not only has an arsenal of misinformation about Nichiren and Mark's devotion to sharing Nichiren's true teachings, but he is only bent on defaming Mark-- most likely the response of a wounded ego!


    1. like all ex sgi/nst...they know nothing of real buddhism and cherry pick what suits their ugly slanderous life condition. they will share in the bad karma of this world which is so sick it is afraid of the bitter medicine for the ills of this sick world! avarice, angry and STUPIDITY !

  9. I would not go to any temple which was built by a man who wrote the words in this blog, makes me want to save a copy of this blog so I can post it on a sign that I would have made right before the turnoff to your driveway - that way people could be warned about what kind of a person you are - not one who chants or practices actual Buddhism. Don't worry, I will do that right now, save these files and make sure your name is attached, so that any time you try to found a cult of your own, people will know what kind of Buddhism they're following.

  10. An actual Buddhist should be able to discuss the teachings rather than slander for the sake of slander.
