Monday, September 4, 2017

Compelling Evidence That The SGI Does Not Practice Nichiren Buddhism

#1 - Although I resigned my SGI membership 11 years ago I occasionally will attend the Saturday morning Men’s Division Gongyo Meetings for no reason other than I miss chanting alongside others.

Upon entering the main Gohonzon Room one finds it adorned with the following:

1. The United States Flag (not a problem).
2. 3 SGI Flags
3. 2 posters promoting the SGI-USA Men’s Division Meeting
4. Photos of all three SGI Presidents
5. A banner encouraging Kosen Rufu

Nowhere in the room is Nichiren’s name found nor the word “Buddhism”!!!

#2 – EVERY Nichiren Sect holds an annual Commemorative Gongyo Meeting referred to as the Otanjo-e Ceremony honoring Nichiren’s Birthday on February 16th. And while the SGI failed to honor Nichiren on his birthday this year, they did hold 2 Commemorative Gongyo Meetings to honor SGI President Daisaku Ikeda: one in August to commemorate his joining the SGI and a second one on 2/28/16 to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Ikeda’s establishing the Men’s Division. 

So the SGI-USA honors Daisaku Ikeda while neglecting and ignoring the founder of the Buddhism they falsely claim to follow, that of Nichiren. 

I am currently writing a book entitled “The Truth About Buddhism” in which I am titling one of the chapters “Compelling Evidence The SGI Neither Studies nor Practices Nichiren Buddhism nor the Lotus Sutra” 

Yes, Ikeda is constantly quoting Nichiren and the Lotus Sutra but I shall prove him to be a hypocrite: He is ALL TALK & NO ACTION!

In a few months I shall return to this site to ask former members to provide their reasons for leaving the SGI in order to publish some of those in my book. In my opinion the SGI operates more like a profit-making business than a religion. Daisaku Ikeda is The Pied Piper of Buddhism! And the only reason he has 12 million members is because those people are too lazy to read the “Gosho and Lotus Sutra and simply believe everything they read in the SGI publications.

A few weeks ago I quoted Nichiren to then Administration Vice President Clifford Sawyer and he said he was unfamiliar with that quote. It came from a Gosho which the SGI deems to be one of Nichiren’s 10 most important. He was shocked when I told him I has read all 412 Gosho published on the SGI website and I asked, “Why haven’t you?” Mr. Sawyer has since been promoted to the #2 position in the SGI-USA as Vice General Director. How can the SGI claim to practice Nichiren’s Buddhism when they appoint leaders who are unfamiliar with Nichiren’s teachings???


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