Saturday, October 7, 2017

Josei Toda's and SGI's abject arrogance

"At this time, the Buddha serenely arose form his meditation and addressed Sharihotsu." -- Lotus Sutra Chapter 2

Toda begins his lecture on the Second Chapter of the Lotus Sutra with:

"The first sentence of the Hoben Chapter means: At this time of Mappo, the True Buddha ...emerged in Japan as Nichiren Daishonin and addressed the people of Mappo". (p47) 

According to the Soka Gakkai, the correct way to read the Sutra is Toda's way, not Nichiren's way. This is abject arrogance.

1 comment:

  1. So, the eminent educator, Josei Toda cannot read? Or is it that he cannot believe the Buddha’s own words because he swallowed the Shoshu hongaku shiso poison ?
    Either way, Toda is exposed as a deplorable heretical slander in the eyes of all who follow Nichiren .

    ~ Katie
