Saturday, October 7, 2017

Nichiren Shoshu's and SGI's faulty logic

"I have frequently pointed out to these people that if we do not revere Nichiren Daishonin as True Buddha then it follows that we cannot attain Buddhahood. It follows that if the one is not, then the other cannot be either." -- Nichiren Shoshu member

Logic is not the be all and end all of Buddhism but it does have a place in the Buddhism. This assertion is illogical and therefore does not have a place in the teachings.

Nichiren Daishonin worshiped the Eternal Buddha Shakyamuni of the 16th Chapter of the Lotus Sutra, as the teacher, source, substance and entity of Namu Myoho renge kyo and the Gohonzon or as Nichiren states, "The Buddha who is the entity of Myoho-renge-kyo of the “Life Span” chapter of the essential teaching."

Therefore, what follows from a Buddhist logic perspective is: If you wish to have the same Enlightenment as Nichiren Daishonin you must worship the same object as he. Nichiren Shoshu's/SGI's object of worship is not the same as Nichiren's (Shakyamuni Buddha of the Juryo Chapter of the Lotus Sutra) and therefore, your Enlightenment is not the same his. The SGI is even more deluded because they worship Daisaku Ikeda as the source. 


  1. From Shoshu perspective Nichiren, “failing to assert himself as the original Buddha” — could not have attained enlightenment- holding back the Buddhas true teaching is grave slander —

    Of course we know Nichiren , like Shakyamuni “ held back nothing “; “ declared things exactly as they are “-/ and fulfilled the Buddha’s prophecy by encountering severe persecution and almost losing his life.

    Tell me this ; is it even possible that one can read the Gosho ;study only Nichiren’s writings and accept such brazen nonsense as this Shoshu bunk ? Are NST members as lazy and gullible as their close relatives in the SGI,


  2. Apparently. Authoritarian apparatchiks.
