Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Important teaching of Nichiren

"Earlier, you quoted a passage from the Daibontenno Mombutsu Ketsugi Sutra to prove your contention that Zen is 'a separate transmission outside the sutras.' But by quoting a sutra passage you were already contradicting your own assertion. Moreover, this sutra represents the provisional teachings, and, in addition, it is not listed either in the K'ai-yuan or the Chen-yuan era catalogues of Buddhist works. Thus we see that it is a work unlisted in the catalogues and a provisional teaching as well. Hence the scholars of our time do not refer to it; it cannot be used to prove anything." -- Nichiren Daishonin

Likewise, those writings of Nichiren not found in the Rokunai or Rokugai catalogs* can not be used to prove anything.

*The Rokunai Gosho catalog was collated by Toki Jonin shortly after the Daishonin's death and the Rokugai by various disciples within a hundred years of his death.

1 comment:

  1. Therefore, the disputed writings, those that SGI and Nichiren Shoshu utilize as the very backbone of their faiths, CAN NOT be used in debate. They can not utilize, for example, the Ongi Kuden, The True Aspect of All Phenomena, and On the Treasure Tower. Unfortunately for them, they can attempt to utilize the four hundred plus authenticated texts. Good Luck hobos!
