Saturday, October 21, 2017

Soka Gakkai is a Toxic Faith System

From the authors of Toxic Faith, here are Arterburn and Felton's 10 Rules of a Toxic Faith System:
  1. The leader must be in control of every aspect at all times.
  2. When problems arise, immediately find a guilty party to blame.
  3. Don't make mistakes.
  4. Never point out the reality of the situation.
  5. Never express your feelings unless they are positive.
  6. Don't ask questions, especially if they are tough ones.
  7. Don't do anything outside of your role.
  8. Don't trust anyone.
  9. Nothing is more important than giving money to the organization.
  10. At all costs, keep up the image of the organization or family.


  1. this should be dedicated to leigh kennicott(romero).

  2. This is the SGI code" expressed explicitly their "Code of Conduct for Members"-- Guess how many infractions I racked up before being sacked!! LOL.

